Useful Tips
Today we will talk about a topic not directly related to printing, but very useful with regular use. 😉
The information will be useful for people who spend hours every day hugging a monitor: managers, designers, technical editors, prepress engineers and everyone who cannot imagine their life without social networks. 👀
We advise to periodically rest our eyes. Better yet, do a little exercise:
· Turn away from the monitor, close your eyes and quickly, without opening your eyelids, close your eyes 10 times.
· With your eyes wide open, blink vigorously 10 times, as quickly as possible.
Closing your eyes, draw eights, first horizontal (5-6 times), then vertical (5-6 times).
· Massage your temples at the edge of your eyes in a circular motion with your fingertips (1-2 minutes).
· Fix your gaze on the most distant object within sight (it is better to look out the window as far as possible), then slowly move your gaze to the tip of the nose. Repeat this exercise 10-15 times three times a day while working with your computer monitor.We’ve all heard that monitors spoil our eyesight. In fact, in most cases, vision deteriorates from the fact that sitting at the monitor, we blink much less often, due to which the cornea begins to dry out and, accordingly, vision deteriorates. Blink more often! Have a good view!
And the First Experimental Printing House is looking forward to your layouts in order to efficiently and quickly transfer them to paper.
Always in touch!
+38 (067) 543 56 55
+38 (099) 543 56 55
+38 (073) 545 56 55

Useful Tips
Today we will talk about a topic not directly related to printing, but very useful with regular use. 😉
The information will be useful for people who spend hours every day hugging a monitor: managers, designers, technical editors, prepress engineers and everyone who cannot imagine their life without social networks. 👀
We advise to periodically rest our eyes. Better yet, do a little exercise:
· Turn away from the monitor, close your eyes and quickly, without opening your eyelids, close your eyes 10 times.
· With your eyes wide open, blink vigorously 10 times, as quickly as possible.
Closing your eyes, draw eights, first horizontal (5-6 times), then vertical (5-6 times).
· Massage your temples at the edge of your eyes in a circular motion with your fingertips (1-2 minutes).
· Fix your gaze on the most distant object within sight (it is better to look out the window as far as possible), then slowly move your gaze to the tip of the nose. Repeat this exercise 10-15 times three times a day while working with your computer monitor.We’ve all heard that monitors spoil our eyesight. In fact, in most cases, vision deteriorates from the fact that sitting at the monitor, we blink much less often, due to which the cornea begins to dry out and, accordingly, vision deteriorates. Blink more often! Have a good view!
And the First Experimental Printing House is looking forward to your layouts in order to efficiently and quickly transfer them to paper.
Always in touch!
+38 (067) 543 56 55
+38 (099) 543 56 55
+38 (073) 545 56 55