Newspaper that comes out every four years
The French humorous newspaper La Bougie du Sapeur (Sapper’s Candle) comes out every four years on February 29th. La Bougie du Sapeur was created in 1980 as a humorous project by two friends.
The concept of this newspaper, with its unusual periodicity, is, of course, humor. Among other things, a crossword puzzle is printed in it, the answers to which can be found in the next issue four years later.In 2004, a special Sunday edition of the newspaper was released, as this year February 29 fell on Sunday, and the second Sunday edition is slated for 2032. The 20-page humorous newspaper is filled with puns, jokes, interviews, both truthful and fictitious, as well as news stories and commentary. Interestingly, La Bougie du Sapeur can be subscribed to for € 100 for a whole century.
But we, the First Experimental Printing House, always support our readers and print new newspapers, magazines, catalogs, books every day.
Kharkov, First experimental printing house. Leading typography in the country.
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38 (099) 543 56 55
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38 (073) 545 56 55

Newspaper that comes out every four years
The French humorous newspaper La Bougie du Sapeur (Sapper’s Candle) comes out every four years on February 29th. La Bougie du Sapeur was created in 1980 as a humorous project by two friends.
The concept of this newspaper, with its unusual periodicity, is, of course, humor. Among other things, a crossword puzzle is printed in it, the answers to which can be found in the next issue four years later.In 2004, a special Sunday edition of the newspaper was released, as this year February 29 fell on Sunday, and the second Sunday edition is slated for 2032. The 20-page humorous newspaper is filled with puns, jokes, interviews, both truthful and fictitious, as well as news stories and commentary. Interestingly, La Bougie du Sapeur can be subscribed to for € 100 for a whole century.
But we, the First Experimental Printing House, always support our readers and print new newspapers, magazines, catalogs, books every day.
Kharkov, First experimental printing house. Leading typography in the country.
Always in touch!
38 (099) 543 56 55
38 (067) 543 56 55
38 (073) 545 56 55