Underwater library
On the island of Key West, you can do reading in an unusual format. At The Gates Hotel and 24 North Hotel, guests can not only swim in the large pools, but also bring books with them into the water.
These books are not easy, they are made of a special material that does not deteriorate under the influence of moisture. Waterproof books can be read even under water, for example, to train the ability to hold your breath. Books from this will not lose their appearance and will serve for a long time.
Most of the composition of the books is occupied by classics. Tourists can enjoy reading novels and poems right in the pool. Among the unusual books you can find the works of Shakespeare, the stories of Mark Twain, as well as the poetry of William Yeats.Experts of the First Experimental Printing House will help you produce, not only books, but also any high quality printing products. Call us by phones:
+38 (067) 543 56 55
+38 (099) 543 56 55
+38 (073) 545 56 55

Underwater library
On the island of Key West, you can do reading in an unusual format. At The Gates Hotel and 24 North Hotel, guests can not only swim in the large pools, but also bring books with them into the water.
These books are not easy, they are made of a special material that does not deteriorate under the influence of moisture. Waterproof books can be read even under water, for example, to train the ability to hold your breath. Books from this will not lose their appearance and will serve for a long time.
Most of the composition of the books is occupied by classics. Tourists can enjoy reading novels and poems right in the pool. Among the unusual books you can find the works of Shakespeare, the stories of Mark Twain, as well as the poetry of William Yeats.Experts of the First Experimental Printing House will help you produce, not only books, but also any high quality printing products. Call us by phones:
+38 (067) 543 56 55
+38 (099) 543 56 55
+38 (073) 545 56 55