Creasing in printing
The term itself comes from the German word “biegen”, which means “to bend”. The procedure is carried out with a blunt knife or creasing roller and is performed on brochures, booklets, postcards, folders and other products.
Thanks to this technological operation, the sides of the sheet are bent smoothly and effortlessly, and the fold line (big) becomes neat and protects the paint layer from cracking. “Creased” sheets bend well, and the printed layer is protected from damage, deformation and cracks even after repeated opening / closing of the product.
Creasing is one of the stages of post-printing processing. A creasing line can also be applied to the product to facilitate further folding on thick paper or cardboard.
In modern printing houses, creasing is carried out using special equipment – machines that allow you to apply a fold line on any type of printing products.
Less commonly, manual creasing is used – it is used in the production of exclusive printed publications. Sometimes this type of product processing is used if the fold line is applied perpendicularly to the location of the fibers of the cardboard or paper as intended by the designer or customer.
The first experimental printing house is the leading printing house in Ukraine, and will perform printing services of any complexity for you. We look forward to collaborating!
We are always in touch:
+38 (067) 543 56 55
+38 (099) 543 56 55
+38 (073) 545 56 55

Creasing in printing
The term itself comes from the German word “biegen”, which means “to bend”. The procedure is carried out with a blunt knife or creasing roller and is performed on brochures, booklets, postcards, folders and other products.
Thanks to this technological operation, the sides of the sheet are bent smoothly and effortlessly, and the fold line (big) becomes neat and protects the paint layer from cracking. “Creased” sheets bend well, and the printed layer is protected from damage, deformation and cracks even after repeated opening / closing of the product.
Creasing is one of the stages of post-printing processing. A creasing line can also be applied to the product to facilitate further folding on thick paper or cardboard.
In modern printing houses, creasing is carried out using special equipment – machines that allow you to apply a fold line on any type of printing products.
Less commonly, manual creasing is used – it is used in the production of exclusive printed publications. Sometimes this type of product processing is used if the fold line is applied perpendicularly to the location of the fibers of the cardboard or paper as intended by the designer or customer.
The first experimental printing house is the leading printing house in Ukraine, and will perform printing services of any complexity for you. We look forward to collaborating!
We are always in touch:
+38 (067) 543 56 55
+38 (099) 543 56 55
+38 (073) 545 56 55