First magazine
The honor of creating the first magazine in history belongs, as you know, to France. “Journal des Savants” (“Journal of Scientists”), according to Voltaire, “is the prototype of all publications of this type.”
The founder of the first magazine publication in the history of printing, which appeared in January 1665, was the councilor of the Paris parliament, Denis de Sallot. He was the first to find it necessary to cover the most remarkable events in the world of science.
As early as January 1666, the first illustrations appeared in the Journal des Savants: maps, diagrams, engravings, drawings.
The name of the journal, given to him by Denis de Sallo, has undergone some changes. The general public was not interested in the Journal des Savants, as they believed that it was intended only for the erudite. This continued until 1675, until the journal passed into the hands of the Abbot de la Roca, who considered it necessary to add the following subtitle to the title: “A short collection of all the amazing things that happen in nature, and all the most curious discoveries in science and art.” Thus, it was possible to attract a wider audience to the publication.
By the end of the 17th century in France, the cradle of the magazine press, there were more than 50 journals (mainly scientific and literary trends).
And you can find out everything about our printing house by going to our website, we are located in the city of Kharkov and are the leading printing house in the country. All services for you, our regular and future customers: printing of catalogs, magazines, books, posters, calendars and many other printed materials. We are always glad to cooperate.
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First magazine
The honor of creating the first magazine in history belongs, as you know, to France. “Journal des Savants” (“Journal of Scientists”), according to Voltaire, “is the prototype of all publications of this type.”
The founder of the first magazine publication in the history of printing, which appeared in January 1665, was the councilor of the Paris parliament, Denis de Sallot. He was the first to find it necessary to cover the most remarkable events in the world of science.
As early as January 1666, the first illustrations appeared in the Journal des Savants: maps, diagrams, engravings, drawings.
The name of the journal, given to him by Denis de Sallo, has undergone some changes. The general public was not interested in the Journal des Savants, as they believed that it was intended only for the erudite. This continued until 1675, until the journal passed into the hands of the Abbot de la Roca, who considered it necessary to add the following subtitle to the title: “A short collection of all the amazing things that happen in nature, and all the most curious discoveries in science and art.” Thus, it was possible to attract a wider audience to the publication.
By the end of the 17th century in France, the cradle of the magazine press, there were more than 50 journals (mainly scientific and literary trends).
And you can find out everything about our printing house by going to our website, we are located in the city of Kharkov and are the leading printing house in the country. All services for you, our regular and future customers: printing of catalogs, magazines, books, posters, calendars and many other printed materials. We are always glad to cooperate.
+38 (067) 543 56 55
+38 (099) 543 56 55
+38 (073) 545 56 55