09/27/2020 Tourism Day in Ukraine!
On September 27, Ukraine and around the world celebrate the Day of Tourism! For the first time on the planet, they officially began to celebrate it since 1980, in Ukraine since 1998.
Today in Kharkiv in honor of the holiday, with the support of the city authorities, they conduct free excursions for Kharkiv residents and guests: “Undergrounds of the Gostiny Dvor”, “Secrets of Kharkiv Dungeons”, “7 Wonders of Kharkiv”, etc.
Tired of the city? Near the first capital, there are many wonderful picturesque places where you can get out for a day to see the amazing creations of nature and man – parks, lakes, castles and even deserts! The website “Travel around the Kharkiv region” (discover.kh.ua) from Google will help you choose a route. Do not forget your favorite book with you on the road.
For those who would like to be in another region for a day, there are virtual tours in Ukraine. You can see some sights online, for example, Google created the project “Authentic Ukraine” (authenticukraine.com.ua).
By the way, the First Experimental Printing House prints colorful guides to our cities, maps, atlases, as well as books for young future travelers.
Write, call. Always in touch!
+38 (067) 543 56 55
+38 (099) 543 56 55
+38 (073) 545 56 55

09/27/2020 Tourism Day in Ukraine!
On September 27, Ukraine and around the world celebrate the Day of Tourism! For the first time on the planet, they officially began to celebrate it since 1980, in Ukraine since 1998.
Today in Kharkiv in honor of the holiday, with the support of the city authorities, they conduct free excursions for Kharkiv residents and guests: “Undergrounds of the Gostiny Dvor”, “Secrets of Kharkiv Dungeons”, “7 Wonders of Kharkiv”, etc.
Tired of the city? Near the first capital, there are many wonderful picturesque places where you can get out for a day to see the amazing creations of nature and man – parks, lakes, castles and even deserts! The website “Travel around the Kharkiv region” (discover.kh.ua) from Google will help you choose a route. Do not forget your favorite book with you on the road.
For those who would like to be in another region for a day, there are virtual tours in Ukraine. You can see some sights online, for example, Google created the project “Authentic Ukraine” (authenticukraine.com.ua).
By the way, the First Experimental Printing House prints colorful guides to our cities, maps, atlases, as well as books for young future travelers.
Write, call. Always in touch!
+38 (067) 543 56 55
+38 (099) 543 56 55
+38 (073) 545 56 55