Original ideas
Magazines, like any other sphere of popular culture, are constantly looking for “their” audience, constantly talking to it. A good – or even better to use the term “talented” – editor always knows what to talk about with this audience, moreover, the magazine with a capital letter always talks not about what they want to hear from him, but about what the readers have not yet know.
As with any cultural product, the magazine has a base and a superstructure. You can throw out everything from a fashion magazine, except for new collections of clothes, because this is precisely its essence, basis. But without what, in theory, you can do without, the magazine will become uninteresting. This is precisely the ideological superstructure that creates the correct image. Magazines immerse you in the world of desires, and contemporary art has now become a part of this beautiful world.
The First Experimental Printing House invites you to bring your original ideas to life. Magazines, catalogs, booklets, books, posters, everything you need for development and prosperity.
Advertising posters represent your company. They can be armor-piercing (piercing the armor of human inattention) transmitters of your messages. Can capture audiences. Or maybe not. What’s the secret? It’s very simple. Compose your message. Less information is better. And add a concept, a visual expression that explains everything.
We are always in touch!
38 (099) 543 56 55
38 (067) 543 56 55
38 (073) 545 56 55

Original ideas
Magazines, like any other sphere of popular culture, are constantly looking for “their” audience, constantly talking to it. A good – or even better to use the term “talented” – editor always knows what to talk about with this audience, moreover, the magazine with a capital letter always talks not about what they want to hear from him, but about what the readers have not yet know.
As with any cultural product, the magazine has a base and a superstructure. You can throw out everything from a fashion magazine, except for new collections of clothes, because this is precisely its essence, basis. But without what, in theory, you can do without, the magazine will become uninteresting. This is precisely the ideological superstructure that creates the correct image. Magazines immerse you in the world of desires, and contemporary art has now become a part of this beautiful world.
The First Experimental Printing House invites you to bring your original ideas to life. Magazines, catalogs, booklets, books, posters, everything you need for development and prosperity.
Advertising posters represent your company. They can be armor-piercing (piercing the armor of human inattention) transmitters of your messages. Can capture audiences. Or maybe not. What’s the secret? It’s very simple. Compose your message. Less information is better. And add a concept, a visual expression that explains everything.
We are always in touch!
38 (099) 543 56 55
38 (067) 543 56 55
38 (073) 545 56 55