What’s the difference between RGB and CMYK
Everyone who has come across large print runs at least once, but have heard the words CMYK, RGB. Let’s see what they mean and how they differ from each other.
CMYK stands for:
Cyan + magenta + yellow + key (cyan; magenta; yellow; black)
During printing, when these four colors are mixed in special proportions, various color shades are obtained.RGB is an abbreviation for:
red; + green + blue (red + green + blue)
This color scheme is used when displayed on monitors, televisions and other displays. Your monitor is made up of pixels – small dots, each dot has three backlights – red, green, and blue; depending on the brightness of each of the backlights, this pixel glows with the desired shade of color.There are a lot of these dots in the monitor – 72 DPI (dots per Inks – pixels per inch). Please note – exactly 72. Offset printing requires at least 300 – 600 DPI.
When you print images from a computer using a laser, inkjet or offset press, the equipment prints that image using CMYK inks that are subsequently applied to the surface layer, so viewing the image in RGB and then printing in CMYK may not produce the desired results. …The reason lies in the method of converting the image from RGB to CMYK. Some color changes may occur and will be noticeable in the image. The reason for this is that many RGB colors are not reproduced in CMYK, they simply do not exist in this shade palette.
Therefore, it is always advisable to convert the image to CMYK before making the print. You will notice significant color changes in the image, especially in areas where the image is saturated with color. Below is an illustrative example of the difference between color schemes.
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What’s the difference between RGB and CMYK
Everyone who has come across large print runs at least once, but have heard the words CMYK, RGB. Let’s see what they mean and how they differ from each other.
CMYK stands for:
Cyan + magenta + yellow + key (cyan; magenta; yellow; black)
During printing, when these four colors are mixed in special proportions, various color shades are obtained.RGB is an abbreviation for:
red; + green + blue (red + green + blue)
This color scheme is used when displayed on monitors, televisions and other displays. Your monitor is made up of pixels – small dots, each dot has three backlights – red, green, and blue; depending on the brightness of each of the backlights, this pixel glows with the desired shade of color.There are a lot of these dots in the monitor – 72 DPI (dots per Inks – pixels per inch). Please note – exactly 72. Offset printing requires at least 300 – 600 DPI.
When you print images from a computer using a laser, inkjet or offset press, the equipment prints that image using CMYK inks that are subsequently applied to the surface layer, so viewing the image in RGB and then printing in CMYK may not produce the desired results. …The reason lies in the method of converting the image from RGB to CMYK. Some color changes may occur and will be noticeable in the image. The reason for this is that many RGB colors are not reproduced in CMYK, they simply do not exist in this shade palette.
Therefore, it is always advisable to convert the image to CMYK before making the print. You will notice significant color changes in the image, especially in areas where the image is saturated with color. Below is an illustrative example of the difference between color schemes.
The first experimental printing house will help you make printing products of any complexity and the highest quality. We are waiting for your call by phones:
+38 (067) 543 56 55
+38 (099) 543 56 55
+38 (073) 545 56