Happy Savior Holidays!
Folk omens on Makoveya (August 14):
- What will be the weather on Honey Spas – so it will be on August 28;
- After the Honey Savior, bees stop wearing honey;
- The Savior has come – the summer has left us;
- If it rains on Makoveya, there will be few fires;
- For the first spoonful of consecrated honey, you need to remember your cherished desire, and it will come true.
The Second Savior is celebrated on August 19 and it is called the Apple Savior, since apples, as well as other fruits and honey are brought to the church for consecration. The third, Nut Spas, is celebrated on August 29. This name is because, according to the national calendar, nuts of the new harvest are harvested on this day.
All success and sweet life!The first experimental printing house – printing of books, catalogs, magazines is always profitable for you! Write, call! Always in touch!
+38 (067) 543 56 55
+38 (099) 543 56 55
+38 (073) 545 56 5508/14/20

Happy Savior Holidays!
Folk omens on Makoveya (August 14):
- What will be the weather on Honey Spas – so it will be on August 28;
- After the Honey Savior, bees stop wearing honey;
- The Savior has come – the summer has left us;
- If it rains on Makoveya, there will be few fires;
- For the first spoonful of consecrated honey, you need to remember your cherished desire, and it will come true.
The Second Savior is celebrated on August 19 and it is called the Apple Savior, since apples, as well as other fruits and honey are brought to the church for consecration. The third, Nut Spas, is celebrated on August 29. This name is because, according to the national calendar, nuts of the new harvest are harvested on this day.
All success and sweet life!The first experimental printing house – printing of books, catalogs, magazines is always profitable for you! Write, call! Always in touch!
+38 (067) 543 56 55
+38 (099) 543 56 55
+38 (073) 545 56 5508/14/20