Why is it important to read paper books ?!
According to a study by Italian scientists, the results of which were presented to the world community in 2014, reading from paper contributes to better assimilation of information.
In addition, this book provides complete immersion in the plot, while electronic text does not. Experts believe that this may be directly related to tactile sensations. In simple words, the opportunity to touch a beautiful edition, estimate the number of pages already read, feel their weight and volume motivates you to get acquainted with the work in detail much more than any, even the most convenient gadget.
Surprisingly, the fact remains: the more books there are in the house, the easier it is for the child to study. According to a survey conducted in forty-two countries, children who read in addition to the school curriculum find it much easier to cope with exams and tests.
In addition, the researchers believe that the presence of a large number of beautiful, colorful books in the house makes the child perceive reading not as a duty, but as pleasant fun, a game. And yet you always want to play much more than pore over the lessons.
A recent survey of students from the USA, Slovakia, Japan and Germany showed that 92% of respondents prefer paper editions because they can … be touched. In particular, teenagers from Slovakia claim that they like the smell of books. And this is not surprising: it turns out that over time, the lignin, which is part of the paper, begins to exude a vanilla aroma. So sniffing an old book is almost the same as enjoying an exclusive perfume or a delicious dessert.
The first experimental printing house Kharkov – we print bright books! Write, call! Always in touch!
+38 (067) 543 56 55
+38 (099) 543 56 55
+38 (073) 545 56 55

Why is it important to read paper books ?!
According to a study by Italian scientists, the results of which were presented to the world community in 2014, reading from paper contributes to better assimilation of information.
In addition, this book provides complete immersion in the plot, while electronic text does not. Experts believe that this may be directly related to tactile sensations. In simple words, the opportunity to touch a beautiful edition, estimate the number of pages already read, feel their weight and volume motivates you to get acquainted with the work in detail much more than any, even the most convenient gadget.
Surprisingly, the fact remains: the more books there are in the house, the easier it is for the child to study. According to a survey conducted in forty-two countries, children who read in addition to the school curriculum find it much easier to cope with exams and tests.
In addition, the researchers believe that the presence of a large number of beautiful, colorful books in the house makes the child perceive reading not as a duty, but as pleasant fun, a game. And yet you always want to play much more than pore over the lessons.
A recent survey of students from the USA, Slovakia, Japan and Germany showed that 92% of respondents prefer paper editions because they can … be touched. In particular, teenagers from Slovakia claim that they like the smell of books. And this is not surprising: it turns out that over time, the lignin, which is part of the paper, begins to exude a vanilla aroma. So sniffing an old book is almost the same as enjoying an exclusive perfume or a delicious dessert.
The first experimental printing house Kharkov – we print bright books! Write, call! Always in touch!
+38 (067) 543 56 55
+38 (099) 543 56 55
+38 (073) 545 56 55