International Education Day 24.01.2021
Good Sunday Morning! Today we celebrate Popsicle Ice Cream Day and International Education Day!
Books play a vital role as a source of knowledge.
Buy books! Their use is already in the fact that they are in the house. Having a home library is directly related to your children’s school success, even if they never read most of these books. Today this is confirmed statistically. A number of studies in different countries have shown a strong positive relationship between the number of books at home and the academic success of children growing up in such a home. And the number of books in the home in most countries appears to be the best predictor of school performance.A large number of unread books is not a disadvantage, but an advantage, if you realize it. People tend to overestimate the knowledge they have and underestimate the knowledge they don’t have. Unread books remind you of the latter and develop a sense of humility towards the former. Books in the home are a reflection of the essence of the family, its history and continuity.
They may say that their owners are educated people, or that they simply respect books and reading. Or that, finally, that the books were inherited by you, and since you did not throw them in the trash and did not sell them, it means, firstly, you have a house where there is enough space for books, and, secondly, that your family has traditions and you continue them. Perhaps your children will continue – they will remember you, looking at the books that you have saved for them.
And while you are resting, we continue to print for you the highest quality books and magazines, bright posters, notebooks and product catalogs 24/7. Call for advice ☎️
+38 (067) 543 56 55
+38 (099) 543 56 55
+38 (073) 545 56 55

International Education Day 24.01.2021
Good Sunday Morning! Today we celebrate Popsicle Ice Cream Day and International Education Day!
Books play a vital role as a source of knowledge.
Buy books! Their use is already in the fact that they are in the house. Having a home library is directly related to your children’s school success, even if they never read most of these books. Today this is confirmed statistically. A number of studies in different countries have shown a strong positive relationship between the number of books at home and the academic success of children growing up in such a home. And the number of books in the home in most countries appears to be the best predictor of school performance.A large number of unread books is not a disadvantage, but an advantage, if you realize it. People tend to overestimate the knowledge they have and underestimate the knowledge they don’t have. Unread books remind you of the latter and develop a sense of humility towards the former. Books in the home are a reflection of the essence of the family, its history and continuity.
They may say that their owners are educated people, or that they simply respect books and reading. Or that, finally, that the books were inherited by you, and since you did not throw them in the trash and did not sell them, it means, firstly, you have a house where there is enough space for books, and, secondly, that your family has traditions and you continue them. Perhaps your children will continue – they will remember you, looking at the books that you have saved for them.
And while you are resting, we continue to print for you the highest quality books and magazines, bright posters, notebooks and product catalogs 24/7. Call for advice ☎️
+38 (067) 543 56 55
+38 (099) 543 56 55
+38 (073) 545 56 55