How many readers are there in Ukraine?
Nowadays, the reality is that in recent years reading books has lost the status of one of the most common types of pastime, as evidenced by the fact that today in transport a passenger with a book has long been supplanted by a passenger with a smartphone.But are books really an endangered species?
According to the results of a sociological survey conducted by the Research & amp; Branding Group, among 1805 Ukrainians aged 18 and over, it turned out that the majority of readers (74%) still prefer to read printed books. They are much less likely to prefer e-books (21%) and audiobooks (4%).
It turned out that only 43% of Ukrainians read regularly, and 57% practically do not read books.
Experts assure that Ukrainians’ interest in reading is influenced by age, education level and gender. It turned out that women read much more often than men (47% versus 38%). Moreover, the most active readers were young Ukrainians aged 18 to 30, their 51%, and the readership of pre-retirement age – 39%.
In regional statistics, a higher level is shown by residents of the East and Center of Ukraine (49% and 46%), while in the southern regions there are fewer book readers (34%)
Today, the most popular literary genres among Ukrainian readers are detective stories (41%), historical works (36%) and romance novels (27%)
According to the results of the survey, I would like to note: no matter how old you are, where you live and what kind of education you have – read more, read more actively, because knowledge is power!
And the “First Experimental Printing House” will make books and other printing products of the best quality for you.
Call us for advice ☎️
+38 (067) 543 56 55
+38 (099) 543 56 55
+38 (073) 545 56 55 printing house, printing, offset printing, book printing, magazine printing, catalog printing, notebook printing, poster printing, booklet printing, leaflet printing

How many readers are there in Ukraine?
Nowadays, the reality is that in recent years reading books has lost the status of one of the most common types of pastime, as evidenced by the fact that today in transport a passenger with a book has long been supplanted by a passenger with a smartphone.But are books really an endangered species?
According to the results of a sociological survey conducted by the Research & amp; Branding Group, among 1805 Ukrainians aged 18 and over, it turned out that the majority of readers (74%) still prefer to read printed books. They are much less likely to prefer e-books (21%) and audiobooks (4%).
It turned out that only 43% of Ukrainians read regularly, and 57% practically do not read books.
Experts assure that Ukrainians’ interest in reading is influenced by age, education level and gender. It turned out that women read much more often than men (47% versus 38%). Moreover, the most active readers were young Ukrainians aged 18 to 30, their 51%, and the readership of pre-retirement age – 39%.
In regional statistics, a higher level is shown by residents of the East and Center of Ukraine (49% and 46%), while in the southern regions there are fewer book readers (34%)
Today, the most popular literary genres among Ukrainian readers are detective stories (41%), historical works (36%) and romance novels (27%)
According to the results of the survey, I would like to note: no matter how old you are, where you live and what kind of education you have – read more, read more actively, because knowledge is power!
And the “First Experimental Printing House” will make books and other printing products of the best quality for you.
Call us for advice ☎️
+38 (067) 543 56 55
+38 (099) 543 56 55
+38 (073) 545 56 55 printing house, printing, offset printing, book printing, magazine printing, catalog printing, notebook printing, poster printing, booklet printing, leaflet printing