What is the difference between wholesale and retail orders in the printing industry?
The first experimental printing house works with both wholesale and retail customers. And these are two completely different areas of activity. The main difference, of course, is obvious – this is the volume of printing and cost. But there are some minor nuances that most customers are not aware of. So, printing in large print runs does not depend on the size of the customer enterprise. Favorable wholesale conditions can be obtained even by small firms with small volumes.
What kind of printing can be ordered in bulk?
In fact, the whole variety of printed products can be sold both wholesale and retail. An individual approach to each customer allows us to calculate favorable conditions in each specific case. You don’t have to print millions of copies to get discounts. The final cost and “wholesale” of the batch will depend on the complexity, materials used, production time, design assistance, etc.
In other words, for placing a wholesale order, not only a large print run is important, but also the specific conditions and wishes put forward by the customer. For more information, call us right now. The manager is ready to discuss the details in a personal conversation.
Who will benefit from cooperation on wholesale terms?
Special conditions for wholesale provide customers with a lot of advantages. If you have a company engaged in the design and production of printing, but do not have their own equipment, the wholesale offer of the “First Experimental Printing House” will certainly interest you.
In this case, there is no need to spend money on expensive equipment, worry about logistics. Focusing on building campaigns and typography will help you get more customers. You can offer more services, their variety and quality performance. Printing products for wholesale orders will cost very little, and the company’s image and its profit will increase.
The wholesale category can also be considered large enterprises, corporations with well-known names. Such companies always need to print a lot in order to provide materials not only to customers, but also to numerous employees. Printed elements of corporate style, technical documentation, packaging, promotional products – huge runs of all polygraphy can be printed at good discounts.
If smaller firms combine their printing needs into single large orders, they will also be able to get favorable wholesale terms. So, instead of business cards only for the head, you can order cards for all managers. If the schedule of exhibitions and conferences is scheduled for a long time, leaflets and flyers for all events can also be printed in one print run.
Another interested person is a company servicing various exhibitions, advertising campaigns, and events. In the presence of large customers, wholesale orders will become a frequent “guest” that can bring significant earnings.
Why is it profitable to order in bulk?
The first advantage of bulk orders in the printing industry is significant discounts. In addition to them, customers will also be able to evaluate other advantages of this option:
- Comfortable collaboration. Competent specialists who know all the subtleties of the printing business always work with wholesalers. They help you choose the best possible option for each situation.
- Permanence. Regularly ordering printing of printed products in a printing house, you will receive a guaranteed match of colors, shades, paper in each print run. Once set up, equipment will always produce equally good results. Your chosen consumables will always be in stock.
- Extended features. A powerful printing house that can cope with bulk orders, as a rule, has a wide range of additional services in order to make finished products more attractive, original, stylish.
- Finance flexibility. For regular customers, there may be special conditions that allow you to feel comfortable when working with end customers. This option of cooperation is important for resellers, whose finances often depend on specific customers.
By ordering large volumes from the First Experimental Printing House, you can get much more than just financial savings. Call us for details and details.
How does printing help in business development?
Advertising printing has been one of the most effective business tools for many years. And even the advent of the digital age has not pushed it into the background. Affordable and economical printing for business plays a huge role in promoting products, services and the brand itself. Therefore, without its competent use, it is unlikely that it will be possible to conduct a successful advertising campaign.
Tastefully designed, in a beautiful style, aimed at the interests of a specific audience, leaflets, flyers, business cards, postcards, etc. quickly and in an accessible form introduce a wide range of people to a product or brand. Distributed printed products for business helps to find new customers, draw attention to certain products and their characteristics, “warm up” interest in the brand and its products, thus stimulating sales .
Why shouldn’t you give up printing?
In this modern age of high technology, printed business promotional items does not lose its relevance. It does not replace digital methods of promotion and can exist in parallel, as it affects completely different layers of the audience. Among the advantages of using printing:
- Low cost. Printing is the most affordable option for advertising and dissemination of information. Even novice businessmen can afford printed materials.
- Short production time. Modern equipment allows you to print large print runs in a short time, so information will be quickly conveyed to a wide range of people.
- Diversity. Every business needs to solve certain problems. For all tasks, you can choose different options for commercial printing.
- Continued contact. Printing can be not only beautiful, but also useful. By saving branded calendars, folders, business cards, customers constantly interact with the offer.
- Effective attention-grabbing. There are many techniques and methods to make printed products attractive to the consumer. This is done with the help of design solutions, original formats, unusual finishes, etc.
Printing for business can be impersonal or personal, branded. In the first case, the advertising of a product, service or brand is veiled, hidden, and in the second case, the brand directly declares its offers. Branded printing is more effective for business development.
Peculiarities of using branded printing
Branded printing products are the “business card” of each company. By its design, you can draw conclusions about the company itself and the products. Commercial printing in large circulation will help you quickly expand your audience with minimal investment. People like to perceive a product not through a faceless screen, but through tactile sensations.
The main task of branding is to create a complete history of a product or service. So that at the mention of the brand name or any of its components, an understandable chain is built in a person’s head. Preparation of branded printing requires the use of the following elements:
- text parts;
- graphics;
- branded exclusive chips;
- single color palette.
So, for example, calendars, brochures, leaflets, folders, magazines compiled in uniform color compositions will already become a reminder to the consumer about the brand. Once formed a positive image will work for the business better and more. Therefore, business printing is designed to interest the consumer at first sight. To do this, it must look convincing, impressive, confident.
Printed products are a strong player in the advertising arena, if used correctly and competently. The First Experimental Printing House knows better than anyone how to make printing work and grow your business. We generate new ideas and implement your layouts, create effective designs and print large runs. Call now for more details or to place an order.
1Benefits of sheetfed offset printing
Offset printing is the predominant method of producing printed advertising in large print runs. It makes it possible to obtain a high-quality result at the lowest price: the more copies are ordered, the lower the cost of one unit. Offset printing equipment is used to produce a variety of products – booklets, flyers, brochures, calendars, posters, business cards.
To date, there are two main methods of offset printing – web and sheet. The first option is carried out on paper rolled into a roll. It can be the minimum density, while high-quality printing is possible on both sides.
Sheet-fed printing transfers the image onto separate sheets of paper or other media. You can also print in sheet form on cardboard, vinyl, this will not make the image worse or dimmer, but, on the contrary, brighter and more saturated colors will appear. In addition, such an offset guarantees:
- excellent quality and clarity of illustrations, text;
- a wide range of halftones;
- maximum color fidelity;
- affordability.
Sheet offset printing in Kharkiv is more often used to create representative or advertising printing, in which the appearance of the product is an extremely important criterion.
Specifics of sheet offset printing: features and differences
Offset is a technologically more complex way of printing than digital. It requires careful preparation and perfection of the layout, since it will be impossible to change anything in the design or color scheme during the printing process. The whole process is divided into three main stages – preparation for printing, printing itself and post-printing processing.
First you need to prepare an original layout (according to the ideas and wishes of the customer), from which the photoform is printed. Sheet-fed printing itself is performed using the classic offset technology: rolling a cylinder over a print medium. Several layers of rolling provide the desired image with micron-thickness paint. Full color is formed by applying one color to another using paints from the main palette. If bright colors and a variety of shades are especially important to you, the sheet method will be the best solution.
Equipment for sheet-fed offset technology and is capable of printing an image on paper of any quality, color and density. Printing can be either single or double sided. At the same time, on both sides, the quality of the picture is drawn in the smallest details and is not printed on the reverse side.
Why order sheet offset printing?
This method has a lot of advantages that highlight printing house – Kharkiv can get acquainted with the main ones:
- Economy. The strongest side of offset is its low relatively low cost for large print runs. The profitability of orders on the A2 sheet format starts from 1000 copies, and for the A3 format – from 500. The price per unit will decrease in proportion to the increase in their total number. So, the larger the print run, the cheaper the print will be in the end.
- High quality. Many people think that offset equipment is not capable of producing such print quality as digital. However, it is not. Thanks to modern technologies, offset images in sheet format look as clear, bright, and beautiful as possible. The technique is able to convey the exact reproduction of the smallest elements, excellent transmission of various halftones.
- Versatility. There are practically no materials for printing of which the offset method would not be suitable. Any printing, for which clarity, brightness and durability are important, can be made in offset. First of all, these are magazines, leaflets, booklets, posters of various formats, catalogs, brochures, labels, business cards and many other products. The only limitation may be the number of copies, if you need a very small print run, it is impractical and expensive to use offset.
- Additional features. The technology allows you to use not only the main CMYK palette, but also auxiliary ones (one of the options is Pantone). They can both be combined with primary colors, and prevail. And, since the form does not have direct contact with the printed product, images can be applied not only to paper, cardboard, but also to vinyl, plastic and other materials.
If you want your printing to look bright, multi-colored, attract attention and work for the benefit of your business, sheet offset printing in a printing house will achieve the desired result. Launch large-scale advertising campaigns and enjoy a visible effect with First Experimental Printing House in Kharkiv.
2What should an author know when publishing books?
When words are combined into sentences, real magic happens – a book is born, artistic or scientific, mass or highly specialized. And every author certainly wants to see the light of day. In the modern age of high technology, this is not at all difficult to do: a lot of online platforms allow you to post creations in electronic form and receive feedback and delight from readers.
But if that’s not enough, you can print your own work. A “living” paper book, even made in a single copy, evokes special emotions that cannot be compared with the electronic version. You can keep it as a keepsake, give it to family and friends, or even sell it. But before the new pages come to life, we need to figure out how to do it from a technical point of view. Let’s find out what you need to print books first.
8 Steps to Print
Printing a book is both easy and difficult at the same time. If you have all the necessary tools with which the whole process is carried out, difficulties should not arise. But still, it is worth remembering that transferring a work to paper is a laborious work of a whole team of specialists.
How to go from print book layout to the finished print run, which determines success, is described below. Here are the main points that you need to solve.
Self proofreading
The finished text, as a rule, contains a lot of typos and errors. Therefore, do not be too lazy to double-check it several times, or better, give it to an outsider to read. These can be both close people and specially trained proofreaders.
Mistakes can be both spelling and stylistic, logical. The text is the responsibility of the author, and before taking the manuscript to the printing house, you should carefully study it yourself and bring it to perfection.
Budget estimate
After the text is ready, it is sent to the printing house – most often by e-mail. Next comes an approximate miscalculation of the budget by the managers of the printing house.
It depends on many factors:
- circulation;
- printing method;
- binding;
- paper;
- cover design;
- the presence of illustrations.
Only the preliminary cost is discussed here, since the author has yet to choose most of the pricing items.
Text proofreading with typography proofreader
In order to guarantee that there is not a single flaw left in the book, the printing house once again double-checks the entire text for various errors and inconsistencies. Measure seven times – this is just about printing a book.
This step should not be neglected, because usually a third-party, unblurred look reveals several defects that the author and his “confidants” missed. There is nothing terrible in this, but it is still worth double-checking once again.
Defining the book’s main parameters
While the proofreader is proofreading the text, you can decide on the appearance, format, size and other book parameters. The manager of the printing house will help in this matter. The task of the author is to decide on the type and density of paper, choose soft or hard cover, product color palette, offset or digital printing, post-print finishing options, cover design.
In your desire to make the publication attractive in appearance, you should not forget that the book should be comfortable not only to hold, but also to read.
Ordering book codes
Each printed edition has two codes: UDC index and ISBN – international standard number. They are used to identify books in the library catalog. Different codes are used for different areas of knowledge. Understanding them on your own is not so easy.
Therefore, it is best to entrust the care of ordering book codes to a printing house. Specialists have extensive experience in carrying out this procedure and will do everything quickly and correctly.
Product layout
The how to lay out a book for printing is also taken care of by the printer. Layout is one of the most difficult and most important stages of printing a book, as a result of which a finished layout is born.
For readability and ease of perception, it is important to optimally combine text and images, choose fonts, adjust margins, and adjust the size of illustrations. Readers pay little attention to high-quality layout, but they easily notice its absence.
Cover design
The more interesting and brighter the cover, the more likely the book will be successful. In the design of the product, a variety of post-printing options are used – embossing, hot stamping, foiling, varnishing, lamination. The use of one or another method depends on the binding, thickness and material of the cover itself.
For information about what are the requirements for a book cover, you can ask the printing house specialists. With their help, it will turn out to create the most pleasant first impression from the printed edition, which is very important both for the promotion of the author and for personal admiration.
Printing and testing a pilot copy
When everything seems to be ready, the printing house launches a trial version for printing. And again taken for proofreading. This time, not only errors and typos in the text are checked, but also layout, design, color matching of illustrations, paper, postprint quality.
Any inaccuracies at this stage can still be corrected. All adjustments are made after agreement with the customer, the author. After the layout is fully approved, the entire circulation of books is launched for printing.
3What is the difference between RGB and CMYK color models?
When developing a print design, one of the important points is the color model. Surely you have noticed at least once in your life that the colors of the same picture on printed material look a little different than on the monitor. This is due to different models of building tones – RGB and CMYK.
Designing exclusively for digital publications does not cause this problem. On all electronic devices, tones are displayed approximately the same (depending on the settings and capabilities of each screen) – in RGB mode. But when the need arises for printing, shades are created in accordance with the CMYK model. In order to avoid palette distortion, it is important to know and understand the difference between these two spaces: what the abbreviations stand for, how and when to use one or another model, how to create a perfect color match.
RGB Color Model Features
Red, green, blue – this is how the English abbreviation RGB stands for (red, green, blue). The model receives these colors as base, their various combinations in a certain amount give rise to all other shades.
So, to get yellow, you just need to mix red and green in the right proportions. For blue, a combination of green and blue is used. Of course, this is more difficult in practice, but computer monitors know how to correctly mix additive colors to get the whole rich palette. RGB allows you to get the widest range of colors, which is why it is the standard model. By combining just three basic tones, you can achieve an accurate display of any color.
The RGB color model is used primarily on electronic media. This palette is used by both modern monitors with incredible quality, and old CRT TVs. Most graphic editors use this model. Therefore, when creating an electronic layout of polygraphy, you should be careful.
What is the CMYK model?
The CMYK model has a completely different principle of operation, which stands for cyan, magenta (magenta), yellow and black. Unlike additive RGB tones, rather subtractive colors are used here.
The difference between the two models is obvious. When combining the RGB palette, the result is the purest result – white. CMYK does the opposite: since all the colors here are subtractive, the more they are mixed, the darker the result.
Mixing yellow and magenta (and in fact – subtracting yellow from magenta) gives red, yellow and blue – green. Since the CMYK model has a diametrically opposite principle of operation and four colors instead of three, when printing an image composed in the RGB model by a printer that supports CMYK, of course, all disagreements will come out.
Paper is a surface capable of reflecting light rays. Therefore, it is much more convenient to count the amount of reflected light, rather than absorbed. Thus, subtracting three RGB tones from white yields three CMYK shades, excluding black.
This model is used by most major printers. Therefore, if you bring a ready-made layout in the RGB model, designers, as a rule, “adjust” the colors in such a way that the output is exactly the option that you need according to the palette.
Which model to use when creating the layout?
The answer to this question depends on what exactly you are designing, what this layout is intended for. For electronic media, it’s always best to use the RGB palette, graphic design always looks best when combined colors.
If the product is intended for printing, the CMYK palette is used. However, there is no need to initially work within this model. In most cases, it is possible to competently convert one palette to another, which is carried out at the end of the work with the design and before it is sent to the printing house.
However, it all depends on what kind of color scheme your products have. If the design uses a lot of gray and black colors, it is better to design the design in CMYK mode right away. When using RGB and not converting, it can go pink and other unwanted shades.
Now you know which color model you need to choose to create a design. In any case, in the “First Experimental Printing House” they will tell you about all the nuances and make everything the way it should look.
4Brand menu printing
Printing a corporate menu: what you need to know?
The menu is not only a gastronomic guide for your restaurant, but also an important marketing printing tool. When creating a corporate menu, you need to take into account many nuances – the style of the establishment, interior, exterior design, cuisine, etc. Properly designed printing can significantly increase restaurant attendance and revenue: by increasing appetite when browsing pages, the client often orders more, therefore, leaves more money in the institution.
Another marketing gimmick is using the menu as an advertising medium. If a visitor trusts a restaurant, he unconsciously begins to trust everything connected with it, including printed advertisements. Thus, advertising can benefit not only the restaurant, but also third-party companies.
What are menus
We have already seen that printing the menu is an important and responsible step. We offer to understand the varieties of this type of printing. According to the international classification of restaurants, menus are:
- A la carte. For premium establishments with price indication.
- Table d’hite. Several options for dishes at the same price (for example, business lunches).
- A part. List of dishes at a set time by reservation.
- Du jour. “On-duty” dishes.
- Tourist menu. Emphasis on low cost and high nutritional content.
Having decided which option you want to get (several types can also be combined in one menu), you can move on to design and decoration.
Menu format and design
First, what you need to print a menu is to decide on its formats. You need to choose based on the style and concept of the institution. The menu can be in the form:
- Liszt. A4 size is usually used for any seasonal offers that are served along with the main menu. Some establishments prefer this concept as their main product, in which case, as a rule, they choose the A3 format.
- Booklet. This is the same sheet, only folded several times with the help of creasing. Contains printed text and an image of a dish/drink. This menu looks compact, it is convenient for both waiters and visitors. Often booklets with special offers are displayed on the tables, and guests can immediately familiarize themselves with their contents.
- Poster. This format is hung on a showcase at the entrance or in front of the order counter. As a rule, this is not the only menu option in the institution. It is used to attract guests with a bright design, to familiarize them with the list of dishes and the price range.
- House. A desktop version of the menu in the shape of a triangle. Informs about promotions, special prices, seasonal dishes and other exclusive offers of the restaurant. Information is placed on the sides of the “house” – one or more positions on each side.
- Flyer. Special offers placed on the mini-leaflet are designed to lure the visitor to the institution. Therefore, they should be bright, memorable, interesting. Often restaurant flyers are used as handouts.
- Multi-page catalog. The most common format familiar to every visitor. The bringing booklet contains the entire list of dishes, sorted into categories. As a rule, the catalog begins with breakfasts or appetizers, followed by salads, first and second courses, and desserts. The bar list can be presented in a separate catalog or complete the main one.
Menu materials
In addition to the tasty and beautiful appearance, the menu should also be practical and durable, as it is used often and not always by tidy guests. Printing is made from:
- Design paper, craft. Such options are chosen by premium establishments. They look beautiful, stylish, spectacular and, of course, quite practical.
- Coated paper. Density up to 300 g/m2. The denser, the stronger. This is the best of all options in terms of price and quality. It is inexpensive and is able to convey the entire range of colors, shades and halftones.
- Skin. We are talking about a cardboard cover upholstered in high-quality natural or eco-leather. The choice of establishments that care about reputation, elite, exclusive. This is a rather expensive solution, but justified by its “longevity”.
- Plastic. Not a very popular option, but quite viable and durable.
All of the listed materials are attached to staples, paper clips, threads, rings, springs, glue, binders, etc. You can always print out the cafe menu and have it post-printed to make your pages more durable and look great. In “The First Experimental Printing houses” will tell you the best option for each specific case.
5What is a leaflet?
One of the available and effective types of printing is advertising leaflet – a sheet of A4 paper folded like an accordion to a 10 * 20 cm euro rectangle. Such parameters are due to the fact that the product is often used for mailing in envelopes of the same size.
The leaflet combines the compactness of the leaflet and the information content of the booklet. It differs from the latter by the presence of only one page, bent in a certain way, and the absence of any fasteners.
For a high-quality leaflet, the visual component is very important. There must be accent points on it that can attract the attention of the reader. The color scheme of the leaflet can be any; plain, coated or designer paper is used. And, of course, you can’t do without quality content, including both basic information and contacts.
What leaflets are used for
Production of leaflets as an advertising printing is a rather profitable enterprise. At a low cost, materials can generate a significant influx of customers and improve your business.
Convenience of products in its small size. Potential clients and buyers are more willing to take such a product as a handout material. At the same time, despite the compactness, the surface for applying information is quite extensive, it can accommodate a large number of useful advertisements in text and graphic modes.
Most often, leaflets are purchased for the following purposes:
- Distribution at conferences, various exhibitions.
- Presentation at sales offices after oral consultation.
- Mailing lists for important clients, partners, customers.
- Placement in advertising boxes – rack pockets, shelves and tables in business centers.
- Familiarization of everyone with new products, services.
- Presenting a business card upon meeting.
Types of leaflets and how to make them
Conventionally, all leaflets can be divided into fashion and mass. The first ones are relevant for large enterprises, they necessarily have a presentable appearance, are made on high-quality paper, which is pleasant to take in hand. A whole team of specialists is engaged in the design of image printing. Particular attention is paid to the decor.
Such leaflets are a way to declare yourself, demonstrate a high level of the company, create a positive impression and attract a potential client. They are distributed at prestigious conferences, trainings, master classes, seminars and other events of a similar format. The cost of such leaflets is very high, but since they are not intended for mass production, they quickly pay for themselves.
Mass printing is intended for distribution in places where potential target audience is concentrated in large quantities. Mass-produced leaflets are often used as handouts on the street, in malls, shops.
Leaflets need to have a bright accent or compelling offerings to grab a customer’s attention. This makes up for cheap paper and the lack of a bright design. Promotions, discounts on the presentation of printing, sweepstakes and other tempting solutions will not allow the client to throw out the piece of paper.
The type of leaflet determines how it is printed. For designer products, usually digital leaflet printing . The cost of the service is lower, and the used laser technical equipment ensures maximum color rendering, bright and clear colors. The obvious benefits of digital printing are:
- the ability to make edits to the template right in the process of printing;
- the availability of absolutely any paper, including metallized;
- fast printing speed – sometimes the order can be picked up on the same day.
If you need a large amount of printing, and its appearance does not really matter, it is better to use the services of offset printing. The larger the circulation, the lower the cost of a single unit of production comes out. The downside of such a decision can be considered its duration. It will take a long time to make a large print run of leaflets. Before you send a template for printing, you should definitely make sure of its correct design, since nothing can be changed during the printing process.
What kind of paper is used for leaflets
Different types of paper can be recommended depending on the type and method of printing the product. The cheapest handouts are made on offset paper with a density of 90-120 g / m3. To get better quality, you can use coated material up to 150 g / m3. The higher the density, the more solid and presentable the printing will seem.
For fashion leaflets, too thin paper will not work. With a small number of folds, design paper of a festive white color or colored in bulk is relevant. Products look spectacular on a metallized paper, but for this, the design should have a minimum of pictures and text so that the printing does not look clumsy.
If you are interested in other details on how to make a leaflet, contact First Experimental Typography. Our experts will answer all your questions and print the highest quality leaflets that will bring profit to your business.
6Happy new year 2022 !!!
7Common mistakes in the design of printed products
Printing is a powerful advertising tool, but only if it is done with high quality. Regardless of whether you need small business cards or wide banners, preparation of printed products should be organized competently and beautifully. Mistakes can negatively affect not only the perception of products, but also directly on your income.
We invite you to study the main mistakes that designers can make when creating layouts for printing. In this case, you will be able to control the process yourself and correct the discrepancies in time, if suddenly the experts allow them.
TOP-5 mistakes of designers in printing
The quality of the finished product should not suffer! Therefore, it is so important to remove everything that does not suit you, even before the print run is sent to print. Such moments should not be allowed in the design.
No allowances
If significant design details are located very close to the edge of the sheet, there is a high probability that they will simply be cut off during printing and further processing. Even the most modern and reliable equipment cannot guarantee the absence of errors.
Allowances conditionally outline a safe zone, beyond which neither text nor images should go. Everything that is within their borders will definitely not be cut by printing or cutting equipment. For products of complex shape, you need to leave allowances of 3 mm, and for any rectangular ones – 2 mm.
Low-res bitmaps
Even if in the electronic version the image looks clear, it is not at all a fact that it will remain so when printed. The result depends on the original quality. It should be at least 200 dpi, and preferably 300 dpi, especially when it comes to detailed pictures, faces, images with many objects.
How do I define a bitmap? The easiest way is by its extension: .gif, .tiff, .jpeg or .png – bitmap image markers. These are either individual elements, or the entire print design can be rasterized.
Font Overload
In pursuit of beauty and originality, you need to know when to stop. If the layout uses more than two main fonts, it looks clumsy, fussy, and cumbersome. The text of advertising printing should look like a single whole, you should not confuse the reader with different-sized fonts, even if they look beautiful separately.
Simple and straightforward design always takes precedence over pretentious. Want to stand out from the competition? It is better to come up with an original idea or a unique proposal than to play on the type design.
No overprint
Overprint is an option that allows you to print text over the background. When you turn it off, what you write looks blurry, indistinct and inconvenient to read. The reader is more likely to not want to strain his eyes to study the sentence. This applies not only to text, but also small images, details, thin lines in drawings, tables.
To make layout printing not a problem, you must enable overprint when using black text up to 14 point size or black lines up to 2 mm thick.
Using process printing
Concerns small details, lines, small fonts, just like the previous point. The triadic method is printing with three primary colors – cyan, yellow, magenta. Mixing these paints can result in black color, which in some cases can have completely unpredictable “side effects”.
For example, a colored iris, similar to the 3D effect of a stereoscope, may suddenly appear around a compound black text. In some cases it looks beautiful, but it is far from always appropriate in advertising printing. The reader may feel unaccustomed to thinking that his eyes are blurry.
Now you know what layout errors should never be ignored. Contact Experimental First to avoid all of the above and many other defects. Our experts will make sure that you get the perfect result!
8What types of proofing are there?
The vast majority of modern printing is produced in color. First, a layout is created, on the basis of which the customer makes a decision on printing or correction. But the images on a smartphone, different monitors can differ significantly from the picture that will turn out in real life. This is due to the color settings, the quality of the technique itself. To be sure in the quality and color design of the circulation, use color proofs – a reference image is printed in the printing house . This allows you to make sure that at the exit the customer will receive exactly the printing that is needed, in compliance with the entire color palette.
How is color proof done?
The degree of color distortion can be very slight or very noticeable. It depends on the characteristics of the monitor or display to which the image is being displayed. Surely you have often met even with the fact that pictures look different on a smartphone screen and a computer monitor. What can we say about the implementation of a print project – the printer may not convey the necessary combinations at all or make a certain color not the way you would like to see it.
This is the essence of color proofing – to create a natural “living” image, not a computer image. The evaluation uses a specially calibrated screen that reproduces details with the clearest possible colors. They can be viewed from a variety of angles, adjusted, depending on the wishes of the customer. However, even the most advanced software is not able to reproduce all possible lighting options, both natural and artificial. On the screen, the image always remains luminous, which is rarely possible in a natural environment.
All of the above leads to the existence of several types of proofs :
- Analog.
- Digital.
- On a proofing press.
In terms of quality, the machine that creates the bitmap definitely wins. But its cost is also the highest of all, since one-time offset printing is used with all paints and printing plates. If you need a very large print run, it is advisable to use color proofs on printing presses.
A print made directly on a typewriter with production material is called analog proof. Its principle is to apply four basic colors on a special plastic film – yellow, cyan, black, magenta (English abbreviation CMYK for the first letters of each color). Black dilutes all other colors, so analog proofing is a triad process. It depends mainly on the human factor. As far as artistically the artist applies process colors to the film, they will be as close to the natural image. This method is also very costly in terms of finance, since it is implemented almost manually.
The most common and inexpensive option is digital proofing. They are based on the American Panton Color Layout. Designers select the most suitable combination of simple colors, as a result of which the necessary expressiveness and showiness is born. Also, process colors or the more familiar RGB system, including red, green, blue shades, can be used as a basis. Digital proofs are created using high quality inkjet printers.
If you need accurate color matching, up to measurements with a spectrophotometer, color proof – how to make and what types there are, you already know. The First Experimental Printing House provides this service on favorable terms.
9How to make your promotional brochure effective?
If you use printed products in advertising campaigns, be sure to use brochures. These are printed articles of at least 4 pages containing textual and visual descriptions of products, services, goods. Brochures can be an effective advertising tool in promoting a brand and its products. The main thing is to interest potential clients and buyers, to create a quality product that will work. Let’s talk about how to make a brochure effective and efficient further.
Development of printing is a multifaceted and multistage process. On the one hand, it is important to comply with the technical rules for making a brochure, and on the other, the correctness of its filling. Only with an integrated approach will such advertising work and bring profit to the company.
Technical aspects of an effective brochure
They are met by clothes, so design is one of the most important components of printing. With its help, you can effectively influence the thinking and perception of the consumer, “pushing” him to the right choice.
In the design environment, there is an opinion about the existence of so-called “dead zones” – points that the viewer or reader does not perceive, overlooks. You cannot post important information in such places, but you should not forget about them either. To make the whole picture look attractive, the brochure should be decorated beautifully and with high quality in all corners.
Since the product is full of graphic information, it is important to use only high-quality photographs with correct correction and correct placement when creating it. Visual images need to be skillfully alternated with text ones. Typographies usually have ready-made templates for effective brochures , and if you have no idea what the printing should look like, you can always see examples and choose something that suits you best.
The first impression also depends on the type of paper you choose. Typically, brochures are printed on thick paper that is pleasant to the touch. It can be laminated or non-laminated, smooth or rough, glossy or matte. The choice depends on the advertised product and, of course, the budget. Paper is the element that most affects value.
You can always create your own original brochure by providing designers with your exclusive ideas. And the standard version of the product, which will effectively work for development, complies with such rules.
- Offset printing. This is the cheapest way to print, especially when it comes to large print runs. And the quality of the picture is striking in its brightness, color, depth and saturation of colors.
- Laminated paper. It looks high-status, expensive, stylish, and attracts more attention than brochures on plain sheet paper.
- Varnishing. A type of post-print that will give your brochure that extra polish.
- Shaded fields. White brochure borders look unprofessional and ugly. You should not use this technique for printing efficient printing.
How to fill the brochure
The main task of advertising printing is to inform a potential client about a product, service, company. There are a few must-haves to look out for in order to create effective promotional brochures .
- Specificity. It is important to understand for what purpose the brochure is being developed, what the main message will be. The right informational occasion will be embodied in competent and efficient printing.
- Logic. The information contained in the brochure should be as clear as possible, concise and comprehensible, logical and structured. You should not spread your thoughts along the tree, use complex artistic expressions where it is inappropriate. It’s better to start with the simplest thing – a story about the company and its activities. You should not touch on controversial points and talk about the difficulties overcome. The solution is more effective – to share your experience, options for solved problems. Then you can go to the description of the product / service with the obligatory mention of benefits.
- Differences from competitors. In order for a consumer to choose a product, he must understand its differences from analogues. Use compelling persuasion, highlight the benefits of your organization and avoid clichés.
- Uniform style. The use of corporate colors in the brochure helps to popularize the company. In general, the design and color scheme depend on the philosophy and direction of the business: eco-products will look ridiculous in red tones, and baby products in black or neon.
- Target audience. Each product has its own group of people, influencing the consciousness of which you can get the best effect.
Order brochure printing at the First Experimental Printing House in Kharkov. And get great results at an affordable price.
10What is post-printing and what is it for?
What is post-printing for?
When the products have already been printed and, in fact, are ready for use, it is the turn of post-printing. This is not an obligatory stage, but the finished appearance, durability, and attractiveness of the printing industry depend on it. Postprinting is conventionally divided into functional and decorative. Let’s take a closer look at each of the categories and the features of its manufacture.
Types of printed materials finishing
Most of the printing industry after printing requires the use of some kind of functional post-printing processing. It can be die-cutting or cutting, creasing, folding, stitching, binding, lacing. At the request of the client, decorative finishing can also be used – foiling, embossing, lamination, perforation, rounding of corners.
- Nibbling, cutting – the process of obtaining the required size of printing. Used to make small items such as postcards, business cards, invitations, etc. Cutting creates simple geometric shapes, and nibbling creates complex shapes.
- Creasing and folding – finishing required to create even and neat folds on booklets, packaging, calendars, folders. Creasing is relevant for products made of thick cardboard, paper, and folding is used for thin printed products.
- Binding – binding of printed pages in different ways – glue, spring, on staples. This is how books, magazines, booklets, catalogs, brochures and other multi-page publications are produced.
- Binding is the step after binding. Arranges individual bound pages into a single piece. It can be hard and soft. The first one is used for books, scientific papers, is more durable, reliable, practical. The second is inherent in magazines, catalogs, it is flexible, beautiful and also reliable.
- Eyelets – metal rings for attaching banners. Installed with folds, with soldering or in one layer. Serve for greater reliability and durability of printing.
Most printing products require one or more of the above steps. Upon completion, decorative types of finishing can also be applied:
- Stamping, foiling – give products a more status, presentable, expensive look. They are made in the form of convex or concave impressions using a metallized layer. Relevant for postcards, invitations, business cards and other printing, where aesthetics is important.
- Lamination is a special coating that protects against moisture and mechanical damage. Laminated products look more effective and last longer. The film itself for work can be matte, glossy, have different densities. The most common are laminated magazines, catalogs, brochures.
- Perforation – creating tear lines on printed products using special perforating knives. Small holes are punched into the surface, allowing you to break the product without disturbing the neat, even edges. This service is relevant when printing tickets, tear-off calendars, stamps, notebooks.
- Rounding of corners – gives smoothed shapes to printing for external beauty and practicality. The corners are not wrinkled or damaged from careless use. It is used in the manufacture of calendars, stickers, discount cards, business cards.
Now you know what post-printing is, and you will be able to create the most beautiful and high-quality printing. And the first experimental printing house in Kharkov Exp-Print will help you with this at every stage.
115 ways to keep kids engaged with reading!
5 ways to keep kids engaged with reading:
1. Emotionally, in a cast, read aloud to the children.
2. Read to an interesting moment in the book and stop – show your child a desire to finish reading.
3. Give your child a choice of books.
4. Let the child understand that reading is good! Read – be an example!
5. Order a bright PRINT of books in our printing house!+38 (067) 543 56 55
+38 (099) 543 56 55
+38 (073) 545 56 55Kharkov printing house, printing, offset printing, book printing, magazine printing, catalog printing, notebook printing, poster printing, booklet printing, leaflet printing
Always with you, The first experimental printing house in Kharkov
12From the history of paperback on the staple (type 1)
Wire stitchers have been around for over 120 years. In 1873, the Germans Hugo and August Brehmer invented a method of sewing with wire, and in 1876 they manufactured a wire stitching machine that sewed notebooks with four staples in a slot – a prototype of a four-device wire stitching machine, which is still sometimes found in printing houses for sewing white and other products complete with a selection.
In 1879 they founded the Bremer Brothers Bookbinding and Stitching Machine Factory, which laid the foundation for the Bremer company, which first produced wire stitching and later also saddle stitching machines (HSRA). Now part of the Heidelberg Corporation under the name Heidelberg Finishing.
In 1946, Hans Müller (Zofingen, Switzerland) began production of wire sewing machines for stapling cardboard boxes for vegetables and fruits. This is how the firm “G. Müller” was founded, which later merged with the firm “Martini” and since 1962 has existed as the firm “Müller Martini”, at present it is the world’s largest manufacturer of saddle stitches.
In Ukraine, the First Experimental Printing House in Kharkov is a leader in the production of children’s books and brochures on the staple due to the excellent quality of offset printing and the speed of sewing on the staple in large circulation (up to 100,000 items per shift).
Order the production of books on a staple in our printing house!
+38 (067) 543 56 55
+38 (099) 543 56 55
+38 (073) 545 56 55Kharkov printing house, printing, offset printing, book printing, magazine printing, catalog printing, notebook printing, poster printing, booklet printing, leaflet printing
Always with you, The first experimental printing house in Kharkov
13What is trapping
Good morning friends! 🌞
Today, as promised, a few words about trapping in the printing industry. 😉Trapping is the creation of small areas of overlap between two bordering colors. Or, more simply, the imposition of paints on top of each other at the junction. This is done so that the paper does not shine through with a possible offset between them. Even the most modern printing machines allow for misalignment from 0.05 mm to 0.08 mm. When printing, this contour is practically invisible.
Trapping can be internal and external. With external trapping, the object expands slightly and is superimposed on the background, with internal trapping, the overlay area is shifted into the object. Another type of trapping is used when overlaying a small white object on a composite black background.
In general, nothing complicated. & # x1f604;
Call us right now – we will help!
Experts of the first experimental printing house are always in touch!
+38 (067) 543 56 55
+38 (099) 543 56 55
+38 (073) 545 56 55
www.exp-print.com.uatypography, printing, offset printing, book printing, magazine printing, catalog printing, notebook printing, poster printing, booklet printing, leaflet printing
Always with you, The first experimental printing house in Kharkov
14The largest book in the world
The largest book in the world is Bhutan: A Visual Odyssey Across the Last Himalayan Kingdom. The book is certified by the Guinness Book of Records as the largest in the world until 2007. Book weight – 60.3 kg, size – 2.13 * 1.53 meters (spread), 118 pages. The book consists of illustrations – a photo of the Kingdom of Bhutan (a state in South Asia). Was created by Michael Hawley (artist, researcher).
We print large format books at a bargain price!
+38 (067) 543 56 55
+38 (099) 543 56 55
+38 (073) 545 56 55
www.exp-print.com.uatypography, printing, offset printing, book printing, magazine printing, catalog printing, notebook printing, poster printing, booklet printing, leaflet printing
Always with you, The first experimental printing house in Kharkov
15Happy Constitution Day of Ukraine and Youth Day!
The staff of the First Experimental Printing House congratulates you on the upcoming double holiday – the Day of the Constitution of Ukraine and the Day of Youth!
With all our hearts we wish you good health, good spirits and confidence in the cloudless constitutional future of our common state. Let this solemn event fill you with life-giving power, inspiration, encourage you to innovative ideas, their successful implementation in the professional field. We wish you success and fruitful work for the benefit of the Ukrainian people! Let us be together in the process of building a democratic civil society. Glory to Ukraine!
The second holiday, Youth Day, is one of the most dynamic holidays – well, how could it be otherwise – after all, they, the young, are dear everywhere! The whole world is open at a glance, and any business on the shoulder! Everything is so bright and love itself rules the ball! Happy Youth Day to all of you! We wish you to stay young throughout our journey, because youth does not depend on age – it lives in a soul that does not stop flying and making plans and fulfilling our plans, despite all the difficulties! Be happy!
Well, if you need to order the printing of books, magazines, posters, our printing house is always in touch!
+38 (067) 543 56 55
+38 (099) 543 56 55
+38 (073) 545 56 55
www.exp-print.com.uaAlways with you, The first experimental printing house in Kharkov
Each family subscribed to newspapers, they were printed on newsprint in one color. These newspapers have always featured photos, but it was very difficult to recognize anyone. Little has changed in newspaper printing even now, on the so-called “newspaper”.
But our printing house prints newspapers on snow-white coated and offset paper in full color. You look at the photographs and you understand how pleasant it will be for a person to see himself on the pages of the publication. For many, this is great happiness and pride in their relatives and their achievements.
If you need a quality product, call us, come to us. We are always glad to see you and will do our best to make your audience happy with the result of our joint work with you. Your desire and your opinion are very important to us. The staff of the printing house will suggest the format of the product so that there is less waste on paper, so that your costs are justified. Trust us!
Always with you, The first experimental printing house in Kharkov
17How to draw up a technical assignment correctly
We will discuss how to correctly draw up a technical assignment (TOR) for a printing house. Let’s tell you a secret, a correctly drawn up TK is 50% of success! ✌️ So, here are the points that you must indicate in the TK:
1. Product name (poster, leaflet, booklet, magazine, catalog, brochure, etc.)
2. Product format in mm, the first digit is the width of the product, the second is the height.
3. The number of pages in multi-page products (it is important whether you count the pages considering the cover or not). The number of pages must be divisible by four.
4. Paper for the product – coated (matte or glossy), offset, cardboard, etc. and its density.
5. Colorfulness, including the presence of pantones (with their numbers). For example, 4 + 4, 4 + 0, 2 + 2, etc.
6. Binding method for multi-page products: thermal binding, PUR glue, sewing glue binding, staple, spring, hard binding.
7. Post-printing operations: lamination (matte or glossy), selective UV varnish, die-cutting or undercutting, embossing, hot stamping, perforation, creasing, folding, etc.
8. Specify the circulation – the number of copies that you want to receive.
Write and call us! We are always in touch, and we will show you how to save time and money when drawing up a technical assignment for a printing house!+38 (067) 543 56 55
+38 (099) 543 56 55
+38 (073) 545 56 55Kharkov printing house, printing, offset printing, book printing, magazine printing, catalog printing, notebook printing, poster printing, booklet printing, leaflet printing
Always with you, The first experimental printing house in Kharkov
18Die cutting tool
Quite often, in the process of manufacturing printed products, it becomes necessary to give a curly outline to the product, and in this case, one cannot do without a die-cut stamp, which is called a punching die.
The die is a plywood base on which special creasing, cutting or perforating steel knives are reliably fixed, repeating the contour of the image that needs to be separated from a sheet of paper, self-adhesive, cardboard or create fold lines, notches, perforations on the product
Cutting forms are used in packaging, advertising and book printing, in some cases, cutting is an irreplaceable way to draw attention to printed products⚠️
The first experimental printing house has at its disposal automatic and semi-automatic equipment for cutting stickers for children’s books, inserts in magazines, bags and other products with a figured outline. The maximum sheet format is 750×520 mm. Due to this, we are pleased to offer you favorable prices.
Call, our managers are always in touch!
Kharkov printing house, printing, offset printing, book printing, magazine printing, catalog printing, notebook printing, poster printing, booklet printing, leaflet printing
Always with you, The first experimental printing house in Kharkov
19The first printing houses of Kharkov
Kharkov is a city of printers. What do we know about the first printing houses in our city?
The first known in history attempt to found a printing house in Kharkov was back in 1767-1769 in the Spiritual Collegium by the Kharkov governor Shcherbinin. He believed that “the printing of books is the most useful” for the education of the population. But then the St. Petersburg Synod banned the publication of books in the region, and it was never established.
The very first printing house in Kharkov was founded in May 1793 – it belonged to the organization of the Order of the Public Benefit of Catherine II. She mainly served for the needs of the Provincial Government, but sometimes she also printed books. The most famous printed book in Kharkov was “Word on the day of the coronation of imp. Catherine II “1795 Prokopovich. He also translated Berdichev’s “Kalendarz gospodarski” and printed it in this printing house in 1797, 1799, 1808, 1809. and etc.
The second printing house in Kharkov was university; it was founded back in 1804 by two foreigners, Huck and Draeger, who were invited to Kharkov by the famous figure and founder of the university, V.N.Karazin. A year later, 1805, the university printing house was ready, and on September 20 of that year it also published the first book – “The Experience of Rhetoric” by IS Rizhsky, the first rector of the Imperial Kharkov University (now the V.N. Karazin University).
Kharkov printing house developed very well and soon became the best among provincial printing houses; she was often approached by other printers for advice or printed material. Now the territory is occupied by the main building of the Engineering and Pedagogical Academy, which has been preparing specialists in printing for our city for a long time. UIPA graduates are successfully working in our printing house!
Kharkov printing house, printing, offset printing, book printing, magazine printing, catalog printing, notebook printing, poster printing, booklet printing, leaflet printing
Always with you, The first experimental printing house in Kharkov
20Development of the world printing industry
Several interesting theories about the development of printing.
Ancient China is an amazing country that gave the world many inventions. Gunpowder, compass and paper were invented here. It is not surprising that the first color printing appeared in China. It happened around the 6th century AD. First, the required text was written on a piece of paper. Then this sheet was applied to a special bar, on the surface of which rice paste was applied. The result was a mirror print. Then, the engraver carved the resulting symbols on the block. This is how the first printing plates were made.
Interestingly, color printing was so popular in China that already in the 6th century paints were invented with which to print books. The first full-fledged book, as is commonly believed, was called “The Diamond Sutra” and was published in 932.
Modern printed matter has already begun to spread since the 15th century. Then the German mechanic Johannes Gutenberg created the first printing press. The device gained popularity not only due to the mechanism, but also due to the manufacture of the text itself. There was no need to cut the pages, they typed letters. Cliches were inserted into the frame, and drawings were obtained.
Speaking about new products, most believe that the machine was first created in Russia, much earlier. At first, books were only black and white, and for paints it was necessary to draw images with your hands. But the Germans also succeeded in this sense when Hermann patented colorful offset printing. Thanks to this invention, we enjoy vibrant magazines and other book publications. In modern printing, exclusively high-quality machines and popular printing techniques are used on almost any material.You can make an order for exhibitions and other events from the managers of our printing house. Booklets, brochures, catalogs, books, posters, as well as individual design solutions. All this is offered in different editions as soon as possible.
Kharkov printing house, printing, offset printing, book printing, magazine printing, catalog printing, notebook printing, poster printing, booklet printing, leaflet printing
Always with you, The first experimental printing house in Kharkov
We will show you polygraphic secrets for you 😉. You can see why the design is displayed from the screen. On the right, for the screen, the color model is RGB, and for the other – CMYK. RGB – the combination of three colors: red (chervonia), green (green) and blue (blakitny).
CMYK – tse chotiri colori: cyan (blakitny), magenta (rhyme), yellow (zhovty) і key color (or black, black). On the picture, you can poke around, as you can see more colors on the screen and on the other. The color CMYK model is not in the form of deyak colori, for example, off-acid, as it is great to go to the screen.
Krym tsyogo, papyr on vidminu from the screen is not viprominuyu light. The first, even more important moment – the purpose of calibrating your monitor or the model of your phone is 🙂, so as on other screens you can change the views for the color.
Cope with the moments when preparing layouts for a friend, and be sure to call and see all your power supplies!
+38 (067) 543 56 55
+38 (099) 543 56 55
+38 (073) 545 56 55
www.exp-print.com.uadrukarnya Kharkova, polygraph, offset druk, druk books, druk magazines, druk catalogs, druk notebooks, druk posters, druk booklets, druk leaflets
Be in charge of you, Persha is an experimental drukarnya M. Kharkiv
22About color proof
When contacting the printing house, not all customers understand the intricacies of the printing process. Often there are situations when, seeing on the monitor 👨 💻 a bright layout, the customer expects exactly the same color gamut and color saturation on paper 📃 🎨 In practice, this is not always the case. In order to convey the color reproduction as accurately as possible, they resort to color proofing.
Color proof is a printout of a fragment of a future edition, which displays the shades of all colors used in your layout and serves as a guide for color correction and for further printing. The source for the output of the proof is a digital file, which is a color reference at the request of the customer 📂
Benefits of proofing:
1.You get a visual image of how the print run will look like after printing.
2.All flaws are visible on the color proof, which will allow you to make the necessary adjustments at the pre-print stage.
3.You save money and time, because. nothing can be changed after the final print. 💵
4. Color proof is an excellent guideline for the production of the entire edition.Thanks to high-quality equipment, the First Experimental Printing House will produce a color proof on the day of order. A high-quality result is important for us!
We are waiting for your applications!
Call us ☎️
+38 (067) 543 56 55
+38 (099) 543 56 55
+38 (073) 545 56 55Kharkov printing house, printing, offset printing, book printing, magazine printing, catalog printing, notebook printing, poster printing, booklet printing, leaflet printing
Always with you, The first experimental printing house in Kharkov
23About planning
Do you need to plan ?! The answer is yes!
Planned – rest (weekend) or business, this is the maximum probability of a positive result. Agree – it’s a fact! When planning, the likelihood increases significantly, to exclude all the negative aspects of the event in advance. Plan the printing of books, catalogs, magazines in our printing house and you will certainly get a positive result! Write, call! Always in touch!
+38 (067) 543 56 55
+38 (099) 543 56 55
+38 (073) 545 56 55Kharkov printing house, printing, offset printing, book printing, magazine printing, catalog printing, notebook printing, poster printing, booklet printing, leaflet printing
Always with you, The first experimental printing house in Kharkov
24Lviv International BookForum 2020
This year, the 27th Forum of Publishers in Lviv will take place in September – for the first time in an online format!
New reality dictates new rules. On September 16-20, Lviv International BookForum will traditionally become a global platform for discussing socially important topics, but for the first time in an online format.
How the pandemic is changing our lives and habits, how the world is rethinking values, what challenges we face and how to cope with them, how cultural players can get out of the crisis – this will be discussed at the 27 BookForum book festival.
The new format will allow those who have not previously been able to come to Lviv to visit the festival, so all connoisseurs of literature will have the opportunity to hear their favorite writers anywhere in the world.
Among the current participants are authors from Ukraine, 20 foreign guests from 15 countries, 4 continents, laureates and nominees of various awards. One of the main events will be the broadcast of the Night of poetry and music non-stop with the participation of Ukrainian poets and musicians from all over the world.
In the meantime, the online platform is being prepared, we continue to print books, magazines, calendars for 2021 and other useful products for you. Always in touch!
+38 (067) 543 56 55
+38 (099) 543 56 55
+38 (073) 545 56 55Kharkov printing house, printing, offset printing, book printing, magazine printing, catalog printing, notebook printing, poster printing, booklet printing, leaflet printing
Always with you, The first experimental printing house in Kharkov
25Offset printing scales
Good winter morning! Today – January 3, we continue to celebrate the New Year holidays and not only… This is Women’s Day in Rock and Roll, Cherry Chocolate Day, Sparklers and Garland Lights Day, as well as the birthday of cocktail straws
And now a little about printing: let’s talk about scales in offset printing.
Squares, circles, stripes, dies, rasters of different densities, etc. Are located at the edges of the paper sheet. Serve to control the form and printing processes. A very useful thing.As a rule, if problems arise in a circulation, it is possible to determine the cause of their occurrence using the scales. Scale impressions can be measured with densitometers and such important quantities as optical density, dot gain, etc. can be determined.
Each printing house uses its own scales. They are very informative, there are simpler ones, but all professional printing houses print with scales.
The first experimental printing house in Kharkov continues to produce books, magazines, notebooks and posters for you, and also closely monitors the quality of printed products while you relax on this wonderful Sunday. We are always in touch, working for you 24/7!
Call for advice ☎️ at any convenient time!
+38 (067) 543 56 55
+38 (099) 543 56 55
+38 (073) 545 56 55
www.exp-print.com.ua26How to draw attention to your product
Due to the imposed restrictions, many companies are going through hard times and a decline in customer activity. The question arises how to draw attention to your product. Distributing printed materials can help brands stand out from other information noise. We present to your attention several advantages of mailing lists:
1. Personal contact. Many people spend time at home, and the ability to receive mail is a great advantage. This sets the brand apart from others, because most people choose the Internet or television for promotion. Offering something physical enhances contact and can build customer loyalty.
2. Long-term storage. The printed matter is extremely effective. This is also influenced by the effect of surprise, because if customers are used to seeing daily advertising mailings on their e-mail, mailing out printed catalogs will definitely attract attention. The physical medium also means that it will stay at home longer. It’s not easy to hit the delete button in real life.
3. Continuing communication. While companies typically reduce marketing costs during a crisis, it is important to keep in touch with customers. Whoever kept moving during the crisis will stay ahead.Sending printed materials to customers can be a lifeline for a company. The first experimental printing house in Kharkov will produce catalogs, brochures, booklets, leaflets and other printed materials for you with high quality, promptly and with love.
Contact the professionals! We are always in touch!
+38 (067) 543 56 55
+38 (099) 543 56 55
+38 (073) 545 56 55
www.exp-print.com.ua27The two main colors of 2021
The Pantone Color Institute has named two major colors of 2021 at once & # x1f3a8; These are the colors Illuminating and Ultimate Gray. Pantone described it as “colors that involve deep contemplation with the promise of something sunny and friendly, giving hope.”
The institute calls the yellow shade “optimistic and warming”, and the gray – “practical and solid”. According to Pantone, this combination of colors perfectly expresses the mood of 2021, emphasizing how dissimilar elements can come together to support each other. «PANTONE 13-0647 Illuminating is a bright and cheerful yellow color, warming the yellow shade, permeated with solar energy»
PANTONE 17-5104 Ultimate Gray symbolizes strong and reliable elements that are eternal and provide a solid foundation, ”explained the institute’s specialists.
According to the Pantone website, 2021 was the first year in 20 years when two colors of the year were chosen.
The first experimental printing house will make for you books and other polygraphic production of the best quality. Call us for consultations☎️
+38 (067) 543 56 55
+38 (099) 543 56 55
+38 (073) 545 56 55
www.exp-print.com.ua28Merry Christmas!
The first experimental printing house congratulates you on a great holiday.
Good day, good time
Merry Christmas to you,
with holy dinner, merry carol!
Let the carol be distributed
and let him sow snow!
Let the new year bring home
a lot of happiness and joy!Always in touch!
Kharkiv, The first experimental printing house. The country’s leading printing house 🇺 🇦.
💻 http://exp-print.com.ua📞 38 (099) 543 56 55
📞 38 (067) 543 56 55
📞 38 (073) 545 56 5507/01/2021
29The world’s longest photo print
Canon has set the world record for the world’s longest digital photo print.
Canon officially entered the Guinness Book of World Records in October 2020, setting the record for the world’s longest digital photography, with a 109 meter collage printed at the Oberstdorf Photo Summit in Germany.The record was set and confirmed on September 26th. The photo collage was printed and displayed at the Olympic springboard. See photo by Jochen Kohl (Studio K2). The print was done using a Canon IMAGEPROGRAF PRO-6100 large format printer, which was positioned at the highest point of the springboard and the tail of the print descended to its very foot.
Printing was done on a roll of special weatherproof paper provided by Ilford. The print, which is 109.04 meters long, includes a collage of landscape photographs and portraits of Oberstdorf townspeople and celebrities, as well as sports and historical photographs.
After the summit, the images will be split up and put up for an online charity auction.
The first experimental printing house will help you make printing products of any complexity and the highest quality. We are waiting for your calls by phones:
+38 (067) 543 56 55
+38 (099) 543 56 55
+38 (073) 545 56
www.exp-print.com.ua30Polygraphic design
Printing design: what is it and how does a designer work?
One of the stages of preparation of advertising, information and image printed materials is the design of printing. With its help, you can attract the attention of the target audience, sell a product, highlight the product against the background of others.
And vice versa. An unsuccessful print design will negate all the efforts of copywriters, writers, and journalists. If the design of a publication or promotional material is done carelessly, no one will read it. This means that the budget is wasted.
Stages of printing design development
• Concept development
• Selection of colors, illustrations, fonts.
• Preparing the layout for printing. The designer sets the size of the image, chooses the color model, provides margins for cropping, attaches a file with fonts.Technical requirements for layouts
They are requested before the development of a print design. It all depends on the printing method (offset, digital, etc.), product type, paper size. Image quality is determined by the number of dots per inch. The standard for offset printing is 300 dpi. For large format products, the resolution can be lower – from 90 to 120 dpi. The average cut allowance is 2 to 4 mm on each side. Be sure to put marks so that you can see the edge along which the cutter will work.Graphic designers use programs such as:
1. Adobe Photoshop. Multifunctional raster editor. Compatible with all Adobe products, graphics tablets.
2. Adobe Illustrator, CorelDRAW. Vector graphic editors. The first one is suitable for creating illustrations, cartoon graphics, logos. The second is for design and layout of a wide range of printing products. Both support the creation of high resolution images.
3. Adobe InDesign, Adobe PageMaker, QuarkXPress. These are programs for computer layout of books, magazines, brochures.
Choose a designer with experience in printing and the delivery of your order to the printing house will be easy and quickThe first experimental printing house will help you make printing products of any complexity and the highest quality. We are waiting for your calls by phones:
+38 (067) 543 56 55
+38 (099) 543 56 55
+38 (073) 545 56 5531A bit of the history of printing in Europe
Who is William Kexton? An English first printer, in the 70s of the 15th century, founded the first printing house in London, where not only church books were printed, but also secular works. In 1472, he printed the world’s first poster and hung it at the entrance to the church. Of course, the poster advertised a church book, but it is still considered the first print advertisement in Europe.
During his career, William Kexton published 108 works, most of which were of secular content. He published Chaucer, Boccaccio, Boethius, Virgil. And a special place was occupied by the translated into English “Death of Arthur” by Mallory. The reason is simple: they bought well.
Printed copies were sold to the nobility, aristocrats as entertainment reading. And this was in stark contrast to the policies of Gutenberg, who, in fact, invented the print press. The German book printer mostly published religious works, and Caxton earned money by printing secular books.
The first experimental printing house in Kharkov will print for you fiction and children’s books, magazines, notebooks, posters and other advertising materials on any topic in the shortest possible time. We are always in touch, working for you 24/7!
Call for advice ☎️ at any convenient time!
+38 (067) 543 56 55
+38 (099) 543 56 55
+38 (073) 545 56 55
www.exp-print.com.ua32Creasing in printing
The term itself comes from the German word “biegen”, which means “to bend”. The procedure is carried out with a blunt knife or creasing roller and is performed on brochures, booklets, postcards, folders and other products.
Thanks to this technological operation, the sides of the sheet are bent smoothly and effortlessly, and the fold line (big) becomes neat and protects the paint layer from cracking. “Creased” sheets bend well, and the printed layer is protected from damage, deformation and cracks even after repeated opening / closing of the product.
Creasing is one of the stages of post-printing processing. A creasing line can also be applied to the product to facilitate further folding on thick paper or cardboard.
In modern printing houses, creasing is carried out using special equipment – machines that allow you to apply a fold line on any type of printing products.
Less commonly, manual creasing is used – it is used in the production of exclusive printed publications. Sometimes this type of product processing is used if the fold line is applied perpendicularly to the location of the fibers of the cardboard or paper as intended by the designer or customer.
The first experimental printing house is the leading printing house in Ukraine, and will perform printing services of any complexity for you. We look forward to collaborating!
We are always in touch:
+38 (067) 543 56 55
+38 (099) 543 56 55
+38 (073) 545 56 55
www.exp-print.com.ua33Sensory book
If you find paper books outdated and electronic books soulless, you may like the touch-sensitive book from MIT Media Lab students.
This book explores new dimensions of the reading experience. It was created by Felix Hayback, Alexis Hope and Julie Legolt in 2014 and is called The Girl Who Was Plugged In.
Actually, this is a hybrid of a paper book, a cover and a vest with actuators. The printed book is equipped with 150 LED-lamps for creating atmospheric illumination, a page-turning sensor, built-in speakers. In the vest: a system for changing body temperature, a vibration motor that should influence the heart rate, a compressor and a cushion system to simulate compression. When you read, you naturally feel hot and cold, and everything shrinks in your chest. The idea is as original as it is absolutely crazy.
The first experimental printing house will produce for you books and other printing products of the best quality. Call us for consultations ☎️
+38 (067) 543 56 55
+38 (099) 543 56 55
+38 (073) 545 56 55
www.exp-print.com.ua3410 ways to read more and more
1. Read only those books that interest you. Reading uninteresting literature takes away all the pleasure from the process.
2. Skip unimportant or uninteresting parts of the book, or read them more concisely.
3. Read several books at the same time. Many readers use this method: they combine usefulness with pleasant relaxation.
4. Always have something to read on hand. Carry an e-book with you, download several books to your smartphone.
5. Read to relax. A calm book before bed can help overcome insomnia. Read in the morning over coffee. Time management expert Laura Vanderkam points out in her book What Successful People Do Before Breakfast that most successful people have a habit of reading in the morning.
6. Read while doing sports. Naturally, no one will read a book while doing powerlifting, but you can read it on a treadmill or stationary bike.
7. Listen to audiobooks. Many will argue that this type of “reading” is not particularly effective, because the text is perceived “by ear” worse. But this is more a matter of habit.
8. Create a reading environment for yourself. Choose a secluded, cozy place to read, especially if your family loves watching TV.
9. Train the whole family to read. As J.K. Rowling said, “If you don’t like reading, then you just haven’t found the book you’re looking for.” Read it out loud at home. Discuss the book you just read with your family.
10. Structure your book list. Make a wish list of books. Identify topics that are interesting and useful to you, select up to ten books for each topic. Keep this list at hand, so you will not be tormented by the question: “What should I read?”The first experimental printing house will help you make printing products of any complexity and the highest quality! Write, call! Always in touch!
+38 (067) 543 56 55
+38 (099) 543 56 55
+38 (073) 545 56 55
www.exp-print.com.ua35Books are like furniture
You should not throw away old books, because they can still be used, although not in a completely standard way. For example, in an environmentally friendly house there is always a place for eco-furniture. By itself, such a house is no longer a template and standard, and with furniture from books it will look even more whimsical and original.
Moreover, the owners of such a house are doing a good deed – they give a second life not only with old books, but also with the wood from which page of these books were made. The first experimental printing house will help you to make printed products of any complexity and high quality.
We are waiting for your calls by phones:
+38 (067) 543 56 55
+38 (099) 543 56 55
+38 (073) 545 56 55
36Book release in 2020 in Ukraine
Good Sunday morning! Outside the window, the sun, snow ❄️ and frost ☃️. You can take a little walk ⛷, or read your favorite book over a cup of coffee ☕️.
According to the Book Chamber of Ukraine, in 2020, more than 14,000 titles of books and brochures were registered by Ukrainian publishers and authors, accounting for 69% of the previous year. The total circulation in 2020 was 20,279.5 thousand copies, which is only 42% in relation to 2019.
It is clear that quarantine influenced such dynamics, but let’s hope that 2021 will return the book industry to production growth. Because today there is no longer any need to prove the exceptional role of the book in the life of each of us and society as a whole. Conscious life begins with an acquaintance with the first book. Any of the outstanding personalities of our time, from the president to the scientist, reached their intellectual heights precisely thanks to the knowledge that the Book gave them.
And while you are relaxing, we continue to print for you 24/7 brochures, books for children and adults, notebooks, glossy magazines and B1 posters.
Call for advice ☎️
+38 (067) 543 56 55
+38 (099) 543 56 55
+38 (073) 545 56 55
37Steps to preserving our nature
Have you ever wondered how many trees you need to cut down for one medium-sized book? And for making a pack of A4 office paper? Probably not. So here it is:
– the consumption rate for the production of one ton of cardboard is an average of 1.6 cubic meters. m of wood;
– the consumption rate for the production of one ton of newsprint – an average of 2.8 cubic meters. m of wood;
– the production of a ton of printing paper requires approximately 3.5 cubic meters. m of wood;
– the production of one standard sheet of office paper (A4 format, density 80 g / m2) requires approximately 20 cubic centimeters of wood, if this paper is completely made of cellulose (without the use of waste paper and non-wood fibrous materials).The average volume of a whip (count one tree) is 0.33 cubic meters. Each of us spends approximately:
– 1 tree per year for official documents in the direction of work with partners;
– 1 tree per year for certificates, licenses and subscriptions.
One tree per year – it seems not very much, but think – how many of these trees does each one spend? What can we do to change the situation?1. Refuse to print sets of documents.
2. Switch to electronic exchange of legally significant documents with business partners.
3. To save forests from destruction and reduce the cost of making paper, waste paper is widely used. Old, unnecessary books, newspapers, magazines at special enterprises are recycled and used to make paper.These are only the first steps towards the preservation of our nature, civilization does not stand still.
And be that as it may, the printing of educational and children’s literature is simply necessary for the all-round development of mankind.
We invite you to become regular customers of the “First Experimental Printing House” – the best printing house in the country.Bright children’s books, educational literature, magazines, calendars, posters, everything you need for your business to flourish.
38Happy Epiphany!
The first experimental printing house wishes you a happy holiday.For a long time, the feast of the Baptism of the Lord has been for the Ukrainian people a source of bright joy, purification of the soul, strengthening faith in the victory of good and hopes for a better future.
Please accept our sincere congratulations and heartfelt wishes! I wish you good health, peace, kindness, family harmony and new achievements.
And we, as always, are in touch and look forward to your new orders!
m. Kharkov, First experimental printing house. Leading typography in the country! 🇺 🇦
💻 http://exp-print.com.ua
📞 38 (099) 543 56 55
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📞 38 (073) 545 56 5519.01.2021
39Periodic printing
Periodical press dates back to the 17th century, but online publications started much later, but were able to quickly conquer the target audience, because electronic media and the Internet are rapidly developing and are integral parts of our life. Despite the relevance of online advertising, periodicals will always be at the forefront.
“Why”? – you ask. This is because no computer graphics can compare with the quality of information printed on paper, it conveys the full depth of the material presented. Printed editions allow the reader to better perceive a particular text, an advertised product, an offer from a company, and useful information. For example, in the catalogs of furniture products, all possible options for furniture in different angles and placements are much wider. A huge plus is the quality and type of paper on which the catalog is printed. Prospective buyers are given the opportunity, simply by reading the catalog, to find exactly what they need and make sure that the product matches its description.
And what’s important is that reading catalogs, magazines, newspapers, etc. very convenient compared to WEB-sites.
Here are some arguments for this statement:
– regardless of whether there is power supply or not, you can open any printed product and find the information you need;
– no annoying ads;
– a person “absorbs” information printed on paper better than information posted on the WEB-site.The first experimental printing house will make for you books and other printing products of the best quality. Call Us for Consultation ☎️
+38 (067) 543 56 55
+38 (099) 543 56 55
+38 (073) 545 56 55
www.exp-print.com.ua40How are endpapers made?
What is an endpaper?
The flyleaf is a sheet of paper folded in half between the cover and the book block. Its main purpose is to connect the block and the cover. The flyleaf hides the back of the cover and spine, and protects the outer pages of the book from dirt and damage. For endpapers, special equipment is used: dense, durable, not afraid of tears and creases, not deformable when wet.Simple endpapers are made entirely of paper – solid paper. They are easy to manufacture, but not very suitable for large and valuable publications due to their low strength. The component endpapers are much more reliable. In them, paper blank sheets are joined by a fold – a thin strip of fabric in the area of the spine. This improves durability, but is more difficult to manufacture.
How do you connect an endpaper to a book?
– Glued endpapers. on the folded sheet in the bend area, apply glue with a strip of up to 5 mm and attach it to the spine field of the notebook. This process is very simple, but it reduces the margin of the title page and the connection is not very strong.
– Stitched endpapers. The folded fold is folded around the first notebook of the book block (so the endpaper should be larger than in the glued method) and stitched together with it. This method is a guarantee of the high strength of the binding structure.
– Sew-on endpapers. Such an endpaper is only a component, while it is made as a separate notebook, which is sewn to the book block. In addition, both sides of the structure are additionally glued with special paper blanks.Textured materials can be used for endpapers. This is especially often used in the restoration of old editions. New pages of the flyleaf can be knocked out of the general style, therefore, aging of the paper is used to fully match the book.
The first experimental printing house will help you to make printed products of any complexity and high quality. We are waiting for your calls by phones:
+38 (067) 543 56 55
+38 (099) 543 56 55
+38 (073) 545 56 55
www.exp-print.com.ua41International Education Day 24.01.2021
Good Sunday Morning! Today we celebrate Popsicle Ice Cream Day and International Education Day!
Books play a vital role as a source of knowledge.
Buy books! Their use is already in the fact that they are in the house. Having a home library is directly related to your children’s school success, even if they never read most of these books. Today this is confirmed statistically. A number of studies in different countries have shown a strong positive relationship between the number of books at home and the academic success of children growing up in such a home. And the number of books in the home in most countries appears to be the best predictor of school performance.A large number of unread books is not a disadvantage, but an advantage, if you realize it. People tend to overestimate the knowledge they have and underestimate the knowledge they don’t have. Unread books remind you of the latter and develop a sense of humility towards the former. Books in the home are a reflection of the essence of the family, its history and continuity.
They may say that their owners are educated people, or that they simply respect books and reading. Or that, finally, that the books were inherited by you, and since you did not throw them in the trash and did not sell them, it means, firstly, you have a house where there is enough space for books, and, secondly, that your family has traditions and you continue them. Perhaps your children will continue – they will remember you, looking at the books that you have saved for them.
And while you are resting, we continue to print for you the highest quality books and magazines, bright posters, notebooks and product catalogs 24/7. Call for advice ☎️
+38 (067) 543 56 55
+38 (099) 543 56 55
+38 (073) 545 56 55
www.exp-print.com.ua42Typology of magazines
Good morning! We wish you to start the new week with a smile on your lips and keep a good mood throughout the week.
Glossy, illustrated magazines belong to the print media, they occupy an intermediate position in the media industry between newspapers and books, which determines their specificity. Unlike newspapers and books, in which text predominates, and images, photographs, cartoons, etc. are only illustrations to the text, in the magazine the visual and verbal components coexist as equal parts of the whole. Distinguish the typology of magazines as a special type of media by:
▪️periodicity – a weekly, this is a type of publication that is actively developing today and has a great readership, since, compared to a monthly, it promptly responds to current events and has the ability to analyze them in depth and in more detail; editions published once a decade, once every 2 weeks, monthly, editions are published once every two months, once a quarter, semi-annual edition;
▪️ content – socio-political, literary and artistic, industrial and technical, scientific and industry, popular science, scientific information, analytical, abstract, bibliographic magazines, satirical (humorous), sports, magazines of universal (general) content (so-called life – style magazine).
▪️target audience – publications intended for certain age and gender categories (children’s, women’s / men’s publications).The First Experimental Printing House has many years of experience in printing magazines of various circulations and formats.
Order at a bargain price the printing of magazines, catalogs, books, booklets, brochures, bright posters, calendars, notebooks from the managers of the best printing house in the country.We are waiting for your calls and letters to your e-mail addresses.
+38 (067) 543 56 55
+38 (099) 543 56 55
+38 (073) 545 56 5525.01.2021
43Rounding corners
In the printing industry there is such a term as “rounding corners”. It refers to the process of providing a corner of a printed printing product with a rounded shape with a given radius, which is called the rounding radius. This is done by cutting off the corner edge of the sheet. The rounding radius can be different, and is chosen depending on the wishes of the customer, taking into account the material, format of printed products and the designer’s recommendations.
Rounding of corners is one of the simplest, but quite crucial stages of post-printing processing of the print run. This type of processing is included in the finishing work in the processing of printed products. After carrying out this operation, the printed product acquires a thoughtful and artistically complete and aesthetic appearance. In addition, the operation of rounding the corners will help to increase the life of the printed edition due to less wear on the corners of the pages.
Therefore, this type of finishing not only gives the printed publication a more aesthetic appearance, but also contributes to a more durable operation of the publication. Nowadays, the operation of rounding corners is widely used in printing circulation of books for young children, gift editions, as well as in the manufacture of notebooks, postcards, invitations, discount cards, price tags, business cards, pocket calendars and many other types of printed products.
The first experimental printing house in Kharkov – the leading printing house in Ukraine, has many years of experience.
We are always in touch!
+38 (067) 543 56 55
+38 (099) 543 56 55
+38 (073) 545 56 5544Read_Reach
On January 20, the Ukrainian Institute of Books and the Ministry of Culture and Information Policy of Ukraine launched an all-Ukrainian action “#Read_Reach”, which aims to show the Ukrainian relationship between reading and life achievements and encourage reading more books 📚🇺🇦
As part of the action, Ukrainian officials, public and cultural figures share books that have shaped their consciousness and influenced their lives, as well as talk about the books that they plan to read to their own children this year 👪Selections of books from the participants of the action will be collected under the hashtag # Read_dosyagai on Facebook and Instagram. The organizers of the action call on Ukrainians to join this action and tell about their favorite authors or books for improvement using the hashtag.
According to the Ukrainian Institute of Books in 2020, among Ukrainians, only 8% read daily, 38% read once a month, and 19% of the population are irregular readers. Although at the same time 90% believe that reading contributes to self-development.
Officials believe that reading is not just a good habit, it is a path to achievement. It has a positive effect on the development of imagination, speech, thinking, creativity, emotional intelligence and the ability to adapt to schooling in children and adolescents.The first experimental printing house will make for you books and other printing products of the best quality. Call Us for Consultation ☎️
+38 (067) 543 56 55
+38 (099) 543 56 55
+38 (073) 545 56 55
www.exp-print.com.ua45We’re 20!
46The most unusual books
The heaviest printed book is considered to be a geographical atlas, which is kept in the British Museum in London. Its weight is 320 kilograms, and its height is more than one meter.
In early January 2005, Aviall Services Inc. published a catalog with a volume of 2,656 pages, a weight of 3.4 kg and a thickness of 7.1 cm. This is the largest printed catalog.A large share of printed materials is advertising. By the way, 500 billion US dollars are spent on advertising every year in the world.
Research by the international company TNS Research Global has proven that print advertising is in great demand, compared to electronic advertising, is easier to remember, is characterized as official, trustworthy and safe.
Order from our printing house the printing of catalogs, brochures, booklets, leaflets and other printed products, get a discount. This is guaranteed to justify the money spent with a positive customer attitude.
+38 (067) 543 56 55
+38 (099) 543 56 55
+38 (073) 545 56 55Kharkov printing house, printing, offset printing, book printing, magazine printing, catalog printing, notebook printing, poster printing, booklet printing, leaflet printing
Always with you, The first experimental printing house in Kharkov
47Calendars 2021
Today we want to remind you of the old proverb: “Prepare your sleigh in the summer…” and invite you to start working on making calendars for 2021 🔥.
High-quality wall calendars will decorate your office and home, they can be gifted to business partners and customers! They can be made as posters or posters, or have flip-flops fastened with a spring.
Quarterly calendars are indispensable helpers for accountants, economists and all business people. Desktop calendars – “houses” should always be at hand! & # x1f446; They can also have flip-flops. Compact and handy pocket calendars can serve as business cards, discount or discount cards, gym or beauty salon subscriptions, and many other functions.
Contact the specialists of the First Experimental Printing House and they will tell you which calendar will be ideal for you! 👍
Always in touch!
+38 (067) 543 56 55
+38 (099) 543 56 55
+38 (073) 545 56 55Kharkov printing house, printing, offset printing, book printing, magazine printing, catalog printing, notebook printing, poster printing, booklet printing, leaflet printing
Always with you, The first experimental printing house in Kharkov
48Printing notebooks
Printing of notebooks in a corporate style is a very relevant and demanded service in the printing services market.
Such stationery is perfect as a gift for business partners or as a handout at exhibitions, conferences, presentations whole✅
The first experimental printing house specializes in the printing of corporate and souvenir notebooks with springs and paperbacks. Our equipment allows us to make notebooks for you not only with a standard block thickness of 50 sheets, but also according to the individual order of the client. The choice of format is also unlimited. We use high-quality offset paper for the blocks, and for the production of covers, our specialists will select the material that suits you📝
Choose based on your needs and preferences, and the managers of the First Experimental Printing House will help you calculate the cost and timing of your order🕐
To get advice, just contact the managers by phone☎️+38 (067) 543 56 55
+38 (099) 543 56 55
+38 (073) 545 56 55Kharkov printing house, printing, offset printing, book printing, magazine printing, catalog printing, notebook printing, poster printing, booklet printing, leaflet printing
Always with you, The first experimental printing house in Kharkov
49Book benches
50 benches in the form of open books with colorful illustrations are placed throughout London – this is how enthusiasts from the National Literacy Foundation decided to bring reading to the masses.
All benches presented in the project illustrate works that are somehow connected with London: place or action, heroes or origin of the author.
In Odessa in 2018, benches in the same style on national themes appeared in Shevchenko Park – excerpts from the poems of T.G. Shevchenko are depicted on the benches. Be sure to visit this park being in Odessa – it is very interesting and unusual.
And we can make books in our printing house – it is profitable for you, of high quality and with free delivery to any city in Ukraine from 07/20/2020 to 07/24/2020. Write, call! Always in touch!
+38 (067) 543 56 55
+38 (099) 543 56 55
+38 (073) 545 56 55Kharkov printing house, printing, offset printing, book printing, magazine printing, catalog printing, notebook printing, poster printing, booklet printing, leaflet printing
Always with you, The first experimental printing house in Kharkov
50About the spine
At the dawn of book printing, the choice of binding remained with the owner of the book. A person was given a pack of printed sheets, with which he went to his favorite binder and ordered the binding material based on his aesthetic or financial considerations.
It is hard for the modern reader to believe that the spine was originally considered the back side, so all books were placed with the spine against the wall, and pages into the room. Only in the 16th century did the title and the name of the author begin to be stamped on the roots. The text was placed horizontally, and thin books were not signed at all.
Books were constantly getting cheaper in production, so there were a lot of them. So many that without a signed spine it was already hard to find the book you were looking for. So many that the printers themselves began to do the bindings. So many that even thin books have begun to sign the spines.
At this moment, a division arose: according to one tradition, the spine was signed from top to bottom, according to the other – vice versa.
The tradition of placing the inscription on the spine from top to bottom is older, it goes back to a time when there were few books. The reasoning was this: if the book is on the table (or in a small pile), it should be convenient for the reader to read the title.The tradition of signing the spine from bottom to top is newer, it is based on considerations of the convenience of the owner of the bookshelf. It is more convenient to read from bottom to top, because this direction is more consistent with the European tradition of writing from left to right, which is especially noticeable when there are several lines of text on the spine (naturally, the desire to read lines from left to right).
It so happened that in Western Europe and America they began to adhere to an older tradition, and in Eastern Europe – a more modern one.
According to DSTU GOST 7.84: 2008. The information on the spine is printed in sequence from top to bottom. For publications with a block thickness exceeding 40 mm, it is possible to use the transverse arrangement of the information provided.
The first experimental printing house will produce the best quality books for you in the shortest possible time! Call us:
+38 (067) 543 56 55
+38 (099) 543 56 55
+38 (073) 545 56 55Kharkov printing house, printing, offset printing, book printing, magazine printing, catalog printing, notebook printing, poster printing, booklet printing, leaflet printing
Always with you, The first experimental printing house in Kharkov
The world’s largest book, included in the Guinness Book of Records, was considered the “Superbook” measuring 2.74 by 3.07 meters, weighing 252.6 kg, numbering 300 pages, which was published in Denver (Colorado, USA) in 1976…
But in Russia a book was made, and we call it a booklet, since it contains a small number of pages, surpassing its predecessor-record holder in its parameters.
This is “The Biggest Book for Kids” by the publishing house “In”. It has only 4 pages and 12 poems, but they are 6 meters high, 3 meters wide and weighing 492 kilograms.This huge booklet was made in the open air. A unique wooden slipway was made, and the book was glued together using a special technology. It was delivered to the 17th Moscow International Book Exhibition, which took place in September 2004, on a panel locomotive – in the very same car that carries panels for building houses. It took 15 people to load the booklet onto the platform.
I would like very much that in our country, in Ukraine, masterpieces appeared that could surprise all lovers of printing and surpass their predecessors. And for our printing house to take a direct part in this.
Dear clients, read, learn, improve, love the book. And she – wise – will answer you in kind!
Order at a bargain price the printing of magazines, catalogs, books, booklets, brochures, bright posters, colorful calendars and notebooks from the managers of our printing house.52TOP – 5 🔥 popular colors in printing
Did you know that the right color scheme attracts more attention than a more boring version, even with the most unusual information?
And today we have TOP – 5 🔥 popular colors in printing:
1. Red stimulates greater determination and is great for campaigning and promotions.
2. Blue will help you focus on the main thing in the text, its main plus is the highlighting of important information in any type of printing products.
3. Yellow is a sunny, “friendly” color that encourages contact. It can be used well in advertising for children and tourism.
4. Green is suitable for promoting healthy lifestyles, medical services, pharmacy advertising. But it is advisable to dilute it with more active colors, since it is not very effective on its own.
5. Pink is a softer version of red. It is capable of influencing sensitivity and is excellently used in advertising for beauty salons, sales of cosmetics and perfumes.In addition, it is not recommended to use black or white on your own. It is better to complement them with more active colors.
When choosing colors for your layout, use our tips and stop at 2-3 basic ones, as excessive use of different colors can negatively affect the perception of printed products.
And finally, a few recommendations from color matching experts:
1. Gray and burgundy – a great classic solution if you want to focus on conservatism and solidity.
2. Black with red, gold or silver is usually associated with luxury.
3. Such bright colors as orange, yellow, light green are an excellent solution for children’s products.
4. Shades of red or blue advertise premium services well, such as jewelry.Get inspired, create, create! 💥 And the First Experimental Printing House is looking forward to your layouts in order to efficiently and quickly transfer them to paper.
+38 (067) 543 56 55
+38 (099) 543 56 55
+38 (073) 545 56 55Kharkov printing house, printing, offset printing, book printing, magazine printing, catalog printing, notebook printing, poster printing, booklet printing, leaflet printing
Always with you, First experimental printing house, Kharkov
Each of us has a lot of useful and interesting books on the shelves at home 📚 Having read them once, most likely we will never return to them. But the book is designed to give knowledge. Realizing this, people came up with the idea of ”bookcrossing”.
This idea came from Internet expert Ron Hornbecker. In March 2001, as an experiment in the hotel lobby, he left several dozen books with explanatory notes. And within a few months the number of active book lovers has grown to three hundred 🔝 Nowadays, book circulation has covered almost all countries of the world 🌏 It’s nice that Ukraine is no exception 🇺 🇦
In practice, it looks like this: people leave the books they read in crowded places (cafes, parks, supermarkets, theaters, medical institutions), while others take them away, read and pass them on, and so on in a circle. The ultimate goal of bookcrossing is global – to turn the world into a huge library, so why not let books travel and be useful?
Agree, nothing can replace the familiar rustle of pages, the smell of ink, the extraordinary feeling when you read different stories. A “living book” cannot be compared to an electronic one.
The First Experimental Typography aims to bring your book to life.
Call Us for Consultation ☎️
+38 (067) 543 56 55
+38 (099) 543 56 55
+38 (073) 545 56 55Kharkov printing house, printing, offset printing, book printing, magazine printing, catalog printing, notebook printing, poster printing, booklet printing, leaflet printing
Always with you, First experimental printing house, Kharkov
54Hot glue + thread
Hello everyone! Friday – you need to take stock of the working week, plan work for the beginning of the next).
It’s great to combine Friday night with the coming weekend and go on a mini trip. New impressions, emotions, acquaintances will give you a long and positive charge of energy.
And we can make books, catalogs with hot melt glue + thread at the price of hot melt glue (KBS) from 07/27/2020 to 07/31/2020 in our printing house – profitable for you, with high quality and with delivery to any city in Ukraine.
Write, call! Always in touch!
+38 (067) 543 56 55
+38 (099) 543 56 55
+38 (073) 545 56 55Kharkov printing house, printing, offset printing, book printing, magazine printing, catalog printing, notebook printing, poster printing, booklet printing, leaflet printing
Always with you, First experimental printing house, Kharkov
55Internet and printing
Time rushes by with great speed, today is the last Monday in July. Let it be filled with pleasant events.
The life of the printing industry does not stand still. The Internet and printing are all means of disseminating information. There is a certain connection between them, which has a great influence on the print media (mass media).
The transmission of information (publications) by wire has been carried out for a long time. There was a system called Gazeta2 for the transmission of daily newspapers by telegraph. In 1964, the circulation of the Pravda newspaper in Leningrad (St. Petersburg) was first printed from photographic forms received via communication channels from Moscow.
In 1971, there were already 12 points of reception of newspaper pages by phototelegraph. Later there were several dozen of them. With the phototelegraphic method, the print of the newspaper strip was placed in a transmitting apparatus installed in a publishing house, and transmitted through communication channels by electrical impulses to reception points, where photocopies of the newspaper strip were recorded on the receiving devices on film and thus a photographic form was obtained for both single and multi-color printing. … This system was used by central newspapers.
In the early 2000s, experiments were carried out to transfer the pages of the Krasnaya Zvezda newspaper via satellite communication lines to print it in areas quite remote from Moscow. During these experiments, the newspaper was published there even earlier than in Moscow.
There was a time when files with layouts were brought to the printing house on floppy disks, disks and flash drives, although flash drives are still used today. With the development of the Internet, absolutely new forms of organizing the production of printed publications have appeared: placing an order, approving a color proof, designing and delivering a circulation, coordinating current issues – all this and much more is carried out online. These processes made it possible to overcome geographic barriers, due to which the publishing business was previously mainly tied to a specific printing house, it became possible to cooperate with many cities and even countries.
The First Experimental Printing House keeps up with the times. Order the printing of catalogs, books, magazines, posters, calendars in our printing house and see for yourself.
+38 (067) 543 56 55
+38 (099) 543 56 55
+38 (073) 545 56 55Kharkov printing house, printing, offset printing, book printing, magazine printing, catalog printing, notebook printing, poster printing, booklet printing, leaflet printing
Always with you, First experimental printing house, Kharkov
56Summer printing!
What comes to mind first when we hear about summer? Sun, sea, beach, vacation… For many companies, summer is considered off-season, and is fraught with a decline in sales or production. Or maybe it’s just a stereotype? Is it worth cutting your advertising budget, or can you use it to break away from your competitors?
We are sure that there will be advertising in the summer! 💥 For a seasonal business, this is a period of active promotion, and for non-seasonal goods and services, it is the best period for strategic planning and PR events. Advertising printing is highly informative and easy to present information.
Do you want to sell more products, attract new customers, make your company recognizable? Then order the printing of catalogs, brochures, booklets, leaflets at the First Experimental Printing House!
And you are guaranteed success! Look forward to! We are always in touch!
+38 (067) 543 56 55
+38 (099) 543 56 55
+38 (073) 545 56 55Kharkov printing house, printing, offset printing, book printing, magazine printing, catalog printing, notebook printing, poster printing, booklet printing, leaflet printing
Always with you, First experimental printing house, Kharkov
57About money
What type of printing products do you think is the most widespread in the world? No, these are not leaflets or newspapers 🗞 The most popular type is paper money 💸
Plain paper is not suitable for printing banknotes. Each bill in its life is constantly being erased, crumpled, and exposed to a lot of different influences. Therefore, money paper must be incredibly durable and durable.
In the manufacture of such paper, natural cotton fibers are used, and before starting to print, this paper passes a number of tests. On folding machines, money is folded many times over. For example, office paper familiar to us loses its properties and begins to tear after a few folds. Banknote paper, on the other hand, can withstand thousands of folds.
The next challenge facing money paper is tear resistance. This indicator is checked using a dynamometer, which shows how many meters of its own weight the paper can withstand until it breaks. The paper for banknotes holds up to several kilometers of its own weight.
Money is printed using 4 different printing methods.
- The usual pattern is applied by an offset method, metallography is responsible for drawing a depression on the banknotes.
- Oryol printing, allows you to join the thinnest lines of different colors without breaks and overlaps. It is impossible to achieve such accuracy by any other method.
- Embossed serial numbers are printed using letterpress printing.
- Watermarks on banknotes are not some special type of printing, but are created during the manufacture of the paper itself for banknotes 💶
There are special requirements for inks for printing money 🎨 In addition to being resistant to abrasion and fading, they should glow under a certain spectrum in detectors that determine the authenticity of banknotes. Such paints are produced in a separate workshop of the Banknote-Mint using Swiss technology.
The printing of money is entirely under the jurisdiction of the state 🇺 🇦 But if you need to print any other printing products – contact the First Experimental Printing House!
Our managers are always in touch ☎️
+38 (067) 543 56 55
+38 (099) 543 56 55
+38 (073) 545 56 55
Drupa is a powerful driver for the growth and development of the global printing industry. The world’s leading trade fair for printing technology offers optimal networking opportunities and the potential for lucrative contracts.
It is an ideal platform for presenting innovations, developing new business models, and forging new partnerships. The next exhibition is scheduled for April 20-28, 2021 in Dusseldorf (Germany).
The first experimental typography is always in the trend of new technologies. Order the printing of books, catalogs, magazines from our printing house and get the best result! Write, call! Always in touch!
+38 (067) 543 56 55
+38 (099) 543 56 55
+38 (073) 545 56 55
www.exp-print.com.ua59Interesting pantones
Interesting colors from Panton
1867 colors created by combining 13 base pigments.
All of these colors can be found on the Pantone website or in their printed book. This is a real paradise for designers. The selected shade will match the real one by 100%.
Interestingly, Pantone is open to ideas and suggestions. Some companies wanted to create their OWN color. And they went to meet them. They now have their own brand color that only they can use.
Here are a couple of examples:
Remember the Tiffany & Co color? It is strongly associated with this particular brand. The color has the number PMS 1837 (the year the brand was founded), created by Pantone and is a private custom color.
The famous yellow from the cartoon Minions. In 2015, Pantone received an order from Universal Pictures. A color for its characters that would radiate “hope, joy and optimism.” Everyone can use this shade (unlike Tiffany Blue). It is in the section “fashion, home and interior” under the name “Minion”.Colors are strongly associated with a brand and evoke in us the emotions with which they were conceived. Now the idea of choosing a brand color takes on even more meaning, doesn’t it?
Order colorful printing of books, catalogs, magazines from our printing house and get the best result! Always in touch!
+38 (067) 543 56 55
+38 (099) 543 56 55
+38 (073) 545 56 55
www.exp-print.com.ua60How to entertain yourself in the summer
Good morning! They say that Monday is a hard day, and we will dispel this opinion and help you to relax. Great mood and kind thoughts for every day !!!
Glossy magazines that help many tired people to relax their busy brain have long since turned from colorful advertising catalogs into the most interesting and fascinating publications. Even the most discerning critics are constantly drawn to the brilliant pages scattered here and there in beauty salons, sports clubs, cafes and waiting rooms in order to find something hitherto unknown.
Call and write to our managers, they will always help you to sort out all the questions that arise when preparing a layout for printing.
+38 (067) 543 56 55
+38 (099) 543 56 55
+38 (073) 545 56 5561Gloss in the interior
Summer is the time of vacations and vacations for children. Develop with your children. Only a month left for fun)))
We all know perfectly well that the life of the print press is short: yesterday it was “fresh”, today it is no longer interesting to anyone – or even “pinched” by leaflet on recipes and other useful notes. What is the bottom line? Glossy stacks litter the house, and sometimes it’s a pity to throw it away. And rightly so: if the magazines are in good condition, they can be shared or exchanged with friends. And copies of worse can be safely put into children’s and family creativity: inexpensive – but how beautiful!
Interesting thematic blanks, cut from colorful pages of unnecessary press, can be turned into bright collages, paintings, panels, decor for different boxes for a children’s room. They will enliven the interior and make the space more “personal”, reflecting the interests and hobbies of the child.
By the way, gloss is not just a low-budget solution for interior decor, but also a material respected in design circles. This is how exclusive frames for mirrors and country stools are born, or an absolutely incredible “coffee” table in the literal sense.
Who knows, maybe after practicing with the children on various glossy crafts, you decide to make something similar for a country house or apartment? Imagine, try – at least have fun and help kids develop artistic skills.
Call and write to our managers, they will always help you to sort out all the questions that arise when preparing a layout for printing.
+38 (067) 543 56 55
+38 (099) 543 56 55
+38 (073) 545 56 55Kharkov printing house, printing, offset printing, book printing, magazine printing, catalog printing, notebook printing, poster printing, booklet printing, leaflet printing
Always with you, First experimental printing house, Kharkov
62Useful Tips
Today we will talk about a topic not directly related to printing, but very useful with regular use. 😉
The information will be useful for people who spend hours every day hugging a monitor: managers, designers, technical editors, prepress engineers and everyone who cannot imagine their life without social networks. 👀
We advise to periodically rest our eyes. Better yet, do a little exercise:
· Turn away from the monitor, close your eyes and quickly, without opening your eyelids, close your eyes 10 times.
· With your eyes wide open, blink vigorously 10 times, as quickly as possible.
Closing your eyes, draw eights, first horizontal (5-6 times), then vertical (5-6 times).
· Massage your temples at the edge of your eyes in a circular motion with your fingertips (1-2 minutes).
· Fix your gaze on the most distant object within sight (it is better to look out the window as far as possible), then slowly move your gaze to the tip of the nose. Repeat this exercise 10-15 times three times a day while working with your computer monitor.We’ve all heard that monitors spoil our eyesight. In fact, in most cases, vision deteriorates from the fact that sitting at the monitor, we blink much less often, due to which the cornea begins to dry out and, accordingly, vision deteriorates. Blink more often! Have a good view!
And the First Experimental Printing House is looking forward to your layouts in order to efficiently and quickly transfer them to paper.
Always in touch!
+38 (067) 543 56 55
+38 (099) 543 56 55
+38 (073) 545 56 55
www.exp-print.com.ua63About postcards
Today a greeting card is a cute trinket that you can buy for little money and make a nice addition to the gift 🎁
But this was not always the case – at the beginning of its appearance, the postcard was an expensive piece that was made by hand to order. Not everyone could afford such a luxury.
Until the twentieth century, the appearance of postcards was significantly different from what we are used to seeing in stores. These were whole works of art, painted in oils, watercolors 🎨 🖼 The production of such cards took a lot of time, so it was important to find a master in advance so that the order was completed on time 🕐
Henry Cole is considered to be the first who came up with the idea of replicating postcards for sale. In 1840, he commissioned 40 lithographs from the artist, depicting his family and the signature “Merry Christmas!” Henry Cole’s family loved the postcards so much that he decided to order 1,000 more of them for sale. For a long time, postcards were presented from hand to hand. It was not considered an ethical gesture to send plain text letters by mail.
In the twentieth century, with the advent of the first offset machines, the production of postcards became a faster process, and the prices for postcards became more affordable. Postcards were printed on the eve of the main holidays: Christmas, Easter, and later the New Year. These cards were called “congratulations”. In the future, many genres of postcards dedicated to different holidays appeared, postcards of a personal nature, for example, for father, mother, for loved ones ❤️
Today, the images on postcards have become so diverse that customers prefer minimalist designs combined with a variety of post-printing techniques such as die-cutting, embossing, embossing and others.
The first experimental printing house will embody the idea of any complexity into reality, and most importantly, on time.
Our managers are always in touch ☎️
+38 (067) 543 56 55
+38 (099) 543 56 55
+38 (073) 545 56 55
www.exp-print.com.uaKharkov printing house, printing, offset printing, book printing, magazine printing, catalog printing, notebook printing, poster printing, booklet printing, leaflet printing
Always with you, First experimental printing house, Kharkov
64What to do with your child on the weekend
5 ideas for what to do with your child this weekend!
1. Have a picnic in the park – what better way to spend time outdoors.
2. Master the good old games – teach your child to jump over a rubber band, draw classics or a snail, etc.
3. Learn road signs. Go for a walk, and along the way, teach your child about the main traffic signs. Let it not be a boring lecture, but a fun quiz, where you should be rewarded for correct answers. Such trips are perceived with delight by children.
4. Arrange a photo session or video shooting for the child – a photo session, for example, in the park, on the playground. In order for the child not to get tired, allow him to change outfits, make faces, take a variety of poses. You can give your kid a children’s camera.
5. Visit a library, bookstore, or exhibition. Introducing the book to the child is the responsibility of every parent. A book for a child is a ticket to the magical world of adventure.The first experimental printing house – printing of books, catalogs, magazines is always profitable for you! Write, call! Always in touch!
+38 (067) 543 56 55
+38 (099) 543 56 55
+38 (073) 545 56 55
www.exp-print.com.uaKharkov printing house, printing, offset printing, book printing, magazine printing, catalog printing, notebook printing, poster printing, booklet printing, leaflet printing
65Exhibition of books in Odessa 2020
XXIV International Book Festival “Green Wave” in 2020 is held offline and online.
Directions of the festival: publishing and book distribution, popularization of reading, international cultural relations, art of illustration, literature, education.
The offline festival was held these days in Odessa from 6 to 9 August 2020.The festival includes a book fair, a program of events on the “Book Stage”, a program for children and adolescents of the Korneichuk Festival of Children’s Literature and a program of the All-Ukrainian Forum “Ukrainian Book of Odessa Region”.
– Festival center in the park. T. G. Shevchenko (“Book Alley”, “Book Scene”, “Territory of Creativity”)
– Odessa National Scientific Library
– 4City urban space
Admission to all festival events is free.About 70 publishing houses and bookselling enterprises, representing fiction, educational, scientific, popular science, special, children’s literature, took part in the book fair of the festival; developing products; electronic publications, periodicals; printed graphics.
The program of events on the “Book Stage” includes presentations of publishing projects of the festival participants, meetings with authors, readings, a poetry marathon, educational programs, presentations of books-laureates of the “Art of the Book” and “Odessa on Book Pages” contests.
The Korneichuk Festival of Children’s Literature is represented by a program of children’s book presentations, master classes by writers and illustrators, theater and music programs.
Many of our customers presented their products from the First Experimental Printing House at the Green Wave 2020.
Our clients trust us!The first experimental printing house is always in touch!
+38 (067) 543 56 55
+38 (099) 543 56 55
+38 (073) 545 56 55
www.exp-print.com.uaKharkov printing house, printing, offset printing, book printing, magazine printing, catalog printing, notebook printing, poster printing, booklet printing, leaflet printing
66Book museums
The book is a special monument of history and culture, so it is no coincidence that it is one of the most ancient objects of collection. Let’s talk about some of the famous printing museums.
The oldest museum of books and book business is the German Museum of Books and Writing (Leipzig), opened in 1885. Its funds contain more than 500 thousand exhibits, including manuscripts, incunabula, rare editions of the 16th-20th centuries, paper collections , fonts, printing machines.
“Temple of the Book” in Jerusalem, built in the form of a white dome, symbolizing the Sons of Light, and the black basalt wall symbolizes the Sons of Darkness. The “Temple of the Book” contains the so-called Qumran Scrolls of the Dead Sea – the world’s oldest Bible manuscripts.
Baku Museum of Miniature Books is a private museum, from 2014 to 2016 the museum was included in the Guinness Book of Records as the largest collection of miniature books in the world.
Museum of Miniature Books named after V.A. Razumov in Gorlovka. The museum contains over 10,000 miniature and microbooks. The maximum size of books in the collection is about 10 cm. The minimum copies are comparable in size to a poppy seed.
Berezhany Museum of Books in the Ternopil region. It contains unique editions: 17 early printed XVII-XIX centuries, the first edition of “Kobzar” by Taras Shevchenko, etc.
Museum of Old Ukrainian Book Art in Lviv. Contains publications of Fiol, Skaryna, Ivan Fedorov and other first printers, as well as printing machines of the first half of the 17th century.Museum of Books and Printing of Ukraine in Kiev in the building of the former Lavra printing house, which is more than 300 years old. Here are collected the treasures of the Ukrainian book culture – 100 rare early printed editions of Ivan Fedorov, the first edition of Kotlyarevsky’s “Aeneid”.
As you can see, in our country there are quite interesting locations for book lovers.
And while you are resting, we continue to print for you the brightest, most colorful books, magazines, catalogs and other printed products.
Always in touch!+38 (067) 543 56 55
+38 (099) 543 56 55
+38 (073) 545 56 55
www.exp-print.com.uaKharkov printing house, printing, offset printing, book printing, magazine printing, catalog printing, notebook printing, poster printing, booklet printing, leaflet printing
67A bit of history about books
New week and new historical information from the field of printing from the “First Experimental Printing House”
“The One’s Deepest Secrets of the Art of Medicine” is the title of a sealed 100-page book that was found among the belongings of the famous Dutch doctor Hermann Boerhave after his death in 1738. The book was auctioned off for $ 10,000 in gold. After the seal was opened, the pages were found to be blank. Only on the title page was the inscription: “Keep your head in the cold, your feet warm, and you will make the poor man the best doctor.”In public libraries in medieval Europe, books were chained to shelves. Such chains were long enough to take a book off the shelf and read, but did not allow the book to be taken out of the library. This practice was widespread until the 18th century, due to the great value of each copy of the book.
Among the most read books in the world, the first place, undoubtedly, belongs to the Bible. Its total circulation is six billion copies. In second place is Mao Zedong’s quotation book, and third place went to “The Lord of the Rings”.
And we invite you to familiarize yourself with our website and order from us the printing of bright children’s books, educational literature, colorful and useful catalogs and many other promotional products.
+38 (067) 543 56 55
+38 (099) 543 56 55
+38 (073) 545 56 55
www.exp-print.com.uaKharkov printing house, printing, offset printing, book printing, magazine printing, catalog printing, notebook printing, poster printing, booklet printing, leaflet printing
68About the safety of our production :)
Since the establishment of the First Experimental Printing House, our goal has been the most effective solution to the problems of our customers.
We offer high quality printing and real production time. By calling us, you get professional advice from the manager, the cost of your order is calculated individually.
It is very important for us that you have only pleasant impressions from working with us, and you want to come back to us.
Therefore, at this difficult time for all of us, we take our and your safety very seriously. We have developed measures and procedures to counteract infection, adjusted the organization of work in order to reduce personal contacts between employees, and regularly disinfect production facilities. All our employees are provided with proper protective equipment and hygiene.
Our clients trust us!Good health to all of us and fruitful and safe cooperation! ✌️
We are always in touch!+38 (067) 543 56 55
+38 (099) 543 56 55
+38 (073) 545 56 55
www.exp-print.com.uaKharkov printing house, printing, offset printing, book printing, magazine printing, catalog printing, notebook printing, poster printing, booklet printing, leaflet printing
69How many readers are there in Ukraine?
Nowadays, the reality is that in recent years reading books has lost the status of one of the most common types of pastime, as evidenced by the fact that today in transport a passenger with a book has long been supplanted by a passenger with a smartphone.But are books really an endangered species?
According to the results of a sociological survey conducted by the Research & amp; Branding Group, among 1805 Ukrainians aged 18 and over, it turned out that the majority of readers (74%) still prefer to read printed books. They are much less likely to prefer e-books (21%) and audiobooks (4%).
It turned out that only 43% of Ukrainians read regularly, and 57% practically do not read books.
Experts assure that Ukrainians’ interest in reading is influenced by age, education level and gender. It turned out that women read much more often than men (47% versus 38%). Moreover, the most active readers were young Ukrainians aged 18 to 30, their 51%, and the readership of pre-retirement age – 39%.
In regional statistics, a higher level is shown by residents of the East and Center of Ukraine (49% and 46%), while in the southern regions there are fewer book readers (34%)
Today, the most popular literary genres among Ukrainian readers are detective stories (41%), historical works (36%) and romance novels (27%)
According to the results of the survey, I would like to note: no matter how old you are, where you live and what kind of education you have – read more, read more actively, because knowledge is power!
And the “First Experimental Printing House” will make books and other printing products of the best quality for you.
Call us for advice ☎️
+38 (067) 543 56 55
+38 (099) 543 56 55
+38 (073) 545 56 55
www.exp-print.com.uaKharkov printing house, printing, offset printing, book printing, magazine printing, catalog printing, notebook printing, poster printing, booklet printing, leaflet printing
70Happy Savior Holidays!
Folk omens on Makoveya (August 14):
- What will be the weather on Honey Spas – so it will be on August 28;
- After the Honey Savior, bees stop wearing honey;
- The Savior has come – the summer has left us;
- If it rains on Makoveya, there will be few fires;
- For the first spoonful of consecrated honey, you need to remember your cherished desire, and it will come true.
The Second Savior is celebrated on August 19 and it is called the Apple Savior, since apples, as well as other fruits and honey are brought to the church for consecration. The third, Nut Spas, is celebrated on August 29. This name is because, according to the national calendar, nuts of the new harvest are harvested on this day.
All success and sweet life!The first experimental printing house – printing of books, catalogs, magazines is always profitable for you! Write, call! Always in touch!
+38 (067) 543 56 55
+38 (099) 543 56 55
+38 (073) 545 56 5508/14/20
71History of the creation of the notebook
Information about the time of the appearance of the first notebook varies, but we can say that this invention appeared approximately in the 7th century. But the notebook was first needed by the French – at the court of Louis XIV.
The beginning of the production of notebooks took place only in the 19th century in the city of Tours, with an elastic band, a hard cover and rounded corners, although notebooks began to be made already in the 18th. At this time, notebooks did not receive mass production, they were purchased mainly by artists, writers and journalists.
The name of the person who first created the notebook is unknown. The accessory, from which you can tear off the sheets after use, was first invented by the great Mark Twain (real name Samuel Clemens). He did not become a writer right away, at first he studied to be a steamer pilot on the Missouri River and, on the advice of his teacher, started a notebook to write down everything he needed.
For the next fifty years of his life, Twain kept and kept about 50 notebooks. The writer often started a new notebook when going on some kind of journey. In them he described his impressions, made sketches of places, drew illustrations for books and wrote down ideas. Subsequently, Twain’s notebooks were disassembled into winged quotes and aphorisms, since he used to write down what came to his head in short and witty sentences, and Twain entered frivolous jokes in the back of the notebook.
He was not only a renowned writer but also a successful inventor. In 1872, he patented scrapbooks, some of the pages in which were provided with strips of dry glue, which were enough to get wet to glue something. In addition, Twain also invented the perforated notepad with loose-leaves.
By 1901, the enterprising Mark Twain had sold at least 57 types of albums and notebooks, which brought him $ 50,000. It is believed that, in general, the writer earned more from patents than from all of his books.
The first experimental printing house will make for you notebooks in any design: spring-loaded, hot-melt, stitched, perforated, rounded corners and other post-printing operations of the best quality.
We are always in touch!
38 (099) 543 56 55
38 (067) 543 56 55
38 (073) 545 56 5572Original ideas
Magazines, like any other sphere of popular culture, are constantly looking for “their” audience, constantly talking to it. A good – or even better to use the term “talented” – editor always knows what to talk about with this audience, moreover, the magazine with a capital letter always talks not about what they want to hear from him, but about what the readers have not yet know.
As with any cultural product, the magazine has a base and a superstructure. You can throw out everything from a fashion magazine, except for new collections of clothes, because this is precisely its essence, basis. But without what, in theory, you can do without, the magazine will become uninteresting. This is precisely the ideological superstructure that creates the correct image. Magazines immerse you in the world of desires, and contemporary art has now become a part of this beautiful world.
The First Experimental Printing House invites you to bring your original ideas to life. Magazines, catalogs, booklets, books, posters, everything you need for development and prosperity.
Advertising posters represent your company. They can be armor-piercing (piercing the armor of human inattention) transmitters of your messages. Can capture audiences. Or maybe not. What’s the secret? It’s very simple. Compose your message. Less information is better. And add a concept, a visual expression that explains everything.
We are always in touch!
38 (099) 543 56 55
38 (067) 543 56 55
38 (073) 545 56 5573How to stay healthy at work
Do you spend eight hours a day in the office sitting at your desk and staring at your monitor? Do you think how to keep your health in such conditions? Add five simple exercises from Dr. Friedman to your schedule:
1. Make a foot massage
The feet lose their mobility if you sit in one position for a long time. Take a couple of breaks throughout the day to roll your feet on a massage ball or small bottle of ice water. Take off your shoes, lightly step on the ball or bottle, and roll the object over the arch of your foot. This will relax the tissues and improve blood circulation.2. Crouch against a wall
Press your shoulder blades and lower back against the wall, squat down so that your knee and hip joints are bent at an angle of 90 °. Hold this position for a minute. Repeat the exercise 3 times to prevent tissue degeneration.3. Do lunges
The muscles in the thighs, which flex and extend the joints, are shortened from sitting. You need to properly stretch the anterior thigh muscle group: the quadriceps and smaller muscles responsible for movement in the hip joint. Lunge forward with your left foot, bending your knee at a 90 ° angle. The right knee should not touch the floor. Then change your supporting leg. Repeat the exercise 3-4 times a day.4. Straighten up
Sit on the edge of a chair, leaning on your tailbone. Turn your arms at your sides in such a way as to bring your shoulders back and arch your back. At the same time, unfold your feet and spread your hips to the sides. Hold this position for 10 seconds. Repeat 10 times.5. Stretch your back
This exercise is great for correcting your sitting position at a table. Stand up, place your palms on the pelvic bones from the back. This will protect the lumbar spine from over-stretching. Lean back as slowly as you can. Repeat 10 times.Do the exercise once or twice a day.
Good health to you! ✌️And the specialists of the First Experimental Printing House are always in touch and are waiting for your layouts in order to efficiently and quickly transfer them to paper! 🔥
+38 (067) 543 56 55
+38 (099) 543 56 55
+38 (073) 545 56 5574Congreve
In order to give the advertising products an original and stylish look, relief stamping or foil stamping is used
With the help of relief embossing, a certain relief is created on the surface of the finished product. It can be convex or concave. To obtain such an effect, two clichés are used, between which the finished product is placed, as a result of which a beautiful relief is obtained. This is a great way to create not only a beautiful, but also a pleasant to the touch product, therefore stamping is widely used in advertising and business printing.
Foil stamping is rightfully one of the most popular, effective and affordable ways of finishing printed products. Foil stamping technology has gained great popularity among customers of advertising printing. The psychological aspect plays an important role – since ancient times, people have associated shine with something expensive and luxurious, so catalogs, magazines and books with this type of finish will definitely attract the attention of potential buyers
The essence of the technology is to create an image on the printed material using a special printing foil. The transfer of the picture is carried out by pressure and is carried out on special equipment. During the embossing process, a stamp heated to a certain temperature exerts pressure on the foil, melting the adhesive layer, as a result of which the metal layer is transferred to the printed material
Having placed an order in the First Experimental Printing House, you can be convinced that our experienced specialists are able to turn any advertising publication into a genuine work of printing art. Thanks to modern technologies, we will bring to life even the most daring idea and make a catalog, book or postcard as original and unique as possible.
+38 (067) 543 56 55
+38 (099) 543 56 55
+38 (073) 545 56 5575Hot melt bonding
Hot melt glue or PUR glue?
Our customers choose hot melt adhesive!
In cases where thick paper is used in the block (above 130 g / m2) and it is necessary to improve the opening of the block, a sewing-glue joint (thread + hot melt glue) or PUR glue is used.For comparison, the advantages of PUR glue include:
– Reliable – high adhesive strength. Sheets do not fall out during intensive use, they are used to fasten thick types of paper, catalogs with different inserts.
– Elastic – allows you to open the product 180 degrees, so the internal margins can be made smaller (comparable to – thread + hot melt glue).
– Resistant to high (+90) and low (-40) temperatures, solvents, oils (unstable hot melt glue).
The main disadvantages of PUR glue:
– Fully polymerized only after a day (hot melt within a few hours);
– The cost is approximately 2 times higher than hot melt glue;
– Vapors of PUR glue during the gluing process are toxic.The first experimental printing house – provides all possible options for gluing blocks: hot melt glue, PUR glue, thread + hot melt glue! Write, call! Always in touch!
+38 (067) 543 56 55
+38 (099) 543 56 55
+38 (073) 545 56 5576Happy Kharkiv and Ukrainian Flag Day!
Today, August 23, are wonderful holidays – the Day of our hometown of Kharkov and the Day of the National Flag of Ukraine!
We sincerely congratulate Kharkiv citizens on their favorite city holiday!
Kharkiv, by the way, is the largest city of printers; most of the educational literature, newspapers, and magazines for the whole country are printed here.
A bit of history.The official date of the foundation of the First Capital is considered to be 1654. From December 1917 to January 1918 and from December 1919 to June 1934 Kharkov retained the status of the main city of Ukraine.
As for the flag, for the first time a combination of blue and yellow in Ukraine appeared on the coat of arms of Lviv: Daniil Galitsky presented the city, founded in 1256, with a coat of arms depicting a yellow lion on a blue background.
On March 17, 1917, the organization of the Central Rada was announced, since that time Ukrainian blue and yellow flags appear at the state level thanks to the first President of Ukraine, Mikhail Hrushevsky.
After gaining sovereignty, the blue and yellow flag was officially approved as the state symbol of Ukraine on January 28, 1992. In August 2004, the President signed a decree establishing the Day of the State Flag of Ukraine, which is celebrated annually on August 23.
We also join in the congratulations and gladly wish Ukraine prosperity, growth and continuous improvement, the residents of our city – prosperity and inspiration!
Well, we, in turn, are ready to further develop the printing sector of Slobozhanshchina and delight you with quality products! Always in touch!
+38 (067) 543 56 55
+38 (099) 543 56 55
+38 (073) 545 56 5577Happy Independence Day of Ukraine!
The team of LLC “First Experimental Printing House” congratulates all of you on the holiday – the Independence Day of Ukraine!
On this holiday, we wish you good health, happiness, family well-being, peace of mind and confidence in the future.
We wish that your important work for the good of the Motherland and the Ukrainian people will always be fruitful and inspired and give you only joy and pleasure. Generous fate, strength and inspiration in all your affairs and may the dream of a better future inspire you to new achievements, to new good beginnings.
Let the source of your faith, hope and love for Ukraine be inexhaustible!
Glory to Ukraine!
We are always in touch with you.
+38 (067) 543 56 55
+38 (099) 543 56 55
+38 (073) 545 56 5578New sewing machine A3 format!
The first experimental printing house is glad to tell you about a new acquisition!
ASTER 160 – sewing machine !!! The equipment is fully automated, it is enough to insert notebooks and at the exit we have ready-made stitched blocks. This makes it possible to sew blocks of your catalogs or books as quickly and efficiently as possible, up to 160 notebooks per minute.
The big advantage of the machine is the ability to sew very thick catalogs – up to 230 notebooks per block !!!
The maximum block format is 320 * 420 mm, the minimum is 75 * 150 mm. Another advantage is the ability to stitch up to 4 notebooks. It is very important if the block of a catalog or a book on coated paper is 80-90 g / m2.
Do you have a catalog layout with many pages? Do you have a hot-melt book with block stitching? Then we are waiting for you
The first experimental printing house, Kharkov.
The best typography in the country!Always in touch!
38 (099) 543 56 55
38 (067) 543 56 55
38 (073) 545 56 5579🔥 TOP 5 Tips for the Health of Office Workers
Today we continue the topic of health for office workers.
🔥 TOP 5 tips for you:
1.Complete breakfast
No matter how you rush to work, don’t even think about depriving yourself of your morning meal! Firstly, it helps to start the metabolism, secondly, it gives an energy boost for the whole day, thirdly, it saves you from unhealthy snacks, and fourthly, you can eat anything for breakfast (even your favorite cookies).2.Small weaknesses
Do you have a colleague who is famous for her culinary delights? If she once again brought some yummy, do not rush to refuse! Firstly, you can offend the “office girlfriend”, secondly, you will feel deprived, and thirdly, you will break into something harmful a little later. Learn to eat everything but control your portions. A small piece of cake will not spoil your figure.3. Teamwork
Chances are, you are not alone in your quest to stay healthy without leaving your monitor. This means that you can assemble a support group from your colleagues who, together with you, will overcome all difficulties on the way to your cherished goal! You can agree not to bring prohibited foods to the office, sign up for a gym together, and share the results for added motivation.4.Water balance
When you are headlong at work, you can forget about the body’s need for fluids and soon you will feel hunger, lethargy and headache. In order not to forget about water, start an alarm clock or put a bottle of water right in the workplace.5.Work on the move
Instead of arranging business meetings in the office, invite your partners / clients to sit in a cozy cafe for a cup of coffee. Being active and fresh air for just 20 minutes can improve your mood and reduce stress. And not only with you, but this is the guarantee of stable fruitful relations! ✌️Good health to you!
And the specialists of the First Experimental Printing House are always in touch and are waiting for your layouts in order to efficiently and quickly transfer them to paper! 🔥
+38 (067) 543 56 55
+38 (099) 543 56 55
+38 (073) 545 56 5580The smallest round book
Any miniature book is a work of art, and a miniature round book is a real masterpiece 💥 💣
The Prayer Book “Codex Rotundus” is a unique specimen in form and size. The round-shaped book contains 266 pages and closes with three fasteners that are monogrammed using the letters of the Gothic alphabet. The diameter of the book is only 9 cm and the spine of the book is 3 cm 📖
The name of the author of the miniature is unknown, but it is likely that the prayer book was made in 1480 in Bruges (Belgium). Most likely, the book was commissioned by Adolphe Cleve (1425-1492), Duke of the Burgundian line of Valois. “Codex Rotundus” was intended for personal use: you could take it with you to church or use it when traveling far from home⛪️
On the pages of the prayer book there are three full-size miniatures and about 30 capital letters, which reflect different scenes from the Bible, episodes from the life of Christ and the saints.
Today the original “Codex Rotundus” is kept in the library of the city of Hildesheim in Germany 🇩 🇪The first experimental printing house will make unique books for you.
Choose based on your needs and preferences, and our managers will help you calculate the cost and terms of your order 🕐
+38 (067) 543 56 55
+38 (099) 543 56 55
+38 (073) 545 56 5581Calendars 2021
Good morning everyone!
Autumn is coming and it’s time to choose and print your company’s calendars! Nowadays, almost all enterprises have their own calendars. It is difficult to imagine a business person who does not have a stylish calendar on his desk️. They also serve as a great way to advertise and help business people plan their time️. There are different calendars: Gregorian, Maya, Chinese, New Julian, Jewish. And in the printing industry – desktop, wall, poster, quarter, pocket.
Managers of the First Experimental Printing House will help you choose the best calendar format!
The most varied designs of layouts surprise us and inspire us to work for you✌️. We are looking forward to new projects.
The best typography in the country!We are always in touch!
+38 (067) 543 56 55
+38 (099) 543 56 55
+38 (073) 545 56 55
www.exp-print.com.uaKharkov printing house, printing, offset printing, book printing, magazine printing, catalog printing, notebook printing, poster printing, booklet printing, leaflet printing
82Delivery from our printing house
Delivery of finished products 👌
The first experimental printing house takes care of its customers – delivering finished products in comfort 😍 The process of delivery of finished products is built very smoothly 👍 What the customer needs is only to choose a delivery method – self-pickup or courier delivery. The rest of the routine will be done by the logistic service of the printing house 🚚 It doesn’t matter where you need to deliver the print run of the finished product – a neighboring house next to the printing house, the territory of Ukraine, or delivery to Toronto, Milan. We can and do !!
The first experimental printing house – provides all possible options for the delivery of finished products! Write, call!
We are always in touch!
+38 (067) 543 56 55
+38 (099) 543 56 55
+38 (073) 545 56 55
www.exp-print.com.uaKharkov printing house, printing, offset printing, book printing, magazine printing, catalog printing, notebook printing, poster printing, booklet printing, leaflet printing
83Autumn book exhibitions in Europe
International book fairs in Europe will open in the fall!
In 2020, most of the world’s book fairs have moved to fall.
Bokmassan Goteborg (Sweden, Gothenburg), September 24-27, 2020. The largest Swedish book fair is traditionally held annually in Gothenburg, and it is the first to “shoot” among its European counterparts. However, for the public, all the action will take place on the Internet.
Frankfurter Buchmesse (Germany, Frankfurt am Main), October 14-18, 2020. European book publishers primarily look at the behavior of the organizers of the main European book fair “Frankfurter Buchmesse”, which is annually held in the central exhibition halls of Frankfurt am Main. And it looks like Frankfurt will be the first in the European Union to dare to let visitors directly to the book stands. The German government has allocated 4 million euros to Frankfurter Buchmesse. The book fair is planned to be held at the fairgrounds, throughout the city and at the same time virtually. From October 14 to 16, 2020, Frankfurter Buchmesse will work exclusively for book business professionals, and on October 17 and 18, the entrance is open to everyone.
Helsinki Book Fair (Finland, Helsinki), October 22-25, 2020. In 2019, the Helsinki Book Fair attracted a record number of visitors – 90 thousand people. The fair is famous for the fact that it presents literature in different languages, takes place in Helsinki in the pavilions of the Messukeskus exhibition center.
If you need to print a book, magazine, catalog, calendar for 2021 and other printing products – we are always in touch!
+38 (067) 543 56 55
+38 (099) 543 56 55
+38 (073) 545 56 55
www.exp-print.com.uaKharkov printing house, printing, offset printing, book printing, magazine printing, catalog printing, notebook printing, poster printing, booklet printing, leaflet printing
84The Day of Knowledge!
Good morning friends! 🌞
The first experimental printing house congratulates everyone on September 1 – Knowledge Day! 🌹
Did you know that the event has an extensive background dating back to centuries-old traditions? The holiday of the New Year, which came at the end of the 15th century from Byzantium, is associated with the emergence of the custom to honor everyone who receives and imparts knowledge. Since 1984, the event began to be celebrated at the official level.
And although in the context of the pandemic, holding mass holiday gatherings is limited, today let us recall the traditions familiar to schoolchildren and their parents:
1. Formal dress – students come to school in light shirts, jackets, plain skirts, trousers, and sundresses.
2. The solemn line is the main tradition of the Day of Knowledge. Teachers and students congratulate each other on the beginning of the new school year, read poems, sing songs, and give flowers to teachers.
3. The first bell – a senior pupil sits a first grader on his shoulder with a bell in his hands, after which they go in a circle, and the girl rings the bell, inviting everyone to the first lesson.
4. Classroom hour – the first lesson in the academic year, during which organizational issues are resolved, first-graders get to know each other, and graduates are told about exams and future admission.And some interesting facts about Knowledge Day: 👆
1. In ancient times, September 1 was celebrated as a harvest festival.
2. The word “school” comes from the Greek “skole”, in translation – “leisure”.
3. Ukraine and 122 more countries start the school year on September 1, children of 43 more countries go to school on January 1, and in 16 countries the beginning of the school year falls on March.
4. The longest lesson was recorded in Australia and lasted 54 hours. All this time the professor read his lecture material to the students.And the specialists of the First Experimental Printing House are always in touch and are waiting for your layouts in order to efficiently and quickly transfer them to paper! 🔥
+38 (067) 543 56 55
+38 (099) 543 56 55
+38 (073) 545 56 55
www.exp-print.com.uaKharkov printing house, printing, offset printing, book printing, magazine printing, catalog printing, notebook printing, poster printing, booklet printing, leaflet printing
85Belt books
Today we continue to acquaint you with the most unusual books.
Belt books are small books worn by European monks, clergy and aristocrats in the Middle Ages. Often, such books acted as an accessory to a luxurious outfit of the 13th-11th centuries. The book had a knot, which was part of the leather cover, which allowed the book to be held at the waist. The book was placed with the head of the block down and the spine forward, in order to bring the book into a “readable” state in one motion. In the overwhelming majority of cases, half-length books were of religious content: prayer books, books of hours, etc.
Belt books first appeared in the 13th century and became popular in the 15th century. They fell out of wide use at the end of the 16th century, when printed books became very common. The need to carefully preserve handwritten books has disappeared (and keeping a book on a belt served, among other things, to preserve it from thieves). With the development of book printing, it has become easier to replicate books, rather than invent ways to store them securely.
Most of the belt books did not have any binding finish. But there are also samples containing brass corners, carved decorations, clasps, family coats of arms.
The first experimental printing house will make for you books and other printing products of the best quality. Call Us for Consultation ☎️
+38 (067) 543 56 55
+38 (099) 543 56 55
+38 (073) 545 56 55
www.exp-print.com.uaKharkov printing house, printing, offset printing, book printing, magazine printing, catalog printing, notebook printing, poster printing, booklet printing, leaflet printing
86Women’s glossy magazines. History, global trends.
With the end of summer holidays, women are increasingly thinking about a new autumn wardrobe and colorful magazines with advertisements of the latest fashion novelties come to their aid.
How did the history of women’s gloss develop? At the end of the 17th century, a fashion magazine “Mercure Galant” (Gallant Mercury) was published in France, which even the French king regularly read.
At the end of the 18th century, the first truly women’s magazine “Lady’s Mercury” (Ladies’ Mercury), about love and marriage, fashion and style, was published in Britain. It was dedicated to fashion trends and expensive new products in cosmetics, clothing and accessories.
The first women’s magazines appeared then in Russia.
The end of the 19th century – the first magazines for women appeared in the world, dedicated to such traditionally female occupations as cooking, handicrafts and various household chores, as well as raising children. At the same time, the publication of magazines for independence and equal rights of women with men began in parallel.
After the First World War, due to the predominance of the female population, the topic of women’s career and the development of professionalism became relevant in magazines.
What about fashion magazines? Of course, they have not gone anywhere, because women have always remained women and were interested in outfits, cosmetics and jewelry. At the end of the 19th and 20th centuries, “Vogue”, “L’Officiel de la couture”, “Cosmopolitan”, “Elle” and other publications appear.
In the USSR, the first women to publish “Worker” and “Krestyanka”, in the Ukrainian SSR in the western part of the republic, there are Ukrainian-language “Lada”, “Rusalka”, the almanac “First Vinok,” “Meta,” “Zhinoche Dilo” and “Zhinochiy Visnik”.
Since the mid-twentieth century, women’s magazines have gained a truly universal character – now you can find a variety of articles in them, from tips on choosing lipstick, preservation recipes to recommendations for a successful career, tips on modern technology and solo hitchhiking around the world.
The first experimental printing house in Kharkov – the leader in the range and quality of printing on the market of glossy periodicals in Ukraine, accepts orders for magazines 24/7. Call us!
+38 (067) 543 56 55
+38 (099) 543 56 55
+38 (073) 545 56 55
www.exp-print.com.uaKharkov printing house, printing, offset printing, book printing, magazine printing, catalog printing, notebook printing, poster printing, booklet printing, leaflet printing
8720th century children’s magazines
The First Experimental Printing House wishes everyone a wonderful working week and cloudless days!
At the beginning of the XX century, there were two children’s magazines, which were published twice a month: “Firefly” (1902-1918) and “Guiding light” (1904-1918).
“Firefly” has become the most popular magazine for toddlers 4-8 years old.It paid great attention to religious education – editor A.A. Fedorov-Davydov did not miss the opportunity to congratulate his “fireflies” on religious holidays.
For middle-aged and older children, a children’s illustrated magazine “Mayak” (1909-1918) was published. There was also a special section for the youngest readers. Editor I.I. Gorbunov-Posadov strove to entertain children with useful and interesting reading and to promote the development in children of amateur performance, creativity, equal love for mental and physical work and active sympathy for all living things.
In 1922, the “Sparrow” magazine began to be published (in the last year of publication, 1924, it was called “New Robinson”). It was addressed to children from 8 to 12 years old.
The monthly children’s magazine Murzilka (1924) was one of the first Soviet children’s magazines. It was published as a supplement to Rabochaya Gazeta, an organ of the Central Committee of the All-Union Communist Party of Bolsheviks, for children of primary school age – from 4 to 7 years old. A.A. Fedorov-Davydov, A.L. Barto, S. Ya. Marshak.
We invite you to cooperate with us – with the “First Experimental Printing House” in Kharkov. Magazines, catalogs, books, booklets, calendars, posters, whatever you need.
Visit our website, get acquainted with our capabilities and, of course, with our managers who are always happy to help you.
We offer you high-quality printing of your wonderful and informative publications
for our beloved children with modern European equipment. We are waiting for your calls and letters.
+38 (067) 543 56 55
+38 (099) 543 56 55
+38 (073) 545 56 5588Congratulations on International Literacy Day!
Good morning friends! 🌞 The First Experimental Printing House congratulates you on International Literacy Day, which is celebrated annually on September 8th.
Do you agree that the ability to read is only a small part of the ability to be a literate person? But the ability to use what you read, benefitting yourself, loved ones and family, colleagues and people around you, is a more significant part of the ability to be literate.In our opinion, literacy is the efficiency of using information data, the ability to constantly find communication directions to improve the quality of life.
According to forecasts, in 2020, young specialists, in order to find a job and be competitive in the labor market, urgently need such skills as communication skills, the ability to work in a team, the ability to be creative and innovative in solving tasks.Today the number of literate people has reached four billion. Despite this, combating illiteracy remains a challenge of immense scale and complexity. More than 860 million adults remain illiterate and over 100 million children are out of school.
The first experimental printing house daily publishes books, magazines, albums, product catalogs, children’s literature – all this is necessary to improve our literacy level with you! & # X1f446; Join us! Order the printing of your products from us, and together we will make our world a better place! 💥
We are always in touch!
+38 (067) 543 56 55
+38 (099) 543 56 55
+38 (073) 545 56 55
www.exp-print.com.ua89What is dos-à-dos
In the Middle Ages, when a whole library could not fit inside an e-book, talented masters linked two separate books together in one volume. In those days, reading was not very popular, and the only books read by the majority of the population were religious. The most common books that were often put together were the New Testament and the Psalter, because they were needed during church services. They became very common in England in the first half of the 17th century.
This binding method is known as dos-à-dos, a French word meaning literally back to back.
Modern dos-à-dos bindings are rare, but a slightly modified type of bindings revived briefly in the middle of the 20th century. These books do not have a back cover, but instead have two front covers and one spine. The text of both books is rotated 180 ° relative to each other, so that one text is read “from head to tail”, and the other – “from tail to head.” When the reader finishes reading one book, he must turn it over to read the second book. That is why they are called “flip books”.
The first experimental printing house will produce for you books and other printing products of the best quality. Call us for consultation.
+38 (067) 543 56 55
+38 (099) 543 56 55
+38 (073) 545 56 55
www.exp-print.com.ua90The world we live in
7 facts about the world we live in:
– Koala sleeps from 18 to 22 hours a day;
– The Eiffel Tower is re-painted every 7 years;
– About half of the world’s population has not seen snow. Is that in the photo;
– The hummingbird is the only bird that can fly backwards;
– On average, children laugh about 400 times a day, adults about 15;
– The most popular book in the world is the Bible. The second most popular is the collection of quotes by Mao Zedong (due to its popularity in China), and the third is The Lord of the Rings;
– In Gulliver’s Journey, some of the laws of celestial mechanics, in particular the size of the satellites of Mars and the peculiarities of their rotation around the mother planet, were described a good hundred years before astronomers said the same. Here is such a mysterious fact.The first experimental printing house Kharkiv will produce paperback books – this is also a fact!
Write, call! Always in touch!
+38 (067) 543 56 55
+38 (099) 543 56 55
+38 (073) 545 56 55
www.exp-print.com.ua91Unusual book records from the “Guinness Book of Records”
If you think that books can only be read and written, then you are deeply mistaken. You can do a lot of interesting things with them! (But it’s more useful to just read them.) Here are some examples of unusual book records.
Ashrita Furman from the USA made the fastest walking trip at 1.6 km. Not just like that, of course, but balancing with a book on my head. The journey took 8 minutes 27 seconds.
A couple of years later, he set a new record: he walked the longest distance with a book on his head – 32.18 km. The journey took him five hours and fifty-eight seconds.
Fan Dongfang from China also set an interesting record. He built a pyramid of 15 books faster than anyone, with one hand. In 16.72 seconds! And one team in the US packed a stack of books in a minute, the height of which was 229.7 cm. So, on that note, it’s time to smoothly move from sports to construction. You can also do the good old book layout – isn’t it a record? The longest row of books laid out in Great Britain is 2,263.6 m. In Germany, they did more creative – they knocked down books like dominoes. As many as 10,200 books have fallen, and all of them are the very Guinness Books of Records.
But real builders take more difficult paths. The largest book pyramid included – think about it – 70,247 books. The record was set in Malaysia, breaking (figuratively) the previous record holder – a pyramid of 63,377 books built in Luxembourg.
And the Brazilian artists embodied an even more ambitious idea: they laid out a labyrinth out of books, for which they used 250,000 books. The area of the labyrinth was 500 m2, the walls were up to 2.5 meters.
Many of these projects and records were started not at all to perpetuate their own glory, but to draw attention to certain problems, charity events and other important things.
While experimenters all over the world are setting all kinds of world records, the First Experimental Printing House in Kharkov continues to print books and other printing products of the highest quality for you ☎️
+38 (067) 543 56 55
+38 (099) 543 56 55
+38 (073) 545 56 55
www.exp-print.com.ua92Stuttgart City Library
May the new week be filled with good thoughts and deeds. “The first experimental printing house” of the city of Kharkov will acquaint you with the library of the city of Stuttgart.
It was built in 2011. An introverted building, as the author of the project, the Korean architect Eun Yong Yi, called it, should look like it contains the wisdom of the ages.He hid the “magnet” attracting visitors inside. Professionals rated the library as a functional and architectural masterpiece: the building was included in the 25 most beautiful and seven most original libraries on the planet. Advertising shootings and fashion photo sessions take place here. Its walls have already been immortalized in several feature films, including the beloved German television detective “Crime Scene”.
On the marble floor of the hall, tango lovers glided, having arranged a flash mob, even weddings are played here.
Among the records are the longest working hours for German libraries. The glass doors, engraved with greetings and goodbyes in German, English, Turkish and Russian, open six days a week from 9 am to 9 pm. And for those who want to spiritually enrich themselves in the middle of the night, there is an ambulance: “A library for those who have insomnia.”
“Peace. The doors are opening,” a woman’s voice in the elevator gently pushes visitors to the sixth floor, to the section called “Peace”. Those who are looking for books in one of the hundred foreign languages presented in the library’s collections, including Russian, get there.
“Life”, “Children”, “Music”, “Literature”, “Knowledge” – these are the names of other sections-floors of the library. The view from the last, eighth floor is breathtaking. Here you can see the internal structure of the building: snow-white labyrinths of stairs, corridors and galleries, adorned with variegated spots of shelving, running down. “As you can see, we have only books in different colors,” says Mike Jung. “Everything else is calm, clear and light.” Nothing should distract from the main thing.
Well, we offer you cooperation with our printing houses. Catalogs, magazines, books, posters – everything that your company needs for successful development and prosperity.
+38 (067) 543 56 55
+38 (099) 543 56 55
+38 (073) 545 56 5509/14/20
Did you know that on September 15, 1917, the first issue of Forbes magazine was published? The early Forbes was written largely by Bertie Forbes himself, cost 15 cents, and offered a combination of content that was quite original for its time.
The main feature of the magazine was the compilation of a kind of portfolios of the American business elite in each issue, the disclosure of the market and numbers through the living stories of later legendary personalities. In addition, analytics of business trends and the economic situation in the States, caustic journalistic investigations of corruption violations and other machinations of large enterprises were published on the pages of Forbes.
In 1918, Forbes published the first rating of the most influential people in America, in which Bertie Forbes included 30 businessmen: topped the top by that time, the first-ever billionaire John Davison Rockefeller, who had already “retired”, with a fortune of $ 1.2 billion.
The magazine developed steadily, increasing its audience, according to various sources, in the early 1920s, Forbes was issued with a circulation of 20 to 30 thousand copies. By 1920, Forbes magazine had become the country’s leading business publication.
The Ukrainian version of Forbes magazine has been published since March 2011. The magazine was published by UMH group (Ukrainian Media Holding).
According to Miguel Forbes, who is responsible for the global development of the Forbes brand, the Ukrainian Forbes is in the top five in terms of indicators. Other countries where Forbes is most successful are Russia, China, India and Poland.
The first experimental printing house specializes in printing magazines of various formats, volumes and circulation.
Always in touch and glad to cooperate!+38 (067) 543 56 55
+38 (099) 543 56 55
+38 (073) 545 56 55
94Our fragile natural heritage
The small village of Sinpetri in northern Hungary, where only 300 people live, became world famous thanks to a giant book created by local master Bela Varga 🇭 🇺 The book is titled Our Fragile Natural Heritage. To this day, it remains the world’s largest hand-made book.
The total weight of the book is 1420 kilograms. The book contains 346 pages, on which you can find a lot of interesting information about the local flora and fauna. Its dimensions are 4.18 x 3.77 m. It takes six people to just turn one of the giant pages, otherwise the page could be torn.
The paper used to create the book was imported from an Austrian paper mill and was printed using large industrial printers that are used to make billboards. For the cover, the skin of 13 Argentine cows was used 🐄
To put the giant book into the museum, an industrial crane was used 🏗
In order to register Bela Varga’s achievement, the Guinness Book of Records commission asked to prepare a reduced copy of the folio – it weighs more than 11 kg, but otherwise completely coincides with the original. Now the giant book and everything connected with it is kept in the museum. The state of the artifact is monitored by Bela Varga himself.
The first experimental printing house will produce for you books and other printing products of the best quality. Call us for consultation☎️.95Happy Friday everyone!!
The weekend is ahead – the weather still gives a chance to spend them in summer, but with autumn coolness in the evening. Camping, barbecue – the motto for the weekend! Order books, catalogs, magazines in the First experimental printing house Kharkov!
+38 (067) 543 56 55
+38 (099) 543 56 55
+38 (073) 545 56 55
96We’re 19!
19 years is a date that speaks volumes, behind which there are years of fruitful and effective work. The only thing that has not changed over the years is our desire to work and be the best.
And we do it! The proof of this is the best publishing houses and editorial offices, the largest trade and manufacturing enterprises of Ukraine, many of which have become our true friends.
At the moment, the First Experimental Printing House in Kharkov is one of the largest printing houses in the country for high-quality sheet-fed offset printing. And this status requires a lot from us: constant improvement of the applied technologies, updating the park of modern printing equipment, offering new services.
We are proud of the technology we have mastered and the trust of our business partners. It is for them that we grow, improve and become more reliable.
And this is all thanks to a team of dedicated professionals. They are the foundation of the company, its support and its future.
Thanks to everyone who has stayed with us all these years!
We wish everyone good health, good mood, positive emotions and lots of smiles in the new decade together with the First Experimental Printing House!Always in touch! 24/7
+38 (067) 543 56 55
+38 (099) 543 56 55
+38 (073) 545 56 55
97Toy books
Home, work, children. Life without children would be boring and meaningless. One should always deal with the development of children.
The book is an excellent teaching aid and a completely safe way for a baby to first learn about the world around him.
Soft educational books are wonderful toys for children from 6 months to 4-5 years old. Very useful for curious kids and caring parents.
The cloth book is an original, bright, interesting and fun exercise machine for fine motor skills.
The toy book helps to develop the coordination and dexterity of children’s fingers and hands, as well as the child’s sensory abilities.
On the voluminous pages of books, there are interesting tasks, in which children will have to make many precise and small movements with their hands.
The games in the books are aimed at developing certain skills in the baby. Having mastered them, the child will be able to dress and put on shoes on his own, open the door, and count objects.
The toy evokes positive emotions, which means that the learning process itself is easy and fun.Well, we offer you services for printing books on coated and offset paper, with inserts on self-adhesive paper, with undercutting, die-cutting and cutting along the contour. Bright, beautiful, informative and developing. The First Experimental Printing House is always glad to cooperate with you.
+38 (067) 543 56 55
+38 (099) 543 56 55
+38 (073) 545 56 5598

- What is the difference between wholesale and retail orders in the printing industry?
The first experimental printing house works with both wholesale and retail customers. And these are two completely different areas of activity. The main difference, of course, is obvious – this is the volume of printing and cost. But there are some minor nuances that most customers are not aware of. So, printing in large print runs does not depend on the size of the customer enterprise. Favorable wholesale conditions can be obtained even by small firms with small volumes.
What kind of printing can be ordered in bulk?
In fact, the whole variety of printed products can be sold both wholesale and retail. An individual approach to each customer allows us to calculate favorable conditions in each specific case. You don’t have to print millions of copies to get discounts. The final cost and “wholesale” of the batch will depend on the complexity, materials used, production time, design assistance, etc.
In other words, for placing a wholesale order, not only a large print run is important, but also the specific conditions and wishes put forward by the customer. For more information, call us right now. The manager is ready to discuss the details in a personal conversation.
Who will benefit from cooperation on wholesale terms?
Special conditions for wholesale provide customers with a lot of advantages. If you have a company engaged in the design and production of printing, but do not have their own equipment, the wholesale offer of the “First Experimental Printing House” will certainly interest you.
In this case, there is no need to spend money on expensive equipment, worry about logistics. Focusing on building campaigns and typography will help you get more customers. You can offer more services, their variety and quality performance. Printing products for wholesale orders will cost very little, and the company’s image and its profit will increase.
The wholesale category can also be considered large enterprises, corporations with well-known names. Such companies always need to print a lot in order to provide materials not only to customers, but also to numerous employees. Printed elements of corporate style, technical documentation, packaging, promotional products – huge runs of all polygraphy can be printed at good discounts.
If smaller firms combine their printing needs into single large orders, they will also be able to get favorable wholesale terms. So, instead of business cards only for the head, you can order cards for all managers. If the schedule of exhibitions and conferences is scheduled for a long time, leaflets and flyers for all events can also be printed in one print run.
Another interested person is a company servicing various exhibitions, advertising campaigns, and events. In the presence of large customers, wholesale orders will become a frequent “guest” that can bring significant earnings.
Why is it profitable to order in bulk?
The first advantage of bulk orders in the printing industry is significant discounts. In addition to them, customers will also be able to evaluate other advantages of this option:
- Comfortable collaboration. Competent specialists who know all the subtleties of the printing business always work with wholesalers. They help you choose the best possible option for each situation.
- Permanence. Regularly ordering printing of printed products in a printing house, you will receive a guaranteed match of colors, shades, paper in each print run. Once set up, equipment will always produce equally good results. Your chosen consumables will always be in stock.
- Extended features. A powerful printing house that can cope with bulk orders, as a rule, has a wide range of additional services in order to make finished products more attractive, original, stylish.
- Finance flexibility. For regular customers, there may be special conditions that allow you to feel comfortable when working with end customers. This option of cooperation is important for resellers, whose finances often depend on specific customers.
By ordering large volumes from the First Experimental Printing House, you can get much more than just financial savings. Call us for details and details.
- How does printing help in business development?
Advertising printing has been one of the most effective business tools for many years. And even the advent of the digital age has not pushed it into the background. Affordable and economical printing for business plays a huge role in promoting products, services and the brand itself. Therefore, without its competent use, it is unlikely that it will be possible to conduct a successful advertising campaign.
Tastefully designed, in a beautiful style, aimed at the interests of a specific audience, leaflets, flyers, business cards, postcards, etc. quickly and in an accessible form introduce a wide range of people to a product or brand. Distributed printed products for business helps to find new customers, draw attention to certain products and their characteristics, “warm up” interest in the brand and its products, thus stimulating sales .
Why shouldn’t you give up printing?
In this modern age of high technology, printed business promotional items does not lose its relevance. It does not replace digital methods of promotion and can exist in parallel, as it affects completely different layers of the audience. Among the advantages of using printing:
- Low cost. Printing is the most affordable option for advertising and dissemination of information. Even novice businessmen can afford printed materials.
- Short production time. Modern equipment allows you to print large print runs in a short time, so information will be quickly conveyed to a wide range of people.
- Diversity. Every business needs to solve certain problems. For all tasks, you can choose different options for commercial printing.
- Continued contact. Printing can be not only beautiful, but also useful. By saving branded calendars, folders, business cards, customers constantly interact with the offer.
- Effective attention-grabbing. There are many techniques and methods to make printed products attractive to the consumer. This is done with the help of design solutions, original formats, unusual finishes, etc.
Printing for business can be impersonal or personal, branded. In the first case, the advertising of a product, service or brand is veiled, hidden, and in the second case, the brand directly declares its offers. Branded printing is more effective for business development.
Peculiarities of using branded printing
Branded printing products are the “business card” of each company. By its design, you can draw conclusions about the company itself and the products. Commercial printing in large circulation will help you quickly expand your audience with minimal investment. People like to perceive a product not through a faceless screen, but through tactile sensations.
The main task of branding is to create a complete history of a product or service. So that at the mention of the brand name or any of its components, an understandable chain is built in a person’s head. Preparation of branded printing requires the use of the following elements:
- text parts;
- graphics;
- branded exclusive chips;
- single color palette.
So, for example, calendars, brochures, leaflets, folders, magazines compiled in uniform color compositions will already become a reminder to the consumer about the brand. Once formed a positive image will work for the business better and more. Therefore, business printing is designed to interest the consumer at first sight. To do this, it must look convincing, impressive, confident.
Printed products are a strong player in the advertising arena, if used correctly and competently. The First Experimental Printing House knows better than anyone how to make printing work and grow your business. We generate new ideas and implement your layouts, create effective designs and print large runs. Call now for more details or to place an order.
- Benefits of sheetfed offset printing
Offset printing is the predominant method of producing printed advertising in large print runs. It makes it possible to obtain a high-quality result at the lowest price: the more copies are ordered, the lower the cost of one unit. Offset printing equipment is used to produce a variety of products – booklets, flyers, brochures, calendars, posters, business cards.
To date, there are two main methods of offset printing – web and sheet. The first option is carried out on paper rolled into a roll. It can be the minimum density, while high-quality printing is possible on both sides.
Sheet-fed printing transfers the image onto separate sheets of paper or other media. You can also print in sheet form on cardboard, vinyl, this will not make the image worse or dimmer, but, on the contrary, brighter and more saturated colors will appear. In addition, such an offset guarantees:
- excellent quality and clarity of illustrations, text;
- a wide range of halftones;
- maximum color fidelity;
- affordability.
Sheet offset printing in Kharkiv is more often used to create representative or advertising printing, in which the appearance of the product is an extremely important criterion.
Specifics of sheet offset printing: features and differences
Offset is a technologically more complex way of printing than digital. It requires careful preparation and perfection of the layout, since it will be impossible to change anything in the design or color scheme during the printing process. The whole process is divided into three main stages – preparation for printing, printing itself and post-printing processing.
First you need to prepare an original layout (according to the ideas and wishes of the customer), from which the photoform is printed. Sheet-fed printing itself is performed using the classic offset technology: rolling a cylinder over a print medium. Several layers of rolling provide the desired image with micron-thickness paint. Full color is formed by applying one color to another using paints from the main palette. If bright colors and a variety of shades are especially important to you, the sheet method will be the best solution.
Equipment for sheet-fed offset technology and is capable of printing an image on paper of any quality, color and density. Printing can be either single or double sided. At the same time, on both sides, the quality of the picture is drawn in the smallest details and is not printed on the reverse side.
Why order sheet offset printing?
This method has a lot of advantages that highlight printing house – Kharkiv can get acquainted with the main ones:
- Economy. The strongest side of offset is its low relatively low cost for large print runs. The profitability of orders on the A2 sheet format starts from 1000 copies, and for the A3 format – from 500. The price per unit will decrease in proportion to the increase in their total number. So, the larger the print run, the cheaper the print will be in the end.
- High quality. Many people think that offset equipment is not capable of producing such print quality as digital. However, it is not. Thanks to modern technologies, offset images in sheet format look as clear, bright, and beautiful as possible. The technique is able to convey the exact reproduction of the smallest elements, excellent transmission of various halftones.
- Versatility. There are practically no materials for printing of which the offset method would not be suitable. Any printing, for which clarity, brightness and durability are important, can be made in offset. First of all, these are magazines, leaflets, booklets, posters of various formats, catalogs, brochures, labels, business cards and many other products. The only limitation may be the number of copies, if you need a very small print run, it is impractical and expensive to use offset.
- Additional features. The technology allows you to use not only the main CMYK palette, but also auxiliary ones (one of the options is Pantone). They can both be combined with primary colors, and prevail. And, since the form does not have direct contact with the printed product, images can be applied not only to paper, cardboard, but also to vinyl, plastic and other materials.
If you want your printing to look bright, multi-colored, attract attention and work for the benefit of your business, sheet offset printing in a printing house will achieve the desired result. Launch large-scale advertising campaigns and enjoy a visible effect with First Experimental Printing House in Kharkiv.
- What should an author know when publishing books?
When words are combined into sentences, real magic happens – a book is born, artistic or scientific, mass or highly specialized. And every author certainly wants to see the light of day. In the modern age of high technology, this is not at all difficult to do: a lot of online platforms allow you to post creations in electronic form and receive feedback and delight from readers.
But if that’s not enough, you can print your own work. A “living” paper book, even made in a single copy, evokes special emotions that cannot be compared with the electronic version. You can keep it as a keepsake, give it to family and friends, or even sell it. But before the new pages come to life, we need to figure out how to do it from a technical point of view. Let’s find out what you need to print books first.
8 Steps to Print
Printing a book is both easy and difficult at the same time. If you have all the necessary tools with which the whole process is carried out, difficulties should not arise. But still, it is worth remembering that transferring a work to paper is a laborious work of a whole team of specialists.
How to go from print book layout to the finished print run, which determines success, is described below. Here are the main points that you need to solve.
Self proofreading
The finished text, as a rule, contains a lot of typos and errors. Therefore, do not be too lazy to double-check it several times, or better, give it to an outsider to read. These can be both close people and specially trained proofreaders.
Mistakes can be both spelling and stylistic, logical. The text is the responsibility of the author, and before taking the manuscript to the printing house, you should carefully study it yourself and bring it to perfection.
Budget estimate
After the text is ready, it is sent to the printing house – most often by e-mail. Next comes an approximate miscalculation of the budget by the managers of the printing house.
It depends on many factors:
- circulation;
- printing method;
- binding;
- paper;
- cover design;
- the presence of illustrations.
Only the preliminary cost is discussed here, since the author has yet to choose most of the pricing items.
Text proofreading with typography proofreader
In order to guarantee that there is not a single flaw left in the book, the printing house once again double-checks the entire text for various errors and inconsistencies. Measure seven times – this is just about printing a book.
This step should not be neglected, because usually a third-party, unblurred look reveals several defects that the author and his “confidants” missed. There is nothing terrible in this, but it is still worth double-checking once again.
Defining the book’s main parameters
While the proofreader is proofreading the text, you can decide on the appearance, format, size and other book parameters. The manager of the printing house will help in this matter. The task of the author is to decide on the type and density of paper, choose soft or hard cover, product color palette, offset or digital printing, post-print finishing options, cover design.
In your desire to make the publication attractive in appearance, you should not forget that the book should be comfortable not only to hold, but also to read.
Ordering book codes
Each printed edition has two codes: UDC index and ISBN – international standard number. They are used to identify books in the library catalog. Different codes are used for different areas of knowledge. Understanding them on your own is not so easy.
Therefore, it is best to entrust the care of ordering book codes to a printing house. Specialists have extensive experience in carrying out this procedure and will do everything quickly and correctly.
Product layout
The how to lay out a book for printing is also taken care of by the printer. Layout is one of the most difficult and most important stages of printing a book, as a result of which a finished layout is born.
For readability and ease of perception, it is important to optimally combine text and images, choose fonts, adjust margins, and adjust the size of illustrations. Readers pay little attention to high-quality layout, but they easily notice its absence.
Cover design
The more interesting and brighter the cover, the more likely the book will be successful. In the design of the product, a variety of post-printing options are used – embossing, hot stamping, foiling, varnishing, lamination. The use of one or another method depends on the binding, thickness and material of the cover itself.
For information about what are the requirements for a book cover, you can ask the printing house specialists. With their help, it will turn out to create the most pleasant first impression from the printed edition, which is very important both for the promotion of the author and for personal admiration.
Printing and testing a pilot copy
When everything seems to be ready, the printing house launches a trial version for printing. And again taken for proofreading. This time, not only errors and typos in the text are checked, but also layout, design, color matching of illustrations, paper, postprint quality.
Any inaccuracies at this stage can still be corrected. All adjustments are made after agreement with the customer, the author. After the layout is fully approved, the entire circulation of books is launched for printing.
- What is the difference between RGB and CMYK color models?
When developing a print design, one of the important points is the color model. Surely you have noticed at least once in your life that the colors of the same picture on printed material look a little different than on the monitor. This is due to different models of building tones – RGB and CMYK.
Designing exclusively for digital publications does not cause this problem. On all electronic devices, tones are displayed approximately the same (depending on the settings and capabilities of each screen) – in RGB mode. But when the need arises for printing, shades are created in accordance with the CMYK model. In order to avoid palette distortion, it is important to know and understand the difference between these two spaces: what the abbreviations stand for, how and when to use one or another model, how to create a perfect color match.
RGB Color Model Features
Red, green, blue – this is how the English abbreviation RGB stands for (red, green, blue). The model receives these colors as base, their various combinations in a certain amount give rise to all other shades.
So, to get yellow, you just need to mix red and green in the right proportions. For blue, a combination of green and blue is used. Of course, this is more difficult in practice, but computer monitors know how to correctly mix additive colors to get the whole rich palette. RGB allows you to get the widest range of colors, which is why it is the standard model. By combining just three basic tones, you can achieve an accurate display of any color.
The RGB color model is used primarily on electronic media. This palette is used by both modern monitors with incredible quality, and old CRT TVs. Most graphic editors use this model. Therefore, when creating an electronic layout of polygraphy, you should be careful.
What is the CMYK model?
The CMYK model has a completely different principle of operation, which stands for cyan, magenta (magenta), yellow and black. Unlike additive RGB tones, rather subtractive colors are used here.
The difference between the two models is obvious. When combining the RGB palette, the result is the purest result – white. CMYK does the opposite: since all the colors here are subtractive, the more they are mixed, the darker the result.
Mixing yellow and magenta (and in fact – subtracting yellow from magenta) gives red, yellow and blue – green. Since the CMYK model has a diametrically opposite principle of operation and four colors instead of three, when printing an image composed in the RGB model by a printer that supports CMYK, of course, all disagreements will come out.
Paper is a surface capable of reflecting light rays. Therefore, it is much more convenient to count the amount of reflected light, rather than absorbed. Thus, subtracting three RGB tones from white yields three CMYK shades, excluding black.
This model is used by most major printers. Therefore, if you bring a ready-made layout in the RGB model, designers, as a rule, “adjust” the colors in such a way that the output is exactly the option that you need according to the palette.
Which model to use when creating the layout?
The answer to this question depends on what exactly you are designing, what this layout is intended for. For electronic media, it’s always best to use the RGB palette, graphic design always looks best when combined colors.
If the product is intended for printing, the CMYK palette is used. However, there is no need to initially work within this model. In most cases, it is possible to competently convert one palette to another, which is carried out at the end of the work with the design and before it is sent to the printing house.
However, it all depends on what kind of color scheme your products have. If the design uses a lot of gray and black colors, it is better to design the design in CMYK mode right away. When using RGB and not converting, it can go pink and other unwanted shades.
Now you know which color model you need to choose to create a design. In any case, in the “First Experimental Printing House” they will tell you about all the nuances and make everything the way it should look.
- Brand menu printing
Printing a corporate menu: what you need to know?
The menu is not only a gastronomic guide for your restaurant, but also an important marketing printing tool. When creating a corporate menu, you need to take into account many nuances – the style of the establishment, interior, exterior design, cuisine, etc. Properly designed printing can significantly increase restaurant attendance and revenue: by increasing appetite when browsing pages, the client often orders more, therefore, leaves more money in the institution.
Another marketing gimmick is using the menu as an advertising medium. If a visitor trusts a restaurant, he unconsciously begins to trust everything connected with it, including printed advertisements. Thus, advertising can benefit not only the restaurant, but also third-party companies.
What are menus
We have already seen that printing the menu is an important and responsible step. We offer to understand the varieties of this type of printing. According to the international classification of restaurants, menus are:
- A la carte. For premium establishments with price indication.
- Table d’hite. Several options for dishes at the same price (for example, business lunches).
- A part. List of dishes at a set time by reservation.
- Du jour. “On-duty” dishes.
- Tourist menu. Emphasis on low cost and high nutritional content.
Having decided which option you want to get (several types can also be combined in one menu), you can move on to design and decoration.
Menu format and design
First, what you need to print a menu is to decide on its formats. You need to choose based on the style and concept of the institution. The menu can be in the form:
- Liszt. A4 size is usually used for any seasonal offers that are served along with the main menu. Some establishments prefer this concept as their main product, in which case, as a rule, they choose the A3 format.
- Booklet. This is the same sheet, only folded several times with the help of creasing. Contains printed text and an image of a dish/drink. This menu looks compact, it is convenient for both waiters and visitors. Often booklets with special offers are displayed on the tables, and guests can immediately familiarize themselves with their contents.
- Poster. This format is hung on a showcase at the entrance or in front of the order counter. As a rule, this is not the only menu option in the institution. It is used to attract guests with a bright design, to familiarize them with the list of dishes and the price range.
- House. A desktop version of the menu in the shape of a triangle. Informs about promotions, special prices, seasonal dishes and other exclusive offers of the restaurant. Information is placed on the sides of the “house” – one or more positions on each side.
- Flyer. Special offers placed on the mini-leaflet are designed to lure the visitor to the institution. Therefore, they should be bright, memorable, interesting. Often restaurant flyers are used as handouts.
- Multi-page catalog. The most common format familiar to every visitor. The bringing booklet contains the entire list of dishes, sorted into categories. As a rule, the catalog begins with breakfasts or appetizers, followed by salads, first and second courses, and desserts. The bar list can be presented in a separate catalog or complete the main one.
Menu materials
In addition to the tasty and beautiful appearance, the menu should also be practical and durable, as it is used often and not always by tidy guests. Printing is made from:
- Design paper, craft. Such options are chosen by premium establishments. They look beautiful, stylish, spectacular and, of course, quite practical.
- Coated paper. Density up to 300 g/m2. The denser, the stronger. This is the best of all options in terms of price and quality. It is inexpensive and is able to convey the entire range of colors, shades and halftones.
- Skin. We are talking about a cardboard cover upholstered in high-quality natural or eco-leather. The choice of establishments that care about reputation, elite, exclusive. This is a rather expensive solution, but justified by its “longevity”.
- Plastic. Not a very popular option, but quite viable and durable.
All of the listed materials are attached to staples, paper clips, threads, rings, springs, glue, binders, etc. You can always print out the cafe menu and have it post-printed to make your pages more durable and look great. In “The First Experimental Printing houses” will tell you the best option for each specific case.
- What is a leaflet?
One of the available and effective types of printing is advertising leaflet – a sheet of A4 paper folded like an accordion to a 10 * 20 cm euro rectangle. Such parameters are due to the fact that the product is often used for mailing in envelopes of the same size.
The leaflet combines the compactness of the leaflet and the information content of the booklet. It differs from the latter by the presence of only one page, bent in a certain way, and the absence of any fasteners.
For a high-quality leaflet, the visual component is very important. There must be accent points on it that can attract the attention of the reader. The color scheme of the leaflet can be any; plain, coated or designer paper is used. And, of course, you can’t do without quality content, including both basic information and contacts.
What leaflets are used for
Production of leaflets as an advertising printing is a rather profitable enterprise. At a low cost, materials can generate a significant influx of customers and improve your business.
Convenience of products in its small size. Potential clients and buyers are more willing to take such a product as a handout material. At the same time, despite the compactness, the surface for applying information is quite extensive, it can accommodate a large number of useful advertisements in text and graphic modes.
Most often, leaflets are purchased for the following purposes:
- Distribution at conferences, various exhibitions.
- Presentation at sales offices after oral consultation.
- Mailing lists for important clients, partners, customers.
- Placement in advertising boxes – rack pockets, shelves and tables in business centers.
- Familiarization of everyone with new products, services.
- Presenting a business card upon meeting.
Types of leaflets and how to make them
Conventionally, all leaflets can be divided into fashion and mass. The first ones are relevant for large enterprises, they necessarily have a presentable appearance, are made on high-quality paper, which is pleasant to take in hand. A whole team of specialists is engaged in the design of image printing. Particular attention is paid to the decor.
Such leaflets are a way to declare yourself, demonstrate a high level of the company, create a positive impression and attract a potential client. They are distributed at prestigious conferences, trainings, master classes, seminars and other events of a similar format. The cost of such leaflets is very high, but since they are not intended for mass production, they quickly pay for themselves.
Mass printing is intended for distribution in places where potential target audience is concentrated in large quantities. Mass-produced leaflets are often used as handouts on the street, in malls, shops.
Leaflets need to have a bright accent or compelling offerings to grab a customer’s attention. This makes up for cheap paper and the lack of a bright design. Promotions, discounts on the presentation of printing, sweepstakes and other tempting solutions will not allow the client to throw out the piece of paper.
The type of leaflet determines how it is printed. For designer products, usually digital leaflet printing . The cost of the service is lower, and the used laser technical equipment ensures maximum color rendering, bright and clear colors. The obvious benefits of digital printing are:
- the ability to make edits to the template right in the process of printing;
- the availability of absolutely any paper, including metallized;
- fast printing speed – sometimes the order can be picked up on the same day.
If you need a large amount of printing, and its appearance does not really matter, it is better to use the services of offset printing. The larger the circulation, the lower the cost of a single unit of production comes out. The downside of such a decision can be considered its duration. It will take a long time to make a large print run of leaflets. Before you send a template for printing, you should definitely make sure of its correct design, since nothing can be changed during the printing process.
What kind of paper is used for leaflets
Different types of paper can be recommended depending on the type and method of printing the product. The cheapest handouts are made on offset paper with a density of 90-120 g / m3. To get better quality, you can use coated material up to 150 g / m3. The higher the density, the more solid and presentable the printing will seem.
For fashion leaflets, too thin paper will not work. With a small number of folds, design paper of a festive white color or colored in bulk is relevant. Products look spectacular on a metallized paper, but for this, the design should have a minimum of pictures and text so that the printing does not look clumsy.
If you are interested in other details on how to make a leaflet, contact First Experimental Typography. Our experts will answer all your questions and print the highest quality leaflets that will bring profit to your business.
- Happy new year 2022 !!!
- Common mistakes in the design of printed products
Printing is a powerful advertising tool, but only if it is done with high quality. Regardless of whether you need small business cards or wide banners, preparation of printed products should be organized competently and beautifully. Mistakes can negatively affect not only the perception of products, but also directly on your income.
We invite you to study the main mistakes that designers can make when creating layouts for printing. In this case, you will be able to control the process yourself and correct the discrepancies in time, if suddenly the experts allow them.
TOP-5 mistakes of designers in printing
The quality of the finished product should not suffer! Therefore, it is so important to remove everything that does not suit you, even before the print run is sent to print. Such moments should not be allowed in the design.
No allowances
If significant design details are located very close to the edge of the sheet, there is a high probability that they will simply be cut off during printing and further processing. Even the most modern and reliable equipment cannot guarantee the absence of errors.
Allowances conditionally outline a safe zone, beyond which neither text nor images should go. Everything that is within their borders will definitely not be cut by printing or cutting equipment. For products of complex shape, you need to leave allowances of 3 mm, and for any rectangular ones – 2 mm.
Low-res bitmaps
Even if in the electronic version the image looks clear, it is not at all a fact that it will remain so when printed. The result depends on the original quality. It should be at least 200 dpi, and preferably 300 dpi, especially when it comes to detailed pictures, faces, images with many objects.
How do I define a bitmap? The easiest way is by its extension: .gif, .tiff, .jpeg or .png – bitmap image markers. These are either individual elements, or the entire print design can be rasterized.
Font Overload
In pursuit of beauty and originality, you need to know when to stop. If the layout uses more than two main fonts, it looks clumsy, fussy, and cumbersome. The text of advertising printing should look like a single whole, you should not confuse the reader with different-sized fonts, even if they look beautiful separately.
Simple and straightforward design always takes precedence over pretentious. Want to stand out from the competition? It is better to come up with an original idea or a unique proposal than to play on the type design.
No overprint
Overprint is an option that allows you to print text over the background. When you turn it off, what you write looks blurry, indistinct and inconvenient to read. The reader is more likely to not want to strain his eyes to study the sentence. This applies not only to text, but also small images, details, thin lines in drawings, tables.
To make layout printing not a problem, you must enable overprint when using black text up to 14 point size or black lines up to 2 mm thick.
Using process printing
Concerns small details, lines, small fonts, just like the previous point. The triadic method is printing with three primary colors – cyan, yellow, magenta. Mixing these paints can result in black color, which in some cases can have completely unpredictable “side effects”.
For example, a colored iris, similar to the 3D effect of a stereoscope, may suddenly appear around a compound black text. In some cases it looks beautiful, but it is far from always appropriate in advertising printing. The reader may feel unaccustomed to thinking that his eyes are blurry.
Now you know what layout errors should never be ignored. Contact Experimental First to avoid all of the above and many other defects. Our experts will make sure that you get the perfect result!
- What types of proofing are there?
The vast majority of modern printing is produced in color. First, a layout is created, on the basis of which the customer makes a decision on printing or correction. But the images on a smartphone, different monitors can differ significantly from the picture that will turn out in real life. This is due to the color settings, the quality of the technique itself. To be sure in the quality and color design of the circulation, use color proofs – a reference image is printed in the printing house . This allows you to make sure that at the exit the customer will receive exactly the printing that is needed, in compliance with the entire color palette.
How is color proof done?
The degree of color distortion can be very slight or very noticeable. It depends on the characteristics of the monitor or display to which the image is being displayed. Surely you have often met even with the fact that pictures look different on a smartphone screen and a computer monitor. What can we say about the implementation of a print project – the printer may not convey the necessary combinations at all or make a certain color not the way you would like to see it.
This is the essence of color proofing – to create a natural “living” image, not a computer image. The evaluation uses a specially calibrated screen that reproduces details with the clearest possible colors. They can be viewed from a variety of angles, adjusted, depending on the wishes of the customer. However, even the most advanced software is not able to reproduce all possible lighting options, both natural and artificial. On the screen, the image always remains luminous, which is rarely possible in a natural environment.
All of the above leads to the existence of several types of proofs :
- Analog.
- Digital.
- On a proofing press.
In terms of quality, the machine that creates the bitmap definitely wins. But its cost is also the highest of all, since one-time offset printing is used with all paints and printing plates. If you need a very large print run, it is advisable to use color proofs on printing presses.
A print made directly on a typewriter with production material is called analog proof. Its principle is to apply four basic colors on a special plastic film – yellow, cyan, black, magenta (English abbreviation CMYK for the first letters of each color). Black dilutes all other colors, so analog proofing is a triad process. It depends mainly on the human factor. As far as artistically the artist applies process colors to the film, they will be as close to the natural image. This method is also very costly in terms of finance, since it is implemented almost manually.
The most common and inexpensive option is digital proofing. They are based on the American Panton Color Layout. Designers select the most suitable combination of simple colors, as a result of which the necessary expressiveness and showiness is born. Also, process colors or the more familiar RGB system, including red, green, blue shades, can be used as a basis. Digital proofs are created using high quality inkjet printers.
If you need accurate color matching, up to measurements with a spectrophotometer, color proof – how to make and what types there are, you already know. The First Experimental Printing House provides this service on favorable terms.
- How to make your promotional brochure effective?
If you use printed products in advertising campaigns, be sure to use brochures. These are printed articles of at least 4 pages containing textual and visual descriptions of products, services, goods. Brochures can be an effective advertising tool in promoting a brand and its products. The main thing is to interest potential clients and buyers, to create a quality product that will work. Let’s talk about how to make a brochure effective and efficient further.
Development of printing is a multifaceted and multistage process. On the one hand, it is important to comply with the technical rules for making a brochure, and on the other, the correctness of its filling. Only with an integrated approach will such advertising work and bring profit to the company.
Technical aspects of an effective brochure
They are met by clothes, so design is one of the most important components of printing. With its help, you can effectively influence the thinking and perception of the consumer, “pushing” him to the right choice.
In the design environment, there is an opinion about the existence of so-called “dead zones” – points that the viewer or reader does not perceive, overlooks. You cannot post important information in such places, but you should not forget about them either. To make the whole picture look attractive, the brochure should be decorated beautifully and with high quality in all corners.
Since the product is full of graphic information, it is important to use only high-quality photographs with correct correction and correct placement when creating it. Visual images need to be skillfully alternated with text ones. Typographies usually have ready-made templates for effective brochures , and if you have no idea what the printing should look like, you can always see examples and choose something that suits you best.
The first impression also depends on the type of paper you choose. Typically, brochures are printed on thick paper that is pleasant to the touch. It can be laminated or non-laminated, smooth or rough, glossy or matte. The choice depends on the advertised product and, of course, the budget. Paper is the element that most affects value.
You can always create your own original brochure by providing designers with your exclusive ideas. And the standard version of the product, which will effectively work for development, complies with such rules.
- Offset printing. This is the cheapest way to print, especially when it comes to large print runs. And the quality of the picture is striking in its brightness, color, depth and saturation of colors.
- Laminated paper. It looks high-status, expensive, stylish, and attracts more attention than brochures on plain sheet paper.
- Varnishing. A type of post-print that will give your brochure that extra polish.
- Shaded fields. White brochure borders look unprofessional and ugly. You should not use this technique for printing efficient printing.
How to fill the brochure
The main task of advertising printing is to inform a potential client about a product, service, company. There are a few must-haves to look out for in order to create effective promotional brochures .
- Specificity. It is important to understand for what purpose the brochure is being developed, what the main message will be. The right informational occasion will be embodied in competent and efficient printing.
- Logic. The information contained in the brochure should be as clear as possible, concise and comprehensible, logical and structured. You should not spread your thoughts along the tree, use complex artistic expressions where it is inappropriate. It’s better to start with the simplest thing – a story about the company and its activities. You should not touch on controversial points and talk about the difficulties overcome. The solution is more effective – to share your experience, options for solved problems. Then you can go to the description of the product / service with the obligatory mention of benefits.
- Differences from competitors. In order for a consumer to choose a product, he must understand its differences from analogues. Use compelling persuasion, highlight the benefits of your organization and avoid clichés.
- Uniform style. The use of corporate colors in the brochure helps to popularize the company. In general, the design and color scheme depend on the philosophy and direction of the business: eco-products will look ridiculous in red tones, and baby products in black or neon.
- Target audience. Each product has its own group of people, influencing the consciousness of which you can get the best effect.
Order brochure printing at the First Experimental Printing House in Kharkov. And get great results at an affordable price.
- What is post-printing and what is it for?
What is post-printing for?
When the products have already been printed and, in fact, are ready for use, it is the turn of post-printing. This is not an obligatory stage, but the finished appearance, durability, and attractiveness of the printing industry depend on it. Postprinting is conventionally divided into functional and decorative. Let’s take a closer look at each of the categories and the features of its manufacture.
Types of printed materials finishing
Most of the printing industry after printing requires the use of some kind of functional post-printing processing. It can be die-cutting or cutting, creasing, folding, stitching, binding, lacing. At the request of the client, decorative finishing can also be used – foiling, embossing, lamination, perforation, rounding of corners.
- Nibbling, cutting – the process of obtaining the required size of printing. Used to make small items such as postcards, business cards, invitations, etc. Cutting creates simple geometric shapes, and nibbling creates complex shapes.
- Creasing and folding – finishing required to create even and neat folds on booklets, packaging, calendars, folders. Creasing is relevant for products made of thick cardboard, paper, and folding is used for thin printed products.
- Binding – binding of printed pages in different ways – glue, spring, on staples. This is how books, magazines, booklets, catalogs, brochures and other multi-page publications are produced.
- Binding is the step after binding. Arranges individual bound pages into a single piece. It can be hard and soft. The first one is used for books, scientific papers, is more durable, reliable, practical. The second is inherent in magazines, catalogs, it is flexible, beautiful and also reliable.
- Eyelets – metal rings for attaching banners. Installed with folds, with soldering or in one layer. Serve for greater reliability and durability of printing.
Most printing products require one or more of the above steps. Upon completion, decorative types of finishing can also be applied:
- Stamping, foiling – give products a more status, presentable, expensive look. They are made in the form of convex or concave impressions using a metallized layer. Relevant for postcards, invitations, business cards and other printing, where aesthetics is important.
- Lamination is a special coating that protects against moisture and mechanical damage. Laminated products look more effective and last longer. The film itself for work can be matte, glossy, have different densities. The most common are laminated magazines, catalogs, brochures.
- Perforation – creating tear lines on printed products using special perforating knives. Small holes are punched into the surface, allowing you to break the product without disturbing the neat, even edges. This service is relevant when printing tickets, tear-off calendars, stamps, notebooks.
- Rounding of corners – gives smoothed shapes to printing for external beauty and practicality. The corners are not wrinkled or damaged from careless use. It is used in the manufacture of calendars, stickers, discount cards, business cards.
Now you know what post-printing is, and you will be able to create the most beautiful and high-quality printing. And the first experimental printing house in Kharkov Exp-Print will help you with this at every stage.
- 5 ways to keep kids engaged with reading!
5 ways to keep kids engaged with reading:
1. Emotionally, in a cast, read aloud to the children.
2. Read to an interesting moment in the book and stop – show your child a desire to finish reading.
3. Give your child a choice of books.
4. Let the child understand that reading is good! Read – be an example!
5. Order a bright PRINT of books in our printing house!+38 (067) 543 56 55
+38 (099) 543 56 55
+38 (073) 545 56 55Kharkov printing house, printing, offset printing, book printing, magazine printing, catalog printing, notebook printing, poster printing, booklet printing, leaflet printing
Always with you, The first experimental printing house in Kharkov
- From the history of paperback on the staple (type 1)
Wire stitchers have been around for over 120 years. In 1873, the Germans Hugo and August Brehmer invented a method of sewing with wire, and in 1876 they manufactured a wire stitching machine that sewed notebooks with four staples in a slot – a prototype of a four-device wire stitching machine, which is still sometimes found in printing houses for sewing white and other products complete with a selection.
In 1879 they founded the Bremer Brothers Bookbinding and Stitching Machine Factory, which laid the foundation for the Bremer company, which first produced wire stitching and later also saddle stitching machines (HSRA). Now part of the Heidelberg Corporation under the name Heidelberg Finishing.
In 1946, Hans Müller (Zofingen, Switzerland) began production of wire sewing machines for stapling cardboard boxes for vegetables and fruits. This is how the firm “G. Müller” was founded, which later merged with the firm “Martini” and since 1962 has existed as the firm “Müller Martini”, at present it is the world’s largest manufacturer of saddle stitches.
In Ukraine, the First Experimental Printing House in Kharkov is a leader in the production of children’s books and brochures on the staple due to the excellent quality of offset printing and the speed of sewing on the staple in large circulation (up to 100,000 items per shift).
Order the production of books on a staple in our printing house!
+38 (067) 543 56 55
+38 (099) 543 56 55
+38 (073) 545 56 55Kharkov printing house, printing, offset printing, book printing, magazine printing, catalog printing, notebook printing, poster printing, booklet printing, leaflet printing
Always with you, The first experimental printing house in Kharkov
- What is trapping
Good morning friends! 🌞
Today, as promised, a few words about trapping in the printing industry. 😉Trapping is the creation of small areas of overlap between two bordering colors. Or, more simply, the imposition of paints on top of each other at the junction. This is done so that the paper does not shine through with a possible offset between them. Even the most modern printing machines allow for misalignment from 0.05 mm to 0.08 mm. When printing, this contour is practically invisible.
Trapping can be internal and external. With external trapping, the object expands slightly and is superimposed on the background, with internal trapping, the overlay area is shifted into the object. Another type of trapping is used when overlaying a small white object on a composite black background.
In general, nothing complicated. & # x1f604;
Call us right now – we will help!
Experts of the first experimental printing house are always in touch!
+38 (067) 543 56 55
+38 (099) 543 56 55
+38 (073) 545 56 55
www.exp-print.com.uatypography, printing, offset printing, book printing, magazine printing, catalog printing, notebook printing, poster printing, booklet printing, leaflet printing
Always with you, The first experimental printing house in Kharkov
- The largest book in the world
The largest book in the world is Bhutan: A Visual Odyssey Across the Last Himalayan Kingdom. The book is certified by the Guinness Book of Records as the largest in the world until 2007. Book weight – 60.3 kg, size – 2.13 * 1.53 meters (spread), 118 pages. The book consists of illustrations – a photo of the Kingdom of Bhutan (a state in South Asia). Was created by Michael Hawley (artist, researcher).
We print large format books at a bargain price!
+38 (067) 543 56 55
+38 (099) 543 56 55
+38 (073) 545 56 55
www.exp-print.com.uatypography, printing, offset printing, book printing, magazine printing, catalog printing, notebook printing, poster printing, booklet printing, leaflet printing
Always with you, The first experimental printing house in Kharkov
- Happy Constitution Day of Ukraine and Youth Day!
The staff of the First Experimental Printing House congratulates you on the upcoming double holiday – the Day of the Constitution of Ukraine and the Day of Youth!
With all our hearts we wish you good health, good spirits and confidence in the cloudless constitutional future of our common state. Let this solemn event fill you with life-giving power, inspiration, encourage you to innovative ideas, their successful implementation in the professional field. We wish you success and fruitful work for the benefit of the Ukrainian people! Let us be together in the process of building a democratic civil society. Glory to Ukraine!
The second holiday, Youth Day, is one of the most dynamic holidays – well, how could it be otherwise – after all, they, the young, are dear everywhere! The whole world is open at a glance, and any business on the shoulder! Everything is so bright and love itself rules the ball! Happy Youth Day to all of you! We wish you to stay young throughout our journey, because youth does not depend on age – it lives in a soul that does not stop flying and making plans and fulfilling our plans, despite all the difficulties! Be happy!
Well, if you need to order the printing of books, magazines, posters, our printing house is always in touch!
+38 (067) 543 56 55
+38 (099) 543 56 55
+38 (073) 545 56 55
www.exp-print.com.uaAlways with you, The first experimental printing house in Kharkov
- Newspapers
Each family subscribed to newspapers, they were printed on newsprint in one color. These newspapers have always featured photos, but it was very difficult to recognize anyone. Little has changed in newspaper printing even now, on the so-called “newspaper”.
But our printing house prints newspapers on snow-white coated and offset paper in full color. You look at the photographs and you understand how pleasant it will be for a person to see himself on the pages of the publication. For many, this is great happiness and pride in their relatives and their achievements.
If you need a quality product, call us, come to us. We are always glad to see you and will do our best to make your audience happy with the result of our joint work with you. Your desire and your opinion are very important to us. The staff of the printing house will suggest the format of the product so that there is less waste on paper, so that your costs are justified. Trust us!
Always with you, The first experimental printing house in Kharkov
- How to draw up a technical assignment correctly
We will discuss how to correctly draw up a technical assignment (TOR) for a printing house. Let’s tell you a secret, a correctly drawn up TK is 50% of success! ✌️ So, here are the points that you must indicate in the TK:
1. Product name (poster, leaflet, booklet, magazine, catalog, brochure, etc.)
2. Product format in mm, the first digit is the width of the product, the second is the height.
3. The number of pages in multi-page products (it is important whether you count the pages considering the cover or not). The number of pages must be divisible by four.
4. Paper for the product – coated (matte or glossy), offset, cardboard, etc. and its density.
5. Colorfulness, including the presence of pantones (with their numbers). For example, 4 + 4, 4 + 0, 2 + 2, etc.
6. Binding method for multi-page products: thermal binding, PUR glue, sewing glue binding, staple, spring, hard binding.
7. Post-printing operations: lamination (matte or glossy), selective UV varnish, die-cutting or undercutting, embossing, hot stamping, perforation, creasing, folding, etc.
8. Specify the circulation – the number of copies that you want to receive.
Write and call us! We are always in touch, and we will show you how to save time and money when drawing up a technical assignment for a printing house!+38 (067) 543 56 55
+38 (099) 543 56 55
+38 (073) 545 56 55Kharkov printing house, printing, offset printing, book printing, magazine printing, catalog printing, notebook printing, poster printing, booklet printing, leaflet printing
Always with you, The first experimental printing house in Kharkov
- Die cutting tool
Quite often, in the process of manufacturing printed products, it becomes necessary to give a curly outline to the product, and in this case, one cannot do without a die-cut stamp, which is called a punching die.
The die is a plywood base on which special creasing, cutting or perforating steel knives are reliably fixed, repeating the contour of the image that needs to be separated from a sheet of paper, self-adhesive, cardboard or create fold lines, notches, perforations on the product
Cutting forms are used in packaging, advertising and book printing, in some cases, cutting is an irreplaceable way to draw attention to printed products⚠️
The first experimental printing house has at its disposal automatic and semi-automatic equipment for cutting stickers for children’s books, inserts in magazines, bags and other products with a figured outline. The maximum sheet format is 750×520 mm. Due to this, we are pleased to offer you favorable prices.
Call, our managers are always in touch!
Kharkov printing house, printing, offset printing, book printing, magazine printing, catalog printing, notebook printing, poster printing, booklet printing, leaflet printing
Always with you, The first experimental printing house in Kharkov
- The first printing houses of Kharkov
Kharkov is a city of printers. What do we know about the first printing houses in our city?
The first known in history attempt to found a printing house in Kharkov was back in 1767-1769 in the Spiritual Collegium by the Kharkov governor Shcherbinin. He believed that “the printing of books is the most useful” for the education of the population. But then the St. Petersburg Synod banned the publication of books in the region, and it was never established.
The very first printing house in Kharkov was founded in May 1793 – it belonged to the organization of the Order of the Public Benefit of Catherine II. She mainly served for the needs of the Provincial Government, but sometimes she also printed books. The most famous printed book in Kharkov was “Word on the day of the coronation of imp. Catherine II “1795 Prokopovich. He also translated Berdichev’s “Kalendarz gospodarski” and printed it in this printing house in 1797, 1799, 1808, 1809. and etc.
The second printing house in Kharkov was university; it was founded back in 1804 by two foreigners, Huck and Draeger, who were invited to Kharkov by the famous figure and founder of the university, V.N.Karazin. A year later, 1805, the university printing house was ready, and on September 20 of that year it also published the first book – “The Experience of Rhetoric” by IS Rizhsky, the first rector of the Imperial Kharkov University (now the V.N. Karazin University).
Kharkov printing house developed very well and soon became the best among provincial printing houses; she was often approached by other printers for advice or printed material. Now the territory is occupied by the main building of the Engineering and Pedagogical Academy, which has been preparing specialists in printing for our city for a long time. UIPA graduates are successfully working in our printing house!
Kharkov printing house, printing, offset printing, book printing, magazine printing, catalog printing, notebook printing, poster printing, booklet printing, leaflet printing
Always with you, The first experimental printing house in Kharkov
- Development of the world printing industry
Several interesting theories about the development of printing.
Ancient China is an amazing country that gave the world many inventions. Gunpowder, compass and paper were invented here. It is not surprising that the first color printing appeared in China. It happened around the 6th century AD. First, the required text was written on a piece of paper. Then this sheet was applied to a special bar, on the surface of which rice paste was applied. The result was a mirror print. Then, the engraver carved the resulting symbols on the block. This is how the first printing plates were made.
Interestingly, color printing was so popular in China that already in the 6th century paints were invented with which to print books. The first full-fledged book, as is commonly believed, was called “The Diamond Sutra” and was published in 932.
Modern printed matter has already begun to spread since the 15th century. Then the German mechanic Johannes Gutenberg created the first printing press. The device gained popularity not only due to the mechanism, but also due to the manufacture of the text itself. There was no need to cut the pages, they typed letters. Cliches were inserted into the frame, and drawings were obtained.
Speaking about new products, most believe that the machine was first created in Russia, much earlier. At first, books were only black and white, and for paints it was necessary to draw images with your hands. But the Germans also succeeded in this sense when Hermann patented colorful offset printing. Thanks to this invention, we enjoy vibrant magazines and other book publications. In modern printing, exclusively high-quality machines and popular printing techniques are used on almost any material.You can make an order for exhibitions and other events from the managers of our printing house. Booklets, brochures, catalogs, books, posters, as well as individual design solutions. All this is offered in different editions as soon as possible.
Kharkov printing house, printing, offset printing, book printing, magazine printing, catalog printing, notebook printing, poster printing, booklet printing, leaflet printing
Always with you, The first experimental printing house in Kharkov
We will show you polygraphic secrets for you 😉. You can see why the design is displayed from the screen. On the right, for the screen, the color model is RGB, and for the other – CMYK. RGB – the combination of three colors: red (chervonia), green (green) and blue (blakitny).
CMYK – tse chotiri colori: cyan (blakitny), magenta (rhyme), yellow (zhovty) і key color (or black, black). On the picture, you can poke around, as you can see more colors on the screen and on the other. The color CMYK model is not in the form of deyak colori, for example, off-acid, as it is great to go to the screen.
Krym tsyogo, papyr on vidminu from the screen is not viprominuyu light. The first, even more important moment – the purpose of calibrating your monitor or the model of your phone is 🙂, so as on other screens you can change the views for the color.
Cope with the moments when preparing layouts for a friend, and be sure to call and see all your power supplies!
+38 (067) 543 56 55
+38 (099) 543 56 55
+38 (073) 545 56 55
www.exp-print.com.uadrukarnya Kharkova, polygraph, offset druk, druk books, druk magazines, druk catalogs, druk notebooks, druk posters, druk booklets, druk leaflets
Be in charge of you, Persha is an experimental drukarnya M. Kharkiv
- About color proof
When contacting the printing house, not all customers understand the intricacies of the printing process. Often there are situations when, seeing on the monitor 👨 💻 a bright layout, the customer expects exactly the same color gamut and color saturation on paper 📃 🎨 In practice, this is not always the case. In order to convey the color reproduction as accurately as possible, they resort to color proofing.
Color proof is a printout of a fragment of a future edition, which displays the shades of all colors used in your layout and serves as a guide for color correction and for further printing. The source for the output of the proof is a digital file, which is a color reference at the request of the customer 📂
Benefits of proofing:
1.You get a visual image of how the print run will look like after printing.
2.All flaws are visible on the color proof, which will allow you to make the necessary adjustments at the pre-print stage.
3.You save money and time, because. nothing can be changed after the final print. 💵
4. Color proof is an excellent guideline for the production of the entire edition.Thanks to high-quality equipment, the First Experimental Printing House will produce a color proof on the day of order. A high-quality result is important for us!
We are waiting for your applications!
Call us ☎️
+38 (067) 543 56 55
+38 (099) 543 56 55
+38 (073) 545 56 55Kharkov printing house, printing, offset printing, book printing, magazine printing, catalog printing, notebook printing, poster printing, booklet printing, leaflet printing
Always with you, The first experimental printing house in Kharkov
- About planning
Do you need to plan ?! The answer is yes!
Planned – rest (weekend) or business, this is the maximum probability of a positive result. Agree – it’s a fact! When planning, the likelihood increases significantly, to exclude all the negative aspects of the event in advance. Plan the printing of books, catalogs, magazines in our printing house and you will certainly get a positive result! Write, call! Always in touch!
+38 (067) 543 56 55
+38 (099) 543 56 55
+38 (073) 545 56 55Kharkov printing house, printing, offset printing, book printing, magazine printing, catalog printing, notebook printing, poster printing, booklet printing, leaflet printing
Always with you, The first experimental printing house in Kharkov
- Lviv International BookForum 2020
This year, the 27th Forum of Publishers in Lviv will take place in September – for the first time in an online format!
New reality dictates new rules. On September 16-20, Lviv International BookForum will traditionally become a global platform for discussing socially important topics, but for the first time in an online format.
How the pandemic is changing our lives and habits, how the world is rethinking values, what challenges we face and how to cope with them, how cultural players can get out of the crisis – this will be discussed at the 27 BookForum book festival.
The new format will allow those who have not previously been able to come to Lviv to visit the festival, so all connoisseurs of literature will have the opportunity to hear their favorite writers anywhere in the world.
Among the current participants are authors from Ukraine, 20 foreign guests from 15 countries, 4 continents, laureates and nominees of various awards. One of the main events will be the broadcast of the Night of poetry and music non-stop with the participation of Ukrainian poets and musicians from all over the world.
In the meantime, the online platform is being prepared, we continue to print books, magazines, calendars for 2021 and other useful products for you. Always in touch!
+38 (067) 543 56 55
+38 (099) 543 56 55
+38 (073) 545 56 55Kharkov printing house, printing, offset printing, book printing, magazine printing, catalog printing, notebook printing, poster printing, booklet printing, leaflet printing
Always with you, The first experimental printing house in Kharkov
- Offset printing scales
Good winter morning! Today – January 3, we continue to celebrate the New Year holidays and not only… This is Women’s Day in Rock and Roll, Cherry Chocolate Day, Sparklers and Garland Lights Day, as well as the birthday of cocktail straws
And now a little about printing: let’s talk about scales in offset printing.
Squares, circles, stripes, dies, rasters of different densities, etc. Are located at the edges of the paper sheet. Serve to control the form and printing processes. A very useful thing.As a rule, if problems arise in a circulation, it is possible to determine the cause of their occurrence using the scales. Scale impressions can be measured with densitometers and such important quantities as optical density, dot gain, etc. can be determined.
Each printing house uses its own scales. They are very informative, there are simpler ones, but all professional printing houses print with scales.
The first experimental printing house in Kharkov continues to produce books, magazines, notebooks and posters for you, and also closely monitors the quality of printed products while you relax on this wonderful Sunday. We are always in touch, working for you 24/7!
Call for advice ☎️ at any convenient time!
+38 (067) 543 56 55
+38 (099) 543 56 55
+38 (073) 545 56 55
www.exp-print.com.ua - How to draw attention to your product
Due to the imposed restrictions, many companies are going through hard times and a decline in customer activity. The question arises how to draw attention to your product. Distributing printed materials can help brands stand out from other information noise. We present to your attention several advantages of mailing lists:
1. Personal contact. Many people spend time at home, and the ability to receive mail is a great advantage. This sets the brand apart from others, because most people choose the Internet or television for promotion. Offering something physical enhances contact and can build customer loyalty.
2. Long-term storage. The printed matter is extremely effective. This is also influenced by the effect of surprise, because if customers are used to seeing daily advertising mailings on their e-mail, mailing out printed catalogs will definitely attract attention. The physical medium also means that it will stay at home longer. It’s not easy to hit the delete button in real life.
3. Continuing communication. While companies typically reduce marketing costs during a crisis, it is important to keep in touch with customers. Whoever kept moving during the crisis will stay ahead.Sending printed materials to customers can be a lifeline for a company. The first experimental printing house in Kharkov will produce catalogs, brochures, booklets, leaflets and other printed materials for you with high quality, promptly and with love.
Contact the professionals! We are always in touch!
+38 (067) 543 56 55
+38 (099) 543 56 55
+38 (073) 545 56 55
www.exp-print.com.ua - The two main colors of 2021
The Pantone Color Institute has named two major colors of 2021 at once & # x1f3a8; These are the colors Illuminating and Ultimate Gray. Pantone described it as “colors that involve deep contemplation with the promise of something sunny and friendly, giving hope.”
The institute calls the yellow shade “optimistic and warming”, and the gray – “practical and solid”. According to Pantone, this combination of colors perfectly expresses the mood of 2021, emphasizing how dissimilar elements can come together to support each other. «PANTONE 13-0647 Illuminating is a bright and cheerful yellow color, warming the yellow shade, permeated with solar energy»
PANTONE 17-5104 Ultimate Gray symbolizes strong and reliable elements that are eternal and provide a solid foundation, ”explained the institute’s specialists.
According to the Pantone website, 2021 was the first year in 20 years when two colors of the year were chosen.
The first experimental printing house will make for you books and other polygraphic production of the best quality. Call us for consultations☎️
+38 (067) 543 56 55
+38 (099) 543 56 55
+38 (073) 545 56 55
www.exp-print.com.ua - Merry Christmas!
The first experimental printing house congratulates you on a great holiday.
Good day, good time
Merry Christmas to you,
with holy dinner, merry carol!
Let the carol be distributed
and let him sow snow!
Let the new year bring home
a lot of happiness and joy!Always in touch!
Kharkiv, The first experimental printing house. The country’s leading printing house 🇺 🇦.
💻 http://exp-print.com.ua📞 38 (099) 543 56 55
📞 38 (067) 543 56 55
📞 38 (073) 545 56 5507/01/2021
- The world’s longest photo print
Canon has set the world record for the world’s longest digital photo print.
Canon officially entered the Guinness Book of World Records in October 2020, setting the record for the world’s longest digital photography, with a 109 meter collage printed at the Oberstdorf Photo Summit in Germany.The record was set and confirmed on September 26th. The photo collage was printed and displayed at the Olympic springboard. See photo by Jochen Kohl (Studio K2). The print was done using a Canon IMAGEPROGRAF PRO-6100 large format printer, which was positioned at the highest point of the springboard and the tail of the print descended to its very foot.
Printing was done on a roll of special weatherproof paper provided by Ilford. The print, which is 109.04 meters long, includes a collage of landscape photographs and portraits of Oberstdorf townspeople and celebrities, as well as sports and historical photographs.
After the summit, the images will be split up and put up for an online charity auction.
The first experimental printing house will help you make printing products of any complexity and the highest quality. We are waiting for your calls by phones:
+38 (067) 543 56 55
+38 (099) 543 56 55
+38 (073) 545 56
www.exp-print.com.ua - Polygraphic design
Printing design: what is it and how does a designer work?
One of the stages of preparation of advertising, information and image printed materials is the design of printing. With its help, you can attract the attention of the target audience, sell a product, highlight the product against the background of others.
And vice versa. An unsuccessful print design will negate all the efforts of copywriters, writers, and journalists. If the design of a publication or promotional material is done carelessly, no one will read it. This means that the budget is wasted.
Stages of printing design development
• Concept development
• Selection of colors, illustrations, fonts.
• Preparing the layout for printing. The designer sets the size of the image, chooses the color model, provides margins for cropping, attaches a file with fonts.Technical requirements for layouts
They are requested before the development of a print design. It all depends on the printing method (offset, digital, etc.), product type, paper size. Image quality is determined by the number of dots per inch. The standard for offset printing is 300 dpi. For large format products, the resolution can be lower – from 90 to 120 dpi. The average cut allowance is 2 to 4 mm on each side. Be sure to put marks so that you can see the edge along which the cutter will work.Graphic designers use programs such as:
1. Adobe Photoshop. Multifunctional raster editor. Compatible with all Adobe products, graphics tablets.
2. Adobe Illustrator, CorelDRAW. Vector graphic editors. The first one is suitable for creating illustrations, cartoon graphics, logos. The second is for design and layout of a wide range of printing products. Both support the creation of high resolution images.
3. Adobe InDesign, Adobe PageMaker, QuarkXPress. These are programs for computer layout of books, magazines, brochures.
Choose a designer with experience in printing and the delivery of your order to the printing house will be easy and quickThe first experimental printing house will help you make printing products of any complexity and the highest quality. We are waiting for your calls by phones:
+38 (067) 543 56 55
+38 (099) 543 56 55
+38 (073) 545 56 55 - A bit of the history of printing in Europe
Who is William Kexton? An English first printer, in the 70s of the 15th century, founded the first printing house in London, where not only church books were printed, but also secular works. In 1472, he printed the world’s first poster and hung it at the entrance to the church. Of course, the poster advertised a church book, but it is still considered the first print advertisement in Europe.
During his career, William Kexton published 108 works, most of which were of secular content. He published Chaucer, Boccaccio, Boethius, Virgil. And a special place was occupied by the translated into English “Death of Arthur” by Mallory. The reason is simple: they bought well.
Printed copies were sold to the nobility, aristocrats as entertainment reading. And this was in stark contrast to the policies of Gutenberg, who, in fact, invented the print press. The German book printer mostly published religious works, and Caxton earned money by printing secular books.
The first experimental printing house in Kharkov will print for you fiction and children’s books, magazines, notebooks, posters and other advertising materials on any topic in the shortest possible time. We are always in touch, working for you 24/7!
Call for advice ☎️ at any convenient time!
+38 (067) 543 56 55
+38 (099) 543 56 55
+38 (073) 545 56 55
www.exp-print.com.ua - Creasing in printing
The term itself comes from the German word “biegen”, which means “to bend”. The procedure is carried out with a blunt knife or creasing roller and is performed on brochures, booklets, postcards, folders and other products.
Thanks to this technological operation, the sides of the sheet are bent smoothly and effortlessly, and the fold line (big) becomes neat and protects the paint layer from cracking. “Creased” sheets bend well, and the printed layer is protected from damage, deformation and cracks even after repeated opening / closing of the product.
Creasing is one of the stages of post-printing processing. A creasing line can also be applied to the product to facilitate further folding on thick paper or cardboard.
In modern printing houses, creasing is carried out using special equipment – machines that allow you to apply a fold line on any type of printing products.
Less commonly, manual creasing is used – it is used in the production of exclusive printed publications. Sometimes this type of product processing is used if the fold line is applied perpendicularly to the location of the fibers of the cardboard or paper as intended by the designer or customer.
The first experimental printing house is the leading printing house in Ukraine, and will perform printing services of any complexity for you. We look forward to collaborating!
We are always in touch:
+38 (067) 543 56 55
+38 (099) 543 56 55
+38 (073) 545 56 55
www.exp-print.com.ua - Sensory book
If you find paper books outdated and electronic books soulless, you may like the touch-sensitive book from MIT Media Lab students.
This book explores new dimensions of the reading experience. It was created by Felix Hayback, Alexis Hope and Julie Legolt in 2014 and is called The Girl Who Was Plugged In.
Actually, this is a hybrid of a paper book, a cover and a vest with actuators. The printed book is equipped with 150 LED-lamps for creating atmospheric illumination, a page-turning sensor, built-in speakers. In the vest: a system for changing body temperature, a vibration motor that should influence the heart rate, a compressor and a cushion system to simulate compression. When you read, you naturally feel hot and cold, and everything shrinks in your chest. The idea is as original as it is absolutely crazy.
The first experimental printing house will produce for you books and other printing products of the best quality. Call us for consultations ☎️
+38 (067) 543 56 55
+38 (099) 543 56 55
+38 (073) 545 56 55
www.exp-print.com.ua - 10 ways to read more and more
1. Read only those books that interest you. Reading uninteresting literature takes away all the pleasure from the process.
2. Skip unimportant or uninteresting parts of the book, or read them more concisely.
3. Read several books at the same time. Many readers use this method: they combine usefulness with pleasant relaxation.
4. Always have something to read on hand. Carry an e-book with you, download several books to your smartphone.
5. Read to relax. A calm book before bed can help overcome insomnia. Read in the morning over coffee. Time management expert Laura Vanderkam points out in her book What Successful People Do Before Breakfast that most successful people have a habit of reading in the morning.
6. Read while doing sports. Naturally, no one will read a book while doing powerlifting, but you can read it on a treadmill or stationary bike.
7. Listen to audiobooks. Many will argue that this type of “reading” is not particularly effective, because the text is perceived “by ear” worse. But this is more a matter of habit.
8. Create a reading environment for yourself. Choose a secluded, cozy place to read, especially if your family loves watching TV.
9. Train the whole family to read. As J.K. Rowling said, “If you don’t like reading, then you just haven’t found the book you’re looking for.” Read it out loud at home. Discuss the book you just read with your family.
10. Structure your book list. Make a wish list of books. Identify topics that are interesting and useful to you, select up to ten books for each topic. Keep this list at hand, so you will not be tormented by the question: “What should I read?”The first experimental printing house will help you make printing products of any complexity and the highest quality! Write, call! Always in touch!
+38 (067) 543 56 55
+38 (099) 543 56 55
+38 (073) 545 56 55
www.exp-print.com.ua - Books are like furniture
You should not throw away old books, because they can still be used, although not in a completely standard way. For example, in an environmentally friendly house there is always a place for eco-furniture. By itself, such a house is no longer a template and standard, and with furniture from books it will look even more whimsical and original.
Moreover, the owners of such a house are doing a good deed – they give a second life not only with old books, but also with the wood from which page of these books were made. The first experimental printing house will help you to make printed products of any complexity and high quality.
We are waiting for your calls by phones:
+38 (067) 543 56 55
+38 (099) 543 56 55
+38 (073) 545 56 55
- Book release in 2020 in Ukraine
Good Sunday morning! Outside the window, the sun, snow ❄️ and frost ☃️. You can take a little walk ⛷, or read your favorite book over a cup of coffee ☕️.
According to the Book Chamber of Ukraine, in 2020, more than 14,000 titles of books and brochures were registered by Ukrainian publishers and authors, accounting for 69% of the previous year. The total circulation in 2020 was 20,279.5 thousand copies, which is only 42% in relation to 2019.
It is clear that quarantine influenced such dynamics, but let’s hope that 2021 will return the book industry to production growth. Because today there is no longer any need to prove the exceptional role of the book in the life of each of us and society as a whole. Conscious life begins with an acquaintance with the first book. Any of the outstanding personalities of our time, from the president to the scientist, reached their intellectual heights precisely thanks to the knowledge that the Book gave them.
And while you are relaxing, we continue to print for you 24/7 brochures, books for children and adults, notebooks, glossy magazines and B1 posters.
Call for advice ☎️
+38 (067) 543 56 55
+38 (099) 543 56 55
+38 (073) 545 56 55
- Steps to preserving our nature
Have you ever wondered how many trees you need to cut down for one medium-sized book? And for making a pack of A4 office paper? Probably not. So here it is:
– the consumption rate for the production of one ton of cardboard is an average of 1.6 cubic meters. m of wood;
– the consumption rate for the production of one ton of newsprint – an average of 2.8 cubic meters. m of wood;
– the production of a ton of printing paper requires approximately 3.5 cubic meters. m of wood;
– the production of one standard sheet of office paper (A4 format, density 80 g / m2) requires approximately 20 cubic centimeters of wood, if this paper is completely made of cellulose (without the use of waste paper and non-wood fibrous materials).The average volume of a whip (count one tree) is 0.33 cubic meters. Each of us spends approximately:
– 1 tree per year for official documents in the direction of work with partners;
– 1 tree per year for certificates, licenses and subscriptions.
One tree per year – it seems not very much, but think – how many of these trees does each one spend? What can we do to change the situation?1. Refuse to print sets of documents.
2. Switch to electronic exchange of legally significant documents with business partners.
3. To save forests from destruction and reduce the cost of making paper, waste paper is widely used. Old, unnecessary books, newspapers, magazines at special enterprises are recycled and used to make paper.These are only the first steps towards the preservation of our nature, civilization does not stand still.
And be that as it may, the printing of educational and children’s literature is simply necessary for the all-round development of mankind.
We invite you to become regular customers of the “First Experimental Printing House” – the best printing house in the country.Bright children’s books, educational literature, magazines, calendars, posters, everything you need for your business to flourish.
- Happy Epiphany!
The first experimental printing house wishes you a happy holiday.For a long time, the feast of the Baptism of the Lord has been for the Ukrainian people a source of bright joy, purification of the soul, strengthening faith in the victory of good and hopes for a better future.
Please accept our sincere congratulations and heartfelt wishes! I wish you good health, peace, kindness, family harmony and new achievements.
And we, as always, are in touch and look forward to your new orders!
m. Kharkov, First experimental printing house. Leading typography in the country! 🇺 🇦
💻 http://exp-print.com.ua
📞 38 (099) 543 56 55
📞 38 (067) 543 56 55
📞 38 (073) 545 56 5519.01.2021
- Periodic printing
Periodical press dates back to the 17th century, but online publications started much later, but were able to quickly conquer the target audience, because electronic media and the Internet are rapidly developing and are integral parts of our life. Despite the relevance of online advertising, periodicals will always be at the forefront.
“Why”? – you ask. This is because no computer graphics can compare with the quality of information printed on paper, it conveys the full depth of the material presented. Printed editions allow the reader to better perceive a particular text, an advertised product, an offer from a company, and useful information. For example, in the catalogs of furniture products, all possible options for furniture in different angles and placements are much wider. A huge plus is the quality and type of paper on which the catalog is printed. Prospective buyers are given the opportunity, simply by reading the catalog, to find exactly what they need and make sure that the product matches its description.
And what’s important is that reading catalogs, magazines, newspapers, etc. very convenient compared to WEB-sites.
Here are some arguments for this statement:
– regardless of whether there is power supply or not, you can open any printed product and find the information you need;
– no annoying ads;
– a person “absorbs” information printed on paper better than information posted on the WEB-site.The first experimental printing house will make for you books and other printing products of the best quality. Call Us for Consultation ☎️
+38 (067) 543 56 55
+38 (099) 543 56 55
+38 (073) 545 56 55
www.exp-print.com.ua - How are endpapers made?
What is an endpaper?
The flyleaf is a sheet of paper folded in half between the cover and the book block. Its main purpose is to connect the block and the cover. The flyleaf hides the back of the cover and spine, and protects the outer pages of the book from dirt and damage. For endpapers, special equipment is used: dense, durable, not afraid of tears and creases, not deformable when wet.Simple endpapers are made entirely of paper – solid paper. They are easy to manufacture, but not very suitable for large and valuable publications due to their low strength. The component endpapers are much more reliable. In them, paper blank sheets are joined by a fold – a thin strip of fabric in the area of the spine. This improves durability, but is more difficult to manufacture.
How do you connect an endpaper to a book?
– Glued endpapers. on the folded sheet in the bend area, apply glue with a strip of up to 5 mm and attach it to the spine field of the notebook. This process is very simple, but it reduces the margin of the title page and the connection is not very strong.
– Stitched endpapers. The folded fold is folded around the first notebook of the book block (so the endpaper should be larger than in the glued method) and stitched together with it. This method is a guarantee of the high strength of the binding structure.
– Sew-on endpapers. Such an endpaper is only a component, while it is made as a separate notebook, which is sewn to the book block. In addition, both sides of the structure are additionally glued with special paper blanks.Textured materials can be used for endpapers. This is especially often used in the restoration of old editions. New pages of the flyleaf can be knocked out of the general style, therefore, aging of the paper is used to fully match the book.
The first experimental printing house will help you to make printed products of any complexity and high quality. We are waiting for your calls by phones:
+38 (067) 543 56 55
+38 (099) 543 56 55
+38 (073) 545 56 55
www.exp-print.com.ua - International Education Day 24.01.2021
Good Sunday Morning! Today we celebrate Popsicle Ice Cream Day and International Education Day!
Books play a vital role as a source of knowledge.
Buy books! Their use is already in the fact that they are in the house. Having a home library is directly related to your children’s school success, even if they never read most of these books. Today this is confirmed statistically. A number of studies in different countries have shown a strong positive relationship between the number of books at home and the academic success of children growing up in such a home. And the number of books in the home in most countries appears to be the best predictor of school performance.A large number of unread books is not a disadvantage, but an advantage, if you realize it. People tend to overestimate the knowledge they have and underestimate the knowledge they don’t have. Unread books remind you of the latter and develop a sense of humility towards the former. Books in the home are a reflection of the essence of the family, its history and continuity.
They may say that their owners are educated people, or that they simply respect books and reading. Or that, finally, that the books were inherited by you, and since you did not throw them in the trash and did not sell them, it means, firstly, you have a house where there is enough space for books, and, secondly, that your family has traditions and you continue them. Perhaps your children will continue – they will remember you, looking at the books that you have saved for them.
And while you are resting, we continue to print for you the highest quality books and magazines, bright posters, notebooks and product catalogs 24/7. Call for advice ☎️
+38 (067) 543 56 55
+38 (099) 543 56 55
+38 (073) 545 56 55
www.exp-print.com.ua - Typology of magazines
Good morning! We wish you to start the new week with a smile on your lips and keep a good mood throughout the week.
Glossy, illustrated magazines belong to the print media, they occupy an intermediate position in the media industry between newspapers and books, which determines their specificity. Unlike newspapers and books, in which text predominates, and images, photographs, cartoons, etc. are only illustrations to the text, in the magazine the visual and verbal components coexist as equal parts of the whole. Distinguish the typology of magazines as a special type of media by:
▪️periodicity – a weekly, this is a type of publication that is actively developing today and has a great readership, since, compared to a monthly, it promptly responds to current events and has the ability to analyze them in depth and in more detail; editions published once a decade, once every 2 weeks, monthly, editions are published once every two months, once a quarter, semi-annual edition;
▪️ content – socio-political, literary and artistic, industrial and technical, scientific and industry, popular science, scientific information, analytical, abstract, bibliographic magazines, satirical (humorous), sports, magazines of universal (general) content (so-called life – style magazine).
▪️target audience – publications intended for certain age and gender categories (children’s, women’s / men’s publications).The First Experimental Printing House has many years of experience in printing magazines of various circulations and formats.
Order at a bargain price the printing of magazines, catalogs, books, booklets, brochures, bright posters, calendars, notebooks from the managers of the best printing house in the country.We are waiting for your calls and letters to your e-mail addresses.
+38 (067) 543 56 55
+38 (099) 543 56 55
+38 (073) 545 56 5525.01.2021
- Rounding corners
In the printing industry there is such a term as “rounding corners”. It refers to the process of providing a corner of a printed printing product with a rounded shape with a given radius, which is called the rounding radius. This is done by cutting off the corner edge of the sheet. The rounding radius can be different, and is chosen depending on the wishes of the customer, taking into account the material, format of printed products and the designer’s recommendations.
Rounding of corners is one of the simplest, but quite crucial stages of post-printing processing of the print run. This type of processing is included in the finishing work in the processing of printed products. After carrying out this operation, the printed product acquires a thoughtful and artistically complete and aesthetic appearance. In addition, the operation of rounding the corners will help to increase the life of the printed edition due to less wear on the corners of the pages.
Therefore, this type of finishing not only gives the printed publication a more aesthetic appearance, but also contributes to a more durable operation of the publication. Nowadays, the operation of rounding corners is widely used in printing circulation of books for young children, gift editions, as well as in the manufacture of notebooks, postcards, invitations, discount cards, price tags, business cards, pocket calendars and many other types of printed products.
The first experimental printing house in Kharkov – the leading printing house in Ukraine, has many years of experience.
We are always in touch!
+38 (067) 543 56 55
+38 (099) 543 56 55
+38 (073) 545 56 55 - Read_Reach
On January 20, the Ukrainian Institute of Books and the Ministry of Culture and Information Policy of Ukraine launched an all-Ukrainian action “#Read_Reach”, which aims to show the Ukrainian relationship between reading and life achievements and encourage reading more books 📚🇺🇦
As part of the action, Ukrainian officials, public and cultural figures share books that have shaped their consciousness and influenced their lives, as well as talk about the books that they plan to read to their own children this year 👪Selections of books from the participants of the action will be collected under the hashtag # Read_dosyagai on Facebook and Instagram. The organizers of the action call on Ukrainians to join this action and tell about their favorite authors or books for improvement using the hashtag.
According to the Ukrainian Institute of Books in 2020, among Ukrainians, only 8% read daily, 38% read once a month, and 19% of the population are irregular readers. Although at the same time 90% believe that reading contributes to self-development.
Officials believe that reading is not just a good habit, it is a path to achievement. It has a positive effect on the development of imagination, speech, thinking, creativity, emotional intelligence and the ability to adapt to schooling in children and adolescents.The first experimental printing house will make for you books and other printing products of the best quality. Call Us for Consultation ☎️
+38 (067) 543 56 55
+38 (099) 543 56 55
+38 (073) 545 56 55
www.exp-print.com.ua - We’re 20!
- The most unusual books
The heaviest printed book is considered to be a geographical atlas, which is kept in the British Museum in London. Its weight is 320 kilograms, and its height is more than one meter.
In early January 2005, Aviall Services Inc. published a catalog with a volume of 2,656 pages, a weight of 3.4 kg and a thickness of 7.1 cm. This is the largest printed catalog.A large share of printed materials is advertising. By the way, 500 billion US dollars are spent on advertising every year in the world.
Research by the international company TNS Research Global has proven that print advertising is in great demand, compared to electronic advertising, is easier to remember, is characterized as official, trustworthy and safe.
Order from our printing house the printing of catalogs, brochures, booklets, leaflets and other printed products, get a discount. This is guaranteed to justify the money spent with a positive customer attitude.
+38 (067) 543 56 55
+38 (099) 543 56 55
+38 (073) 545 56 55Kharkov printing house, printing, offset printing, book printing, magazine printing, catalog printing, notebook printing, poster printing, booklet printing, leaflet printing
Always with you, The first experimental printing house in Kharkov
- Calendars 2021
Today we want to remind you of the old proverb: “Prepare your sleigh in the summer…” and invite you to start working on making calendars for 2021 🔥.
High-quality wall calendars will decorate your office and home, they can be gifted to business partners and customers! They can be made as posters or posters, or have flip-flops fastened with a spring.
Quarterly calendars are indispensable helpers for accountants, economists and all business people. Desktop calendars – “houses” should always be at hand! & # x1f446; They can also have flip-flops. Compact and handy pocket calendars can serve as business cards, discount or discount cards, gym or beauty salon subscriptions, and many other functions.
Contact the specialists of the First Experimental Printing House and they will tell you which calendar will be ideal for you! 👍
Always in touch!
+38 (067) 543 56 55
+38 (099) 543 56 55
+38 (073) 545 56 55Kharkov printing house, printing, offset printing, book printing, magazine printing, catalog printing, notebook printing, poster printing, booklet printing, leaflet printing
Always with you, The first experimental printing house in Kharkov
- Printing notebooks
Printing of notebooks in a corporate style is a very relevant and demanded service in the printing services market.
Such stationery is perfect as a gift for business partners or as a handout at exhibitions, conferences, presentations whole✅
The first experimental printing house specializes in the printing of corporate and souvenir notebooks with springs and paperbacks. Our equipment allows us to make notebooks for you not only with a standard block thickness of 50 sheets, but also according to the individual order of the client. The choice of format is also unlimited. We use high-quality offset paper for the blocks, and for the production of covers, our specialists will select the material that suits you📝
Choose based on your needs and preferences, and the managers of the First Experimental Printing House will help you calculate the cost and timing of your order🕐
To get advice, just contact the managers by phone☎️+38 (067) 543 56 55
+38 (099) 543 56 55
+38 (073) 545 56 55Kharkov printing house, printing, offset printing, book printing, magazine printing, catalog printing, notebook printing, poster printing, booklet printing, leaflet printing
Always with you, The first experimental printing house in Kharkov
- Book benches
50 benches in the form of open books with colorful illustrations are placed throughout London – this is how enthusiasts from the National Literacy Foundation decided to bring reading to the masses.
All benches presented in the project illustrate works that are somehow connected with London: place or action, heroes or origin of the author.
In Odessa in 2018, benches in the same style on national themes appeared in Shevchenko Park – excerpts from the poems of T.G. Shevchenko are depicted on the benches. Be sure to visit this park being in Odessa – it is very interesting and unusual.
And we can make books in our printing house – it is profitable for you, of high quality and with free delivery to any city in Ukraine from 07/20/2020 to 07/24/2020. Write, call! Always in touch!
+38 (067) 543 56 55
+38 (099) 543 56 55
+38 (073) 545 56 55Kharkov printing house, printing, offset printing, book printing, magazine printing, catalog printing, notebook printing, poster printing, booklet printing, leaflet printing
Always with you, The first experimental printing house in Kharkov
- About the spine
At the dawn of book printing, the choice of binding remained with the owner of the book. A person was given a pack of printed sheets, with which he went to his favorite binder and ordered the binding material based on his aesthetic or financial considerations.
It is hard for the modern reader to believe that the spine was originally considered the back side, so all books were placed with the spine against the wall, and pages into the room. Only in the 16th century did the title and the name of the author begin to be stamped on the roots. The text was placed horizontally, and thin books were not signed at all.
Books were constantly getting cheaper in production, so there were a lot of them. So many that without a signed spine it was already hard to find the book you were looking for. So many that the printers themselves began to do the bindings. So many that even thin books have begun to sign the spines.
At this moment, a division arose: according to one tradition, the spine was signed from top to bottom, according to the other – vice versa.
The tradition of placing the inscription on the spine from top to bottom is older, it goes back to a time when there were few books. The reasoning was this: if the book is on the table (or in a small pile), it should be convenient for the reader to read the title.The tradition of signing the spine from bottom to top is newer, it is based on considerations of the convenience of the owner of the bookshelf. It is more convenient to read from bottom to top, because this direction is more consistent with the European tradition of writing from left to right, which is especially noticeable when there are several lines of text on the spine (naturally, the desire to read lines from left to right).
It so happened that in Western Europe and America they began to adhere to an older tradition, and in Eastern Europe – a more modern one.
According to DSTU GOST 7.84: 2008. The information on the spine is printed in sequence from top to bottom. For publications with a block thickness exceeding 40 mm, it is possible to use the transverse arrangement of the information provided.
The first experimental printing house will produce the best quality books for you in the shortest possible time! Call us:
+38 (067) 543 56 55
+38 (099) 543 56 55
+38 (073) 545 56 55Kharkov printing house, printing, offset printing, book printing, magazine printing, catalog printing, notebook printing, poster printing, booklet printing, leaflet printing
Always with you, The first experimental printing house in Kharkov
- Superbook
The world’s largest book, included in the Guinness Book of Records, was considered the “Superbook” measuring 2.74 by 3.07 meters, weighing 252.6 kg, numbering 300 pages, which was published in Denver (Colorado, USA) in 1976…
But in Russia a book was made, and we call it a booklet, since it contains a small number of pages, surpassing its predecessor-record holder in its parameters.
This is “The Biggest Book for Kids” by the publishing house “In”. It has only 4 pages and 12 poems, but they are 6 meters high, 3 meters wide and weighing 492 kilograms.This huge booklet was made in the open air. A unique wooden slipway was made, and the book was glued together using a special technology. It was delivered to the 17th Moscow International Book Exhibition, which took place in September 2004, on a panel locomotive – in the very same car that carries panels for building houses. It took 15 people to load the booklet onto the platform.
I would like very much that in our country, in Ukraine, masterpieces appeared that could surprise all lovers of printing and surpass their predecessors. And for our printing house to take a direct part in this.
Dear clients, read, learn, improve, love the book. And she – wise – will answer you in kind!
Order at a bargain price the printing of magazines, catalogs, books, booklets, brochures, bright posters, colorful calendars and notebooks from the managers of our printing house. - TOP – 5 🔥 popular colors in printing
Did you know that the right color scheme attracts more attention than a more boring version, even with the most unusual information?
And today we have TOP – 5 🔥 popular colors in printing:
1. Red stimulates greater determination and is great for campaigning and promotions.
2. Blue will help you focus on the main thing in the text, its main plus is the highlighting of important information in any type of printing products.
3. Yellow is a sunny, “friendly” color that encourages contact. It can be used well in advertising for children and tourism.
4. Green is suitable for promoting healthy lifestyles, medical services, pharmacy advertising. But it is advisable to dilute it with more active colors, since it is not very effective on its own.
5. Pink is a softer version of red. It is capable of influencing sensitivity and is excellently used in advertising for beauty salons, sales of cosmetics and perfumes.In addition, it is not recommended to use black or white on your own. It is better to complement them with more active colors.
When choosing colors for your layout, use our tips and stop at 2-3 basic ones, as excessive use of different colors can negatively affect the perception of printed products.
And finally, a few recommendations from color matching experts:
1. Gray and burgundy – a great classic solution if you want to focus on conservatism and solidity.
2. Black with red, gold or silver is usually associated with luxury.
3. Such bright colors as orange, yellow, light green are an excellent solution for children’s products.
4. Shades of red or blue advertise premium services well, such as jewelry.Get inspired, create, create! 💥 And the First Experimental Printing House is looking forward to your layouts in order to efficiently and quickly transfer them to paper.
+38 (067) 543 56 55
+38 (099) 543 56 55
+38 (073) 545 56 55Kharkov printing house, printing, offset printing, book printing, magazine printing, catalog printing, notebook printing, poster printing, booklet printing, leaflet printing
Always with you, First experimental printing house, Kharkov
- Bookcrossing
Each of us has a lot of useful and interesting books on the shelves at home 📚 Having read them once, most likely we will never return to them. But the book is designed to give knowledge. Realizing this, people came up with the idea of ”bookcrossing”.
This idea came from Internet expert Ron Hornbecker. In March 2001, as an experiment in the hotel lobby, he left several dozen books with explanatory notes. And within a few months the number of active book lovers has grown to three hundred 🔝 Nowadays, book circulation has covered almost all countries of the world 🌏 It’s nice that Ukraine is no exception 🇺 🇦
In practice, it looks like this: people leave the books they read in crowded places (cafes, parks, supermarkets, theaters, medical institutions), while others take them away, read and pass them on, and so on in a circle. The ultimate goal of bookcrossing is global – to turn the world into a huge library, so why not let books travel and be useful?
Agree, nothing can replace the familiar rustle of pages, the smell of ink, the extraordinary feeling when you read different stories. A “living book” cannot be compared to an electronic one.
The First Experimental Typography aims to bring your book to life.
Call Us for Consultation ☎️
+38 (067) 543 56 55
+38 (099) 543 56 55
+38 (073) 545 56 55Kharkov printing house, printing, offset printing, book printing, magazine printing, catalog printing, notebook printing, poster printing, booklet printing, leaflet printing
Always with you, First experimental printing house, Kharkov
- Hot glue + thread
Hello everyone! Friday – you need to take stock of the working week, plan work for the beginning of the next).
It’s great to combine Friday night with the coming weekend and go on a mini trip. New impressions, emotions, acquaintances will give you a long and positive charge of energy.
And we can make books, catalogs with hot melt glue + thread at the price of hot melt glue (KBS) from 07/27/2020 to 07/31/2020 in our printing house – profitable for you, with high quality and with delivery to any city in Ukraine.
Write, call! Always in touch!
+38 (067) 543 56 55
+38 (099) 543 56 55
+38 (073) 545 56 55Kharkov printing house, printing, offset printing, book printing, magazine printing, catalog printing, notebook printing, poster printing, booklet printing, leaflet printing
Always with you, First experimental printing house, Kharkov
- Internet and printing
Time rushes by with great speed, today is the last Monday in July. Let it be filled with pleasant events.
The life of the printing industry does not stand still. The Internet and printing are all means of disseminating information. There is a certain connection between them, which has a great influence on the print media (mass media).
The transmission of information (publications) by wire has been carried out for a long time. There was a system called Gazeta2 for the transmission of daily newspapers by telegraph. In 1964, the circulation of the Pravda newspaper in Leningrad (St. Petersburg) was first printed from photographic forms received via communication channels from Moscow.
In 1971, there were already 12 points of reception of newspaper pages by phototelegraph. Later there were several dozen of them. With the phototelegraphic method, the print of the newspaper strip was placed in a transmitting apparatus installed in a publishing house, and transmitted through communication channels by electrical impulses to reception points, where photocopies of the newspaper strip were recorded on the receiving devices on film and thus a photographic form was obtained for both single and multi-color printing. … This system was used by central newspapers.
In the early 2000s, experiments were carried out to transfer the pages of the Krasnaya Zvezda newspaper via satellite communication lines to print it in areas quite remote from Moscow. During these experiments, the newspaper was published there even earlier than in Moscow.
There was a time when files with layouts were brought to the printing house on floppy disks, disks and flash drives, although flash drives are still used today. With the development of the Internet, absolutely new forms of organizing the production of printed publications have appeared: placing an order, approving a color proof, designing and delivering a circulation, coordinating current issues – all this and much more is carried out online. These processes made it possible to overcome geographic barriers, due to which the publishing business was previously mainly tied to a specific printing house, it became possible to cooperate with many cities and even countries.
The First Experimental Printing House keeps up with the times. Order the printing of catalogs, books, magazines, posters, calendars in our printing house and see for yourself.
+38 (067) 543 56 55
+38 (099) 543 56 55
+38 (073) 545 56 55Kharkov printing house, printing, offset printing, book printing, magazine printing, catalog printing, notebook printing, poster printing, booklet printing, leaflet printing
Always with you, First experimental printing house, Kharkov
- Summer printing!
What comes to mind first when we hear about summer? Sun, sea, beach, vacation… For many companies, summer is considered off-season, and is fraught with a decline in sales or production. Or maybe it’s just a stereotype? Is it worth cutting your advertising budget, or can you use it to break away from your competitors?
We are sure that there will be advertising in the summer! 💥 For a seasonal business, this is a period of active promotion, and for non-seasonal goods and services, it is the best period for strategic planning and PR events. Advertising printing is highly informative and easy to present information.
Do you want to sell more products, attract new customers, make your company recognizable? Then order the printing of catalogs, brochures, booklets, leaflets at the First Experimental Printing House!
And you are guaranteed success! Look forward to! We are always in touch!
+38 (067) 543 56 55
+38 (099) 543 56 55
+38 (073) 545 56 55Kharkov printing house, printing, offset printing, book printing, magazine printing, catalog printing, notebook printing, poster printing, booklet printing, leaflet printing
Always with you, First experimental printing house, Kharkov
- About money
What type of printing products do you think is the most widespread in the world? No, these are not leaflets or newspapers 🗞 The most popular type is paper money 💸
Plain paper is not suitable for printing banknotes. Each bill in its life is constantly being erased, crumpled, and exposed to a lot of different influences. Therefore, money paper must be incredibly durable and durable.
In the manufacture of such paper, natural cotton fibers are used, and before starting to print, this paper passes a number of tests. On folding machines, money is folded many times over. For example, office paper familiar to us loses its properties and begins to tear after a few folds. Banknote paper, on the other hand, can withstand thousands of folds.
The next challenge facing money paper is tear resistance. This indicator is checked using a dynamometer, which shows how many meters of its own weight the paper can withstand until it breaks. The paper for banknotes holds up to several kilometers of its own weight.
Money is printed using 4 different printing methods.
- The usual pattern is applied by an offset method, metallography is responsible for drawing a depression on the banknotes.
- Oryol printing, allows you to join the thinnest lines of different colors without breaks and overlaps. It is impossible to achieve such accuracy by any other method.
- Embossed serial numbers are printed using letterpress printing.
- Watermarks on banknotes are not some special type of printing, but are created during the manufacture of the paper itself for banknotes 💶
There are special requirements for inks for printing money 🎨 In addition to being resistant to abrasion and fading, they should glow under a certain spectrum in detectors that determine the authenticity of banknotes. Such paints are produced in a separate workshop of the Banknote-Mint using Swiss technology.
The printing of money is entirely under the jurisdiction of the state 🇺 🇦 But if you need to print any other printing products – contact the First Experimental Printing House!
Our managers are always in touch ☎️
+38 (067) 543 56 55
+38 (099) 543 56 55
+38 (073) 545 56 55
www.exp-print.com.ua - Drupa
Drupa is a powerful driver for the growth and development of the global printing industry. The world’s leading trade fair for printing technology offers optimal networking opportunities and the potential for lucrative contracts.
It is an ideal platform for presenting innovations, developing new business models, and forging new partnerships. The next exhibition is scheduled for April 20-28, 2021 in Dusseldorf (Germany).
The first experimental typography is always in the trend of new technologies. Order the printing of books, catalogs, magazines from our printing house and get the best result! Write, call! Always in touch!
+38 (067) 543 56 55
+38 (099) 543 56 55
+38 (073) 545 56 55
www.exp-print.com.ua - Interesting pantones
Interesting colors from Panton
1867 colors created by combining 13 base pigments.
All of these colors can be found on the Pantone website or in their printed book. This is a real paradise for designers. The selected shade will match the real one by 100%.
Interestingly, Pantone is open to ideas and suggestions. Some companies wanted to create their OWN color. And they went to meet them. They now have their own brand color that only they can use.
Here are a couple of examples:
Remember the Tiffany & Co color? It is strongly associated with this particular brand. The color has the number PMS 1837 (the year the brand was founded), created by Pantone and is a private custom color.
The famous yellow from the cartoon Minions. In 2015, Pantone received an order from Universal Pictures. A color for its characters that would radiate “hope, joy and optimism.” Everyone can use this shade (unlike Tiffany Blue). It is in the section “fashion, home and interior” under the name “Minion”.Colors are strongly associated with a brand and evoke in us the emotions with which they were conceived. Now the idea of choosing a brand color takes on even more meaning, doesn’t it?
Order colorful printing of books, catalogs, magazines from our printing house and get the best result! Always in touch!
+38 (067) 543 56 55
+38 (099) 543 56 55
+38 (073) 545 56 55
www.exp-print.com.ua - How to entertain yourself in the summer
Good morning! They say that Monday is a hard day, and we will dispel this opinion and help you to relax. Great mood and kind thoughts for every day !!!
Glossy magazines that help many tired people to relax their busy brain have long since turned from colorful advertising catalogs into the most interesting and fascinating publications. Even the most discerning critics are constantly drawn to the brilliant pages scattered here and there in beauty salons, sports clubs, cafes and waiting rooms in order to find something hitherto unknown.
Call and write to our managers, they will always help you to sort out all the questions that arise when preparing a layout for printing.
+38 (067) 543 56 55
+38 (099) 543 56 55
+38 (073) 545 56 55 - Gloss in the interior
Summer is the time of vacations and vacations for children. Develop with your children. Only a month left for fun)))
We all know perfectly well that the life of the print press is short: yesterday it was “fresh”, today it is no longer interesting to anyone – or even “pinched” by leaflet on recipes and other useful notes. What is the bottom line? Glossy stacks litter the house, and sometimes it’s a pity to throw it away. And rightly so: if the magazines are in good condition, they can be shared or exchanged with friends. And copies of worse can be safely put into children’s and family creativity: inexpensive – but how beautiful!
Interesting thematic blanks, cut from colorful pages of unnecessary press, can be turned into bright collages, paintings, panels, decor for different boxes for a children’s room. They will enliven the interior and make the space more “personal”, reflecting the interests and hobbies of the child.
By the way, gloss is not just a low-budget solution for interior decor, but also a material respected in design circles. This is how exclusive frames for mirrors and country stools are born, or an absolutely incredible “coffee” table in the literal sense.
Who knows, maybe after practicing with the children on various glossy crafts, you decide to make something similar for a country house or apartment? Imagine, try – at least have fun and help kids develop artistic skills.
Call and write to our managers, they will always help you to sort out all the questions that arise when preparing a layout for printing.
+38 (067) 543 56 55
+38 (099) 543 56 55
+38 (073) 545 56 55Kharkov printing house, printing, offset printing, book printing, magazine printing, catalog printing, notebook printing, poster printing, booklet printing, leaflet printing
Always with you, First experimental printing house, Kharkov
- Useful Tips
Today we will talk about a topic not directly related to printing, but very useful with regular use. 😉
The information will be useful for people who spend hours every day hugging a monitor: managers, designers, technical editors, prepress engineers and everyone who cannot imagine their life without social networks. 👀
We advise to periodically rest our eyes. Better yet, do a little exercise:
· Turn away from the monitor, close your eyes and quickly, without opening your eyelids, close your eyes 10 times.
· With your eyes wide open, blink vigorously 10 times, as quickly as possible.
Closing your eyes, draw eights, first horizontal (5-6 times), then vertical (5-6 times).
· Massage your temples at the edge of your eyes in a circular motion with your fingertips (1-2 minutes).
· Fix your gaze on the most distant object within sight (it is better to look out the window as far as possible), then slowly move your gaze to the tip of the nose. Repeat this exercise 10-15 times three times a day while working with your computer monitor.We’ve all heard that monitors spoil our eyesight. In fact, in most cases, vision deteriorates from the fact that sitting at the monitor, we blink much less often, due to which the cornea begins to dry out and, accordingly, vision deteriorates. Blink more often! Have a good view!
And the First Experimental Printing House is looking forward to your layouts in order to efficiently and quickly transfer them to paper.
Always in touch!
+38 (067) 543 56 55
+38 (099) 543 56 55
+38 (073) 545 56 55
www.exp-print.com.ua - About postcards
Today a greeting card is a cute trinket that you can buy for little money and make a nice addition to the gift 🎁
But this was not always the case – at the beginning of its appearance, the postcard was an expensive piece that was made by hand to order. Not everyone could afford such a luxury.
Until the twentieth century, the appearance of postcards was significantly different from what we are used to seeing in stores. These were whole works of art, painted in oils, watercolors 🎨 🖼 The production of such cards took a lot of time, so it was important to find a master in advance so that the order was completed on time 🕐
Henry Cole is considered to be the first who came up with the idea of replicating postcards for sale. In 1840, he commissioned 40 lithographs from the artist, depicting his family and the signature “Merry Christmas!” Henry Cole’s family loved the postcards so much that he decided to order 1,000 more of them for sale. For a long time, postcards were presented from hand to hand. It was not considered an ethical gesture to send plain text letters by mail.
In the twentieth century, with the advent of the first offset machines, the production of postcards became a faster process, and the prices for postcards became more affordable. Postcards were printed on the eve of the main holidays: Christmas, Easter, and later the New Year. These cards were called “congratulations”. In the future, many genres of postcards dedicated to different holidays appeared, postcards of a personal nature, for example, for father, mother, for loved ones ❤️
Today, the images on postcards have become so diverse that customers prefer minimalist designs combined with a variety of post-printing techniques such as die-cutting, embossing, embossing and others.
The first experimental printing house will embody the idea of any complexity into reality, and most importantly, on time.
Our managers are always in touch ☎️
+38 (067) 543 56 55
+38 (099) 543 56 55
+38 (073) 545 56 55
www.exp-print.com.uaKharkov printing house, printing, offset printing, book printing, magazine printing, catalog printing, notebook printing, poster printing, booklet printing, leaflet printing
Always with you, First experimental printing house, Kharkov
- What to do with your child on the weekend
5 ideas for what to do with your child this weekend!
1. Have a picnic in the park – what better way to spend time outdoors.
2. Master the good old games – teach your child to jump over a rubber band, draw classics or a snail, etc.
3. Learn road signs. Go for a walk, and along the way, teach your child about the main traffic signs. Let it not be a boring lecture, but a fun quiz, where you should be rewarded for correct answers. Such trips are perceived with delight by children.
4. Arrange a photo session or video shooting for the child – a photo session, for example, in the park, on the playground. In order for the child not to get tired, allow him to change outfits, make faces, take a variety of poses. You can give your kid a children’s camera.
5. Visit a library, bookstore, or exhibition. Introducing the book to the child is the responsibility of every parent. A book for a child is a ticket to the magical world of adventure.The first experimental printing house – printing of books, catalogs, magazines is always profitable for you! Write, call! Always in touch!
+38 (067) 543 56 55
+38 (099) 543 56 55
+38 (073) 545 56 55
www.exp-print.com.uaKharkov printing house, printing, offset printing, book printing, magazine printing, catalog printing, notebook printing, poster printing, booklet printing, leaflet printing
- Exhibition of books in Odessa 2020
XXIV International Book Festival “Green Wave” in 2020 is held offline and online.
Directions of the festival: publishing and book distribution, popularization of reading, international cultural relations, art of illustration, literature, education.
The offline festival was held these days in Odessa from 6 to 9 August 2020.The festival includes a book fair, a program of events on the “Book Stage”, a program for children and adolescents of the Korneichuk Festival of Children’s Literature and a program of the All-Ukrainian Forum “Ukrainian Book of Odessa Region”.
– Festival center in the park. T. G. Shevchenko (“Book Alley”, “Book Scene”, “Territory of Creativity”)
– Odessa National Scientific Library
– 4City urban space
Admission to all festival events is free.About 70 publishing houses and bookselling enterprises, representing fiction, educational, scientific, popular science, special, children’s literature, took part in the book fair of the festival; developing products; electronic publications, periodicals; printed graphics.
The program of events on the “Book Stage” includes presentations of publishing projects of the festival participants, meetings with authors, readings, a poetry marathon, educational programs, presentations of books-laureates of the “Art of the Book” and “Odessa on Book Pages” contests.
The Korneichuk Festival of Children’s Literature is represented by a program of children’s book presentations, master classes by writers and illustrators, theater and music programs.
Many of our customers presented their products from the First Experimental Printing House at the Green Wave 2020.
Our clients trust us!The first experimental printing house is always in touch!
+38 (067) 543 56 55
+38 (099) 543 56 55
+38 (073) 545 56 55
www.exp-print.com.uaKharkov printing house, printing, offset printing, book printing, magazine printing, catalog printing, notebook printing, poster printing, booklet printing, leaflet printing
- Book museums
The book is a special monument of history and culture, so it is no coincidence that it is one of the most ancient objects of collection. Let’s talk about some of the famous printing museums.
The oldest museum of books and book business is the German Museum of Books and Writing (Leipzig), opened in 1885. Its funds contain more than 500 thousand exhibits, including manuscripts, incunabula, rare editions of the 16th-20th centuries, paper collections , fonts, printing machines.
“Temple of the Book” in Jerusalem, built in the form of a white dome, symbolizing the Sons of Light, and the black basalt wall symbolizes the Sons of Darkness. The “Temple of the Book” contains the so-called Qumran Scrolls of the Dead Sea – the world’s oldest Bible manuscripts.
Baku Museum of Miniature Books is a private museum, from 2014 to 2016 the museum was included in the Guinness Book of Records as the largest collection of miniature books in the world.
Museum of Miniature Books named after V.A. Razumov in Gorlovka. The museum contains over 10,000 miniature and microbooks. The maximum size of books in the collection is about 10 cm. The minimum copies are comparable in size to a poppy seed.
Berezhany Museum of Books in the Ternopil region. It contains unique editions: 17 early printed XVII-XIX centuries, the first edition of “Kobzar” by Taras Shevchenko, etc.
Museum of Old Ukrainian Book Art in Lviv. Contains publications of Fiol, Skaryna, Ivan Fedorov and other first printers, as well as printing machines of the first half of the 17th century.Museum of Books and Printing of Ukraine in Kiev in the building of the former Lavra printing house, which is more than 300 years old. Here are collected the treasures of the Ukrainian book culture – 100 rare early printed editions of Ivan Fedorov, the first edition of Kotlyarevsky’s “Aeneid”.
As you can see, in our country there are quite interesting locations for book lovers.
And while you are resting, we continue to print for you the brightest, most colorful books, magazines, catalogs and other printed products.
Always in touch!+38 (067) 543 56 55
+38 (099) 543 56 55
+38 (073) 545 56 55
www.exp-print.com.uaKharkov printing house, printing, offset printing, book printing, magazine printing, catalog printing, notebook printing, poster printing, booklet printing, leaflet printing
- A bit of history about books
New week and new historical information from the field of printing from the “First Experimental Printing House”
“The One’s Deepest Secrets of the Art of Medicine” is the title of a sealed 100-page book that was found among the belongings of the famous Dutch doctor Hermann Boerhave after his death in 1738. The book was auctioned off for $ 10,000 in gold. After the seal was opened, the pages were found to be blank. Only on the title page was the inscription: “Keep your head in the cold, your feet warm, and you will make the poor man the best doctor.”In public libraries in medieval Europe, books were chained to shelves. Such chains were long enough to take a book off the shelf and read, but did not allow the book to be taken out of the library. This practice was widespread until the 18th century, due to the great value of each copy of the book.
Among the most read books in the world, the first place, undoubtedly, belongs to the Bible. Its total circulation is six billion copies. In second place is Mao Zedong’s quotation book, and third place went to “The Lord of the Rings”.
And we invite you to familiarize yourself with our website and order from us the printing of bright children’s books, educational literature, colorful and useful catalogs and many other promotional products.
+38 (067) 543 56 55
+38 (099) 543 56 55
+38 (073) 545 56 55
www.exp-print.com.uaKharkov printing house, printing, offset printing, book printing, magazine printing, catalog printing, notebook printing, poster printing, booklet printing, leaflet printing
- About the safety of our production :)
Since the establishment of the First Experimental Printing House, our goal has been the most effective solution to the problems of our customers.
We offer high quality printing and real production time. By calling us, you get professional advice from the manager, the cost of your order is calculated individually.
It is very important for us that you have only pleasant impressions from working with us, and you want to come back to us.
Therefore, at this difficult time for all of us, we take our and your safety very seriously. We have developed measures and procedures to counteract infection, adjusted the organization of work in order to reduce personal contacts between employees, and regularly disinfect production facilities. All our employees are provided with proper protective equipment and hygiene.
Our clients trust us!Good health to all of us and fruitful and safe cooperation! ✌️
We are always in touch!+38 (067) 543 56 55
+38 (099) 543 56 55
+38 (073) 545 56 55
www.exp-print.com.uaKharkov printing house, printing, offset printing, book printing, magazine printing, catalog printing, notebook printing, poster printing, booklet printing, leaflet printing
- How many readers are there in Ukraine?
Nowadays, the reality is that in recent years reading books has lost the status of one of the most common types of pastime, as evidenced by the fact that today in transport a passenger with a book has long been supplanted by a passenger with a smartphone.But are books really an endangered species?
According to the results of a sociological survey conducted by the Research & amp; Branding Group, among 1805 Ukrainians aged 18 and over, it turned out that the majority of readers (74%) still prefer to read printed books. They are much less likely to prefer e-books (21%) and audiobooks (4%).
It turned out that only 43% of Ukrainians read regularly, and 57% practically do not read books.
Experts assure that Ukrainians’ interest in reading is influenced by age, education level and gender. It turned out that women read much more often than men (47% versus 38%). Moreover, the most active readers were young Ukrainians aged 18 to 30, their 51%, and the readership of pre-retirement age – 39%.
In regional statistics, a higher level is shown by residents of the East and Center of Ukraine (49% and 46%), while in the southern regions there are fewer book readers (34%)
Today, the most popular literary genres among Ukrainian readers are detective stories (41%), historical works (36%) and romance novels (27%)
According to the results of the survey, I would like to note: no matter how old you are, where you live and what kind of education you have – read more, read more actively, because knowledge is power!
And the “First Experimental Printing House” will make books and other printing products of the best quality for you.
Call us for advice ☎️
+38 (067) 543 56 55
+38 (099) 543 56 55
+38 (073) 545 56 55
www.exp-print.com.uaKharkov printing house, printing, offset printing, book printing, magazine printing, catalog printing, notebook printing, poster printing, booklet printing, leaflet printing
- Happy Savior Holidays!
Folk omens on Makoveya (August 14):
- What will be the weather on Honey Spas – so it will be on August 28;
- After the Honey Savior, bees stop wearing honey;
- The Savior has come – the summer has left us;
- If it rains on Makoveya, there will be few fires;
- For the first spoonful of consecrated honey, you need to remember your cherished desire, and it will come true.
The Second Savior is celebrated on August 19 and it is called the Apple Savior, since apples, as well as other fruits and honey are brought to the church for consecration. The third, Nut Spas, is celebrated on August 29. This name is because, according to the national calendar, nuts of the new harvest are harvested on this day.
All success and sweet life!The first experimental printing house – printing of books, catalogs, magazines is always profitable for you! Write, call! Always in touch!
+38 (067) 543 56 55
+38 (099) 543 56 55
+38 (073) 545 56 5508/14/20
- History of the creation of the notebook
Information about the time of the appearance of the first notebook varies, but we can say that this invention appeared approximately in the 7th century. But the notebook was first needed by the French – at the court of Louis XIV.
The beginning of the production of notebooks took place only in the 19th century in the city of Tours, with an elastic band, a hard cover and rounded corners, although notebooks began to be made already in the 18th. At this time, notebooks did not receive mass production, they were purchased mainly by artists, writers and journalists.
The name of the person who first created the notebook is unknown. The accessory, from which you can tear off the sheets after use, was first invented by the great Mark Twain (real name Samuel Clemens). He did not become a writer right away, at first he studied to be a steamer pilot on the Missouri River and, on the advice of his teacher, started a notebook to write down everything he needed.
For the next fifty years of his life, Twain kept and kept about 50 notebooks. The writer often started a new notebook when going on some kind of journey. In them he described his impressions, made sketches of places, drew illustrations for books and wrote down ideas. Subsequently, Twain’s notebooks were disassembled into winged quotes and aphorisms, since he used to write down what came to his head in short and witty sentences, and Twain entered frivolous jokes in the back of the notebook.
He was not only a renowned writer but also a successful inventor. In 1872, he patented scrapbooks, some of the pages in which were provided with strips of dry glue, which were enough to get wet to glue something. In addition, Twain also invented the perforated notepad with loose-leaves.
By 1901, the enterprising Mark Twain had sold at least 57 types of albums and notebooks, which brought him $ 50,000. It is believed that, in general, the writer earned more from patents than from all of his books.
The first experimental printing house will make for you notebooks in any design: spring-loaded, hot-melt, stitched, perforated, rounded corners and other post-printing operations of the best quality.
We are always in touch!
38 (099) 543 56 55
38 (067) 543 56 55
38 (073) 545 56 55 - Original ideas
Magazines, like any other sphere of popular culture, are constantly looking for “their” audience, constantly talking to it. A good – or even better to use the term “talented” – editor always knows what to talk about with this audience, moreover, the magazine with a capital letter always talks not about what they want to hear from him, but about what the readers have not yet know.
As with any cultural product, the magazine has a base and a superstructure. You can throw out everything from a fashion magazine, except for new collections of clothes, because this is precisely its essence, basis. But without what, in theory, you can do without, the magazine will become uninteresting. This is precisely the ideological superstructure that creates the correct image. Magazines immerse you in the world of desires, and contemporary art has now become a part of this beautiful world.
The First Experimental Printing House invites you to bring your original ideas to life. Magazines, catalogs, booklets, books, posters, everything you need for development and prosperity.
Advertising posters represent your company. They can be armor-piercing (piercing the armor of human inattention) transmitters of your messages. Can capture audiences. Or maybe not. What’s the secret? It’s very simple. Compose your message. Less information is better. And add a concept, a visual expression that explains everything.
We are always in touch!
38 (099) 543 56 55
38 (067) 543 56 55
38 (073) 545 56 55 - How to stay healthy at work
Do you spend eight hours a day in the office sitting at your desk and staring at your monitor? Do you think how to keep your health in such conditions? Add five simple exercises from Dr. Friedman to your schedule:
1. Make a foot massage
The feet lose their mobility if you sit in one position for a long time. Take a couple of breaks throughout the day to roll your feet on a massage ball or small bottle of ice water. Take off your shoes, lightly step on the ball or bottle, and roll the object over the arch of your foot. This will relax the tissues and improve blood circulation.2. Crouch against a wall
Press your shoulder blades and lower back against the wall, squat down so that your knee and hip joints are bent at an angle of 90 °. Hold this position for a minute. Repeat the exercise 3 times to prevent tissue degeneration.3. Do lunges
The muscles in the thighs, which flex and extend the joints, are shortened from sitting. You need to properly stretch the anterior thigh muscle group: the quadriceps and smaller muscles responsible for movement in the hip joint. Lunge forward with your left foot, bending your knee at a 90 ° angle. The right knee should not touch the floor. Then change your supporting leg. Repeat the exercise 3-4 times a day.4. Straighten up
Sit on the edge of a chair, leaning on your tailbone. Turn your arms at your sides in such a way as to bring your shoulders back and arch your back. At the same time, unfold your feet and spread your hips to the sides. Hold this position for 10 seconds. Repeat 10 times.5. Stretch your back
This exercise is great for correcting your sitting position at a table. Stand up, place your palms on the pelvic bones from the back. This will protect the lumbar spine from over-stretching. Lean back as slowly as you can. Repeat 10 times.Do the exercise once or twice a day.
Good health to you! ✌️And the specialists of the First Experimental Printing House are always in touch and are waiting for your layouts in order to efficiently and quickly transfer them to paper! 🔥
+38 (067) 543 56 55
+38 (099) 543 56 55
+38 (073) 545 56 55 - Congreve
In order to give the advertising products an original and stylish look, relief stamping or foil stamping is used
With the help of relief embossing, a certain relief is created on the surface of the finished product. It can be convex or concave. To obtain such an effect, two clichés are used, between which the finished product is placed, as a result of which a beautiful relief is obtained. This is a great way to create not only a beautiful, but also a pleasant to the touch product, therefore stamping is widely used in advertising and business printing.
Foil stamping is rightfully one of the most popular, effective and affordable ways of finishing printed products. Foil stamping technology has gained great popularity among customers of advertising printing. The psychological aspect plays an important role – since ancient times, people have associated shine with something expensive and luxurious, so catalogs, magazines and books with this type of finish will definitely attract the attention of potential buyers
The essence of the technology is to create an image on the printed material using a special printing foil. The transfer of the picture is carried out by pressure and is carried out on special equipment. During the embossing process, a stamp heated to a certain temperature exerts pressure on the foil, melting the adhesive layer, as a result of which the metal layer is transferred to the printed material
Having placed an order in the First Experimental Printing House, you can be convinced that our experienced specialists are able to turn any advertising publication into a genuine work of printing art. Thanks to modern technologies, we will bring to life even the most daring idea and make a catalog, book or postcard as original and unique as possible.
+38 (067) 543 56 55
+38 (099) 543 56 55
+38 (073) 545 56 55 - Hot melt bonding
Hot melt glue or PUR glue?
Our customers choose hot melt adhesive!
In cases where thick paper is used in the block (above 130 g / m2) and it is necessary to improve the opening of the block, a sewing-glue joint (thread + hot melt glue) or PUR glue is used.For comparison, the advantages of PUR glue include:
– Reliable – high adhesive strength. Sheets do not fall out during intensive use, they are used to fasten thick types of paper, catalogs with different inserts.
– Elastic – allows you to open the product 180 degrees, so the internal margins can be made smaller (comparable to – thread + hot melt glue).
– Resistant to high (+90) and low (-40) temperatures, solvents, oils (unstable hot melt glue).
The main disadvantages of PUR glue:
– Fully polymerized only after a day (hot melt within a few hours);
– The cost is approximately 2 times higher than hot melt glue;
– Vapors of PUR glue during the gluing process are toxic.The first experimental printing house – provides all possible options for gluing blocks: hot melt glue, PUR glue, thread + hot melt glue! Write, call! Always in touch!
+38 (067) 543 56 55
+38 (099) 543 56 55
+38 (073) 545 56 55 - Happy Kharkiv and Ukrainian Flag Day!
Today, August 23, are wonderful holidays – the Day of our hometown of Kharkov and the Day of the National Flag of Ukraine!
We sincerely congratulate Kharkiv citizens on their favorite city holiday!
Kharkiv, by the way, is the largest city of printers; most of the educational literature, newspapers, and magazines for the whole country are printed here.
A bit of history.The official date of the foundation of the First Capital is considered to be 1654. From December 1917 to January 1918 and from December 1919 to June 1934 Kharkov retained the status of the main city of Ukraine.
As for the flag, for the first time a combination of blue and yellow in Ukraine appeared on the coat of arms of Lviv: Daniil Galitsky presented the city, founded in 1256, with a coat of arms depicting a yellow lion on a blue background.
On March 17, 1917, the organization of the Central Rada was announced, since that time Ukrainian blue and yellow flags appear at the state level thanks to the first President of Ukraine, Mikhail Hrushevsky.
After gaining sovereignty, the blue and yellow flag was officially approved as the state symbol of Ukraine on January 28, 1992. In August 2004, the President signed a decree establishing the Day of the State Flag of Ukraine, which is celebrated annually on August 23.
We also join in the congratulations and gladly wish Ukraine prosperity, growth and continuous improvement, the residents of our city – prosperity and inspiration!
Well, we, in turn, are ready to further develop the printing sector of Slobozhanshchina and delight you with quality products! Always in touch!
+38 (067) 543 56 55
+38 (099) 543 56 55
+38 (073) 545 56 55 - Happy Independence Day of Ukraine!
The team of LLC “First Experimental Printing House” congratulates all of you on the holiday – the Independence Day of Ukraine!
On this holiday, we wish you good health, happiness, family well-being, peace of mind and confidence in the future.
We wish that your important work for the good of the Motherland and the Ukrainian people will always be fruitful and inspired and give you only joy and pleasure. Generous fate, strength and inspiration in all your affairs and may the dream of a better future inspire you to new achievements, to new good beginnings.
Let the source of your faith, hope and love for Ukraine be inexhaustible!
Glory to Ukraine!
We are always in touch with you.
+38 (067) 543 56 55
+38 (099) 543 56 55
+38 (073) 545 56 55 - New sewing machine A3 format!
The first experimental printing house is glad to tell you about a new acquisition!
ASTER 160 – sewing machine !!! The equipment is fully automated, it is enough to insert notebooks and at the exit we have ready-made stitched blocks. This makes it possible to sew blocks of your catalogs or books as quickly and efficiently as possible, up to 160 notebooks per minute.
The big advantage of the machine is the ability to sew very thick catalogs – up to 230 notebooks per block !!!
The maximum block format is 320 * 420 mm, the minimum is 75 * 150 mm. Another advantage is the ability to stitch up to 4 notebooks. It is very important if the block of a catalog or a book on coated paper is 80-90 g / m2.
Do you have a catalog layout with many pages? Do you have a hot-melt book with block stitching? Then we are waiting for you
The first experimental printing house, Kharkov.
The best typography in the country!Always in touch!
38 (099) 543 56 55
38 (067) 543 56 55
38 (073) 545 56 55 - 🔥 TOP 5 Tips for the Health of Office Workers
Today we continue the topic of health for office workers.
🔥 TOP 5 tips for you:
1.Complete breakfast
No matter how you rush to work, don’t even think about depriving yourself of your morning meal! Firstly, it helps to start the metabolism, secondly, it gives an energy boost for the whole day, thirdly, it saves you from unhealthy snacks, and fourthly, you can eat anything for breakfast (even your favorite cookies).2.Small weaknesses
Do you have a colleague who is famous for her culinary delights? If she once again brought some yummy, do not rush to refuse! Firstly, you can offend the “office girlfriend”, secondly, you will feel deprived, and thirdly, you will break into something harmful a little later. Learn to eat everything but control your portions. A small piece of cake will not spoil your figure.3. Teamwork
Chances are, you are not alone in your quest to stay healthy without leaving your monitor. This means that you can assemble a support group from your colleagues who, together with you, will overcome all difficulties on the way to your cherished goal! You can agree not to bring prohibited foods to the office, sign up for a gym together, and share the results for added motivation.4.Water balance
When you are headlong at work, you can forget about the body’s need for fluids and soon you will feel hunger, lethargy and headache. In order not to forget about water, start an alarm clock or put a bottle of water right in the workplace.5.Work on the move
Instead of arranging business meetings in the office, invite your partners / clients to sit in a cozy cafe for a cup of coffee. Being active and fresh air for just 20 minutes can improve your mood and reduce stress. And not only with you, but this is the guarantee of stable fruitful relations! ✌️Good health to you!
And the specialists of the First Experimental Printing House are always in touch and are waiting for your layouts in order to efficiently and quickly transfer them to paper! 🔥
+38 (067) 543 56 55
+38 (099) 543 56 55
+38 (073) 545 56 55 - The smallest round book
Any miniature book is a work of art, and a miniature round book is a real masterpiece 💥 💣
The Prayer Book “Codex Rotundus” is a unique specimen in form and size. The round-shaped book contains 266 pages and closes with three fasteners that are monogrammed using the letters of the Gothic alphabet. The diameter of the book is only 9 cm and the spine of the book is 3 cm 📖
The name of the author of the miniature is unknown, but it is likely that the prayer book was made in 1480 in Bruges (Belgium). Most likely, the book was commissioned by Adolphe Cleve (1425-1492), Duke of the Burgundian line of Valois. “Codex Rotundus” was intended for personal use: you could take it with you to church or use it when traveling far from home⛪️
On the pages of the prayer book there are three full-size miniatures and about 30 capital letters, which reflect different scenes from the Bible, episodes from the life of Christ and the saints.
Today the original “Codex Rotundus” is kept in the library of the city of Hildesheim in Germany 🇩 🇪The first experimental printing house will make unique books for you.
Choose based on your needs and preferences, and our managers will help you calculate the cost and terms of your order 🕐
+38 (067) 543 56 55
+38 (099) 543 56 55
+38 (073) 545 56 55 - Calendars 2021
Good morning everyone!
Autumn is coming and it’s time to choose and print your company’s calendars! Nowadays, almost all enterprises have their own calendars. It is difficult to imagine a business person who does not have a stylish calendar on his desk️. They also serve as a great way to advertise and help business people plan their time️. There are different calendars: Gregorian, Maya, Chinese, New Julian, Jewish. And in the printing industry – desktop, wall, poster, quarter, pocket.
Managers of the First Experimental Printing House will help you choose the best calendar format!
The most varied designs of layouts surprise us and inspire us to work for you✌️. We are looking forward to new projects.
The best typography in the country!We are always in touch!
+38 (067) 543 56 55
+38 (099) 543 56 55
+38 (073) 545 56 55
www.exp-print.com.uaKharkov printing house, printing, offset printing, book printing, magazine printing, catalog printing, notebook printing, poster printing, booklet printing, leaflet printing
- Delivery from our printing house
Delivery of finished products 👌
The first experimental printing house takes care of its customers – delivering finished products in comfort 😍 The process of delivery of finished products is built very smoothly 👍 What the customer needs is only to choose a delivery method – self-pickup or courier delivery. The rest of the routine will be done by the logistic service of the printing house 🚚 It doesn’t matter where you need to deliver the print run of the finished product – a neighboring house next to the printing house, the territory of Ukraine, or delivery to Toronto, Milan. We can and do !!
The first experimental printing house – provides all possible options for the delivery of finished products! Write, call!
We are always in touch!
+38 (067) 543 56 55
+38 (099) 543 56 55
+38 (073) 545 56 55
www.exp-print.com.uaKharkov printing house, printing, offset printing, book printing, magazine printing, catalog printing, notebook printing, poster printing, booklet printing, leaflet printing
- Autumn book exhibitions in Europe
International book fairs in Europe will open in the fall!
In 2020, most of the world’s book fairs have moved to fall.
Bokmassan Goteborg (Sweden, Gothenburg), September 24-27, 2020. The largest Swedish book fair is traditionally held annually in Gothenburg, and it is the first to “shoot” among its European counterparts. However, for the public, all the action will take place on the Internet.
Frankfurter Buchmesse (Germany, Frankfurt am Main), October 14-18, 2020. European book publishers primarily look at the behavior of the organizers of the main European book fair “Frankfurter Buchmesse”, which is annually held in the central exhibition halls of Frankfurt am Main. And it looks like Frankfurt will be the first in the European Union to dare to let visitors directly to the book stands. The German government has allocated 4 million euros to Frankfurter Buchmesse. The book fair is planned to be held at the fairgrounds, throughout the city and at the same time virtually. From October 14 to 16, 2020, Frankfurter Buchmesse will work exclusively for book business professionals, and on October 17 and 18, the entrance is open to everyone.
Helsinki Book Fair (Finland, Helsinki), October 22-25, 2020. In 2019, the Helsinki Book Fair attracted a record number of visitors – 90 thousand people. The fair is famous for the fact that it presents literature in different languages, takes place in Helsinki in the pavilions of the Messukeskus exhibition center.
If you need to print a book, magazine, catalog, calendar for 2021 and other printing products – we are always in touch!
+38 (067) 543 56 55
+38 (099) 543 56 55
+38 (073) 545 56 55
www.exp-print.com.uaKharkov printing house, printing, offset printing, book printing, magazine printing, catalog printing, notebook printing, poster printing, booklet printing, leaflet printing
- The Day of Knowledge!
Good morning friends! 🌞
The first experimental printing house congratulates everyone on September 1 – Knowledge Day! 🌹
Did you know that the event has an extensive background dating back to centuries-old traditions? The holiday of the New Year, which came at the end of the 15th century from Byzantium, is associated with the emergence of the custom to honor everyone who receives and imparts knowledge. Since 1984, the event began to be celebrated at the official level.
And although in the context of the pandemic, holding mass holiday gatherings is limited, today let us recall the traditions familiar to schoolchildren and their parents:
1. Formal dress – students come to school in light shirts, jackets, plain skirts, trousers, and sundresses.
2. The solemn line is the main tradition of the Day of Knowledge. Teachers and students congratulate each other on the beginning of the new school year, read poems, sing songs, and give flowers to teachers.
3. The first bell – a senior pupil sits a first grader on his shoulder with a bell in his hands, after which they go in a circle, and the girl rings the bell, inviting everyone to the first lesson.
4. Classroom hour – the first lesson in the academic year, during which organizational issues are resolved, first-graders get to know each other, and graduates are told about exams and future admission.And some interesting facts about Knowledge Day: 👆
1. In ancient times, September 1 was celebrated as a harvest festival.
2. The word “school” comes from the Greek “skole”, in translation – “leisure”.
3. Ukraine and 122 more countries start the school year on September 1, children of 43 more countries go to school on January 1, and in 16 countries the beginning of the school year falls on March.
4. The longest lesson was recorded in Australia and lasted 54 hours. All this time the professor read his lecture material to the students.And the specialists of the First Experimental Printing House are always in touch and are waiting for your layouts in order to efficiently and quickly transfer them to paper! 🔥
+38 (067) 543 56 55
+38 (099) 543 56 55
+38 (073) 545 56 55
www.exp-print.com.uaKharkov printing house, printing, offset printing, book printing, magazine printing, catalog printing, notebook printing, poster printing, booklet printing, leaflet printing
- Belt books
Today we continue to acquaint you with the most unusual books.
Belt books are small books worn by European monks, clergy and aristocrats in the Middle Ages. Often, such books acted as an accessory to a luxurious outfit of the 13th-11th centuries. The book had a knot, which was part of the leather cover, which allowed the book to be held at the waist. The book was placed with the head of the block down and the spine forward, in order to bring the book into a “readable” state in one motion. In the overwhelming majority of cases, half-length books were of religious content: prayer books, books of hours, etc.
Belt books first appeared in the 13th century and became popular in the 15th century. They fell out of wide use at the end of the 16th century, when printed books became very common. The need to carefully preserve handwritten books has disappeared (and keeping a book on a belt served, among other things, to preserve it from thieves). With the development of book printing, it has become easier to replicate books, rather than invent ways to store them securely.
Most of the belt books did not have any binding finish. But there are also samples containing brass corners, carved decorations, clasps, family coats of arms.
The first experimental printing house will make for you books and other printing products of the best quality. Call Us for Consultation ☎️
+38 (067) 543 56 55
+38 (099) 543 56 55
+38 (073) 545 56 55
www.exp-print.com.uaKharkov printing house, printing, offset printing, book printing, magazine printing, catalog printing, notebook printing, poster printing, booklet printing, leaflet printing
- Women’s glossy magazines. History, global trends.
With the end of summer holidays, women are increasingly thinking about a new autumn wardrobe and colorful magazines with advertisements of the latest fashion novelties come to their aid.
How did the history of women’s gloss develop? At the end of the 17th century, a fashion magazine “Mercure Galant” (Gallant Mercury) was published in France, which even the French king regularly read.
At the end of the 18th century, the first truly women’s magazine “Lady’s Mercury” (Ladies’ Mercury), about love and marriage, fashion and style, was published in Britain. It was dedicated to fashion trends and expensive new products in cosmetics, clothing and accessories.
The first women’s magazines appeared then in Russia.
The end of the 19th century – the first magazines for women appeared in the world, dedicated to such traditionally female occupations as cooking, handicrafts and various household chores, as well as raising children. At the same time, the publication of magazines for independence and equal rights of women with men began in parallel.
After the First World War, due to the predominance of the female population, the topic of women’s career and the development of professionalism became relevant in magazines.
What about fashion magazines? Of course, they have not gone anywhere, because women have always remained women and were interested in outfits, cosmetics and jewelry. At the end of the 19th and 20th centuries, “Vogue”, “L’Officiel de la couture”, “Cosmopolitan”, “Elle” and other publications appear.
In the USSR, the first women to publish “Worker” and “Krestyanka”, in the Ukrainian SSR in the western part of the republic, there are Ukrainian-language “Lada”, “Rusalka”, the almanac “First Vinok,” “Meta,” “Zhinoche Dilo” and “Zhinochiy Visnik”.
Since the mid-twentieth century, women’s magazines have gained a truly universal character – now you can find a variety of articles in them, from tips on choosing lipstick, preservation recipes to recommendations for a successful career, tips on modern technology and solo hitchhiking around the world.
The first experimental printing house in Kharkov – the leader in the range and quality of printing on the market of glossy periodicals in Ukraine, accepts orders for magazines 24/7. Call us!
+38 (067) 543 56 55
+38 (099) 543 56 55
+38 (073) 545 56 55
www.exp-print.com.uaKharkov printing house, printing, offset printing, book printing, magazine printing, catalog printing, notebook printing, poster printing, booklet printing, leaflet printing
- 20th century children’s magazines
The First Experimental Printing House wishes everyone a wonderful working week and cloudless days!
At the beginning of the XX century, there were two children’s magazines, which were published twice a month: “Firefly” (1902-1918) and “Guiding light” (1904-1918).
“Firefly” has become the most popular magazine for toddlers 4-8 years old.It paid great attention to religious education – editor A.A. Fedorov-Davydov did not miss the opportunity to congratulate his “fireflies” on religious holidays.
For middle-aged and older children, a children’s illustrated magazine “Mayak” (1909-1918) was published. There was also a special section for the youngest readers. Editor I.I. Gorbunov-Posadov strove to entertain children with useful and interesting reading and to promote the development in children of amateur performance, creativity, equal love for mental and physical work and active sympathy for all living things.
In 1922, the “Sparrow” magazine began to be published (in the last year of publication, 1924, it was called “New Robinson”). It was addressed to children from 8 to 12 years old.
The monthly children’s magazine Murzilka (1924) was one of the first Soviet children’s magazines. It was published as a supplement to Rabochaya Gazeta, an organ of the Central Committee of the All-Union Communist Party of Bolsheviks, for children of primary school age – from 4 to 7 years old. A.A. Fedorov-Davydov, A.L. Barto, S. Ya. Marshak.
We invite you to cooperate with us – with the “First Experimental Printing House” in Kharkov. Magazines, catalogs, books, booklets, calendars, posters, whatever you need.
Visit our website, get acquainted with our capabilities and, of course, with our managers who are always happy to help you.
We offer you high-quality printing of your wonderful and informative publications
for our beloved children with modern European equipment. We are waiting for your calls and letters.
+38 (067) 543 56 55
+38 (099) 543 56 55
+38 (073) 545 56 55 - Congratulations on International Literacy Day!
Good morning friends! 🌞 The First Experimental Printing House congratulates you on International Literacy Day, which is celebrated annually on September 8th.
Do you agree that the ability to read is only a small part of the ability to be a literate person? But the ability to use what you read, benefitting yourself, loved ones and family, colleagues and people around you, is a more significant part of the ability to be literate.In our opinion, literacy is the efficiency of using information data, the ability to constantly find communication directions to improve the quality of life.
According to forecasts, in 2020, young specialists, in order to find a job and be competitive in the labor market, urgently need such skills as communication skills, the ability to work in a team, the ability to be creative and innovative in solving tasks.Today the number of literate people has reached four billion. Despite this, combating illiteracy remains a challenge of immense scale and complexity. More than 860 million adults remain illiterate and over 100 million children are out of school.
The first experimental printing house daily publishes books, magazines, albums, product catalogs, children’s literature – all this is necessary to improve our literacy level with you! & # X1f446; Join us! Order the printing of your products from us, and together we will make our world a better place! 💥
We are always in touch!
+38 (067) 543 56 55
+38 (099) 543 56 55
+38 (073) 545 56 55
www.exp-print.com.ua - What is dos-à-dos
In the Middle Ages, when a whole library could not fit inside an e-book, talented masters linked two separate books together in one volume. In those days, reading was not very popular, and the only books read by the majority of the population were religious. The most common books that were often put together were the New Testament and the Psalter, because they were needed during church services. They became very common in England in the first half of the 17th century.
This binding method is known as dos-à-dos, a French word meaning literally back to back.
Modern dos-à-dos bindings are rare, but a slightly modified type of bindings revived briefly in the middle of the 20th century. These books do not have a back cover, but instead have two front covers and one spine. The text of both books is rotated 180 ° relative to each other, so that one text is read “from head to tail”, and the other – “from tail to head.” When the reader finishes reading one book, he must turn it over to read the second book. That is why they are called “flip books”.
The first experimental printing house will produce for you books and other printing products of the best quality. Call us for consultation.
+38 (067) 543 56 55
+38 (099) 543 56 55
+38 (073) 545 56 55
www.exp-print.com.ua - The world we live in
7 facts about the world we live in:
– Koala sleeps from 18 to 22 hours a day;
– The Eiffel Tower is re-painted every 7 years;
– About half of the world’s population has not seen snow. Is that in the photo;
– The hummingbird is the only bird that can fly backwards;
– On average, children laugh about 400 times a day, adults about 15;
– The most popular book in the world is the Bible. The second most popular is the collection of quotes by Mao Zedong (due to its popularity in China), and the third is The Lord of the Rings;
– In Gulliver’s Journey, some of the laws of celestial mechanics, in particular the size of the satellites of Mars and the peculiarities of their rotation around the mother planet, were described a good hundred years before astronomers said the same. Here is such a mysterious fact.The first experimental printing house Kharkiv will produce paperback books – this is also a fact!
Write, call! Always in touch!
+38 (067) 543 56 55
+38 (099) 543 56 55
+38 (073) 545 56 55
www.exp-print.com.ua - Unusual book records from the “Guinness Book of Records”
If you think that books can only be read and written, then you are deeply mistaken. You can do a lot of interesting things with them! (But it’s more useful to just read them.) Here are some examples of unusual book records.
Ashrita Furman from the USA made the fastest walking trip at 1.6 km. Not just like that, of course, but balancing with a book on my head. The journey took 8 minutes 27 seconds.
A couple of years later, he set a new record: he walked the longest distance with a book on his head – 32.18 km. The journey took him five hours and fifty-eight seconds.
Fan Dongfang from China also set an interesting record. He built a pyramid of 15 books faster than anyone, with one hand. In 16.72 seconds! And one team in the US packed a stack of books in a minute, the height of which was 229.7 cm. So, on that note, it’s time to smoothly move from sports to construction. You can also do the good old book layout – isn’t it a record? The longest row of books laid out in Great Britain is 2,263.6 m. In Germany, they did more creative – they knocked down books like dominoes. As many as 10,200 books have fallen, and all of them are the very Guinness Books of Records.
But real builders take more difficult paths. The largest book pyramid included – think about it – 70,247 books. The record was set in Malaysia, breaking (figuratively) the previous record holder – a pyramid of 63,377 books built in Luxembourg.
And the Brazilian artists embodied an even more ambitious idea: they laid out a labyrinth out of books, for which they used 250,000 books. The area of the labyrinth was 500 m2, the walls were up to 2.5 meters.
Many of these projects and records were started not at all to perpetuate their own glory, but to draw attention to certain problems, charity events and other important things.
While experimenters all over the world are setting all kinds of world records, the First Experimental Printing House in Kharkov continues to print books and other printing products of the highest quality for you ☎️
+38 (067) 543 56 55
+38 (099) 543 56 55
+38 (073) 545 56 55
www.exp-print.com.ua - Stuttgart City Library
May the new week be filled with good thoughts and deeds. “The first experimental printing house” of the city of Kharkov will acquaint you with the library of the city of Stuttgart.
It was built in 2011. An introverted building, as the author of the project, the Korean architect Eun Yong Yi, called it, should look like it contains the wisdom of the ages.He hid the “magnet” attracting visitors inside. Professionals rated the library as a functional and architectural masterpiece: the building was included in the 25 most beautiful and seven most original libraries on the planet. Advertising shootings and fashion photo sessions take place here. Its walls have already been immortalized in several feature films, including the beloved German television detective “Crime Scene”.
On the marble floor of the hall, tango lovers glided, having arranged a flash mob, even weddings are played here.
Among the records are the longest working hours for German libraries. The glass doors, engraved with greetings and goodbyes in German, English, Turkish and Russian, open six days a week from 9 am to 9 pm. And for those who want to spiritually enrich themselves in the middle of the night, there is an ambulance: “A library for those who have insomnia.”
“Peace. The doors are opening,” a woman’s voice in the elevator gently pushes visitors to the sixth floor, to the section called “Peace”. Those who are looking for books in one of the hundred foreign languages presented in the library’s collections, including Russian, get there.
“Life”, “Children”, “Music”, “Literature”, “Knowledge” – these are the names of other sections-floors of the library. The view from the last, eighth floor is breathtaking. Here you can see the internal structure of the building: snow-white labyrinths of stairs, corridors and galleries, adorned with variegated spots of shelving, running down. “As you can see, we have only books in different colors,” says Mike Jung. “Everything else is calm, clear and light.” Nothing should distract from the main thing.
Well, we offer you cooperation with our printing houses. Catalogs, magazines, books, posters – everything that your company needs for successful development and prosperity.
+38 (067) 543 56 55
+38 (099) 543 56 55
+38 (073) 545 56 5509/14/20
- Forbes
Did you know that on September 15, 1917, the first issue of Forbes magazine was published? The early Forbes was written largely by Bertie Forbes himself, cost 15 cents, and offered a combination of content that was quite original for its time.
The main feature of the magazine was the compilation of a kind of portfolios of the American business elite in each issue, the disclosure of the market and numbers through the living stories of later legendary personalities. In addition, analytics of business trends and the economic situation in the States, caustic journalistic investigations of corruption violations and other machinations of large enterprises were published on the pages of Forbes.
In 1918, Forbes published the first rating of the most influential people in America, in which Bertie Forbes included 30 businessmen: topped the top by that time, the first-ever billionaire John Davison Rockefeller, who had already “retired”, with a fortune of $ 1.2 billion.
The magazine developed steadily, increasing its audience, according to various sources, in the early 1920s, Forbes was issued with a circulation of 20 to 30 thousand copies. By 1920, Forbes magazine had become the country’s leading business publication.
The Ukrainian version of Forbes magazine has been published since March 2011. The magazine was published by UMH group (Ukrainian Media Holding).
According to Miguel Forbes, who is responsible for the global development of the Forbes brand, the Ukrainian Forbes is in the top five in terms of indicators. Other countries where Forbes is most successful are Russia, China, India and Poland.
The first experimental printing house specializes in printing magazines of various formats, volumes and circulation.
Always in touch and glad to cooperate!+38 (067) 543 56 55
+38 (099) 543 56 55
+38 (073) 545 56 55
- Our fragile natural heritage
The small village of Sinpetri in northern Hungary, where only 300 people live, became world famous thanks to a giant book created by local master Bela Varga 🇭 🇺 The book is titled Our Fragile Natural Heritage. To this day, it remains the world’s largest hand-made book.
The total weight of the book is 1420 kilograms. The book contains 346 pages, on which you can find a lot of interesting information about the local flora and fauna. Its dimensions are 4.18 x 3.77 m. It takes six people to just turn one of the giant pages, otherwise the page could be torn.
The paper used to create the book was imported from an Austrian paper mill and was printed using large industrial printers that are used to make billboards. For the cover, the skin of 13 Argentine cows was used 🐄
To put the giant book into the museum, an industrial crane was used 🏗
In order to register Bela Varga’s achievement, the Guinness Book of Records commission asked to prepare a reduced copy of the folio – it weighs more than 11 kg, but otherwise completely coincides with the original. Now the giant book and everything connected with it is kept in the museum. The state of the artifact is monitored by Bela Varga himself.
The first experimental printing house will produce for you books and other printing products of the best quality. Call us for consultation☎️. - Happy Friday everyone!!
The weekend is ahead – the weather still gives a chance to spend them in summer, but with autumn coolness in the evening. Camping, barbecue – the motto for the weekend! Order books, catalogs, magazines in the First experimental printing house Kharkov!
+38 (067) 543 56 55
+38 (099) 543 56 55
+38 (073) 545 56 55
- We’re 19!
19 years is a date that speaks volumes, behind which there are years of fruitful and effective work. The only thing that has not changed over the years is our desire to work and be the best.
And we do it! The proof of this is the best publishing houses and editorial offices, the largest trade and manufacturing enterprises of Ukraine, many of which have become our true friends.
At the moment, the First Experimental Printing House in Kharkov is one of the largest printing houses in the country for high-quality sheet-fed offset printing. And this status requires a lot from us: constant improvement of the applied technologies, updating the park of modern printing equipment, offering new services.
We are proud of the technology we have mastered and the trust of our business partners. It is for them that we grow, improve and become more reliable.
And this is all thanks to a team of dedicated professionals. They are the foundation of the company, its support and its future.
Thanks to everyone who has stayed with us all these years!
We wish everyone good health, good mood, positive emotions and lots of smiles in the new decade together with the First Experimental Printing House!Always in touch! 24/7
+38 (067) 543 56 55
+38 (099) 543 56 55
+38 (073) 545 56 55
- Toy books
Home, work, children. Life without children would be boring and meaningless. One should always deal with the development of children.
The book is an excellent teaching aid and a completely safe way for a baby to first learn about the world around him.
Soft educational books are wonderful toys for children from 6 months to 4-5 years old. Very useful for curious kids and caring parents.
The cloth book is an original, bright, interesting and fun exercise machine for fine motor skills.
The toy book helps to develop the coordination and dexterity of children’s fingers and hands, as well as the child’s sensory abilities.
On the voluminous pages of books, there are interesting tasks, in which children will have to make many precise and small movements with their hands.
The games in the books are aimed at developing certain skills in the baby. Having mastered them, the child will be able to dress and put on shoes on his own, open the door, and count objects.
The toy evokes positive emotions, which means that the learning process itself is easy and fun.Well, we offer you services for printing books on coated and offset paper, with inserts on self-adhesive paper, with undercutting, die-cutting and cutting along the contour. Bright, beautiful, informative and developing. The First Experimental Printing House is always glad to cooperate with you.
+38 (067) 543 56 55
+38 (099) 543 56 55
+38 (073) 545 56 55