Storage of books in the Middle Ages
The production of books in the Middle Ages was incredibly painstaking and very expensive work that took a lot of time and effort. At that time, all books were handwritten, so they were valued like gold. To protect precious editions of books from the encroachments of thieves and unscrupulous readers in libraries, chains were invented that protected books from theft.
The chains were long enough to take the book off the shelf and read it in the reading room, but did not make it possible to take it outside the library. Here is such an extraordinary way of preserving books, invented by monks.
But already with the invention of the printing press and the further development of book printing, the production of books became widespread and their cost decreased significantly. The practice of chaining books to shelves lasted until the 18th century, and only a few libraries with a similar way of preserving books have survived to this day.
The first experimental printing house will produce for you books and other printing products of the best quality. Call us for consultation.
+38 (067) 543 56 55
+38 (099) 543 56 55
+38 (073) 545 56 55

Storage of books in the Middle Ages
The production of books in the Middle Ages was incredibly painstaking and very expensive work that took a lot of time and effort. At that time, all books were handwritten, so they were valued like gold. To protect precious editions of books from the encroachments of thieves and unscrupulous readers in libraries, chains were invented that protected books from theft.
The chains were long enough to take the book off the shelf and read it in the reading room, but did not make it possible to take it outside the library. Here is such an extraordinary way of preserving books, invented by monks.
But already with the invention of the printing press and the further development of book printing, the production of books became widespread and their cost decreased significantly. The practice of chaining books to shelves lasted until the 18th century, and only a few libraries with a similar way of preserving books have survived to this day.
The first experimental printing house will produce for you books and other printing products of the best quality. Call us for consultation.
+38 (067) 543 56 55
+38 (099) 543 56 55
+38 (073) 545 56 55