Happy Independence Day of Ukraine!
The team of LLC “First Experimental Printing House” congratulates all of you on the holiday – the Independence Day of Ukraine!
On this holiday, we wish you good health, happiness, family well-being, peace of mind and confidence in the future.
We wish that your important work for the good of the Motherland and the Ukrainian people will always be fruitful and inspired and give you only joy and pleasure. Generous fate, strength and inspiration in all your affairs and may the dream of a better future inspire you to new achievements, to new good beginnings.
Let the source of your faith, hope and love for Ukraine be inexhaustible!
Glory to Ukraine!
We are always in touch with you.
+38 (067) 543 56 55
+38 (099) 543 56 55
+38 (073) 545 56 55

Happy Independence Day of Ukraine!
The team of LLC “First Experimental Printing House” congratulates all of you on the holiday – the Independence Day of Ukraine!
On this holiday, we wish you good health, happiness, family well-being, peace of mind and confidence in the future.
We wish that your important work for the good of the Motherland and the Ukrainian people will always be fruitful and inspired and give you only joy and pleasure. Generous fate, strength and inspiration in all your affairs and may the dream of a better future inspire you to new achievements, to new good beginnings.
Let the source of your faith, hope and love for Ukraine be inexhaustible!
Glory to Ukraine!
We are always in touch with you.
+38 (067) 543 56 55
+38 (099) 543 56 55
+38 (073) 545 56 55