09.10.2020 World Post Day!
World Post Day is one of the annual international holidays. It was established in 1969 by the Universal Postal Union. Celebrated as part of the Week of Writing on 9 October. The holiday is also included in the system of world and international days of the United Nations and is designed to promote the popularization and development of postal services in the world.
In Ukraine, the national postal operator is the Ukrainian State Enterprise of Postal Service Ukrposhta. Provides consumers with over 50 types of services. The enterprise includes over 15 thousand post offices (of which more than 11 thousand are in rural areas). Carries out direct mail exchange with 72 countries of the world. The number of employees is about 110 thousand people. Included in the sphere of management of the Ministry of Infrastructure of Ukraine. This means that books and advertising printing can be delivered to any, even the most remote, point of Ukraine – addressed!
The first experimental printing house Kharkiv – we print books, advertising printing!
Write, call! Always in touch!

09.10.2020 World Post Day!
World Post Day is one of the annual international holidays. It was established in 1969 by the Universal Postal Union. Celebrated as part of the Week of Writing on 9 October. The holiday is also included in the system of world and international days of the United Nations and is designed to promote the popularization and development of postal services in the world.
In Ukraine, the national postal operator is the Ukrainian State Enterprise of Postal Service Ukrposhta. Provides consumers with over 50 types of services. The enterprise includes over 15 thousand post offices (of which more than 11 thousand are in rural areas). Carries out direct mail exchange with 72 countries of the world. The number of employees is about 110 thousand people. Included in the sphere of management of the Ministry of Infrastructure of Ukraine. This means that books and advertising printing can be delivered to any, even the most remote, point of Ukraine – addressed!
The first experimental printing house Kharkiv – we print books, advertising printing!
Write, call! Always in touch!