Modern technology CtP (Computer-to-Plate) provides the ability to directly transfer images from a computer to a printed sheet, without any additional operations. This option has breathed new life into offset printing, allowing you to quickly and reliably get better quality images. The production of offset CTP forms is carried out using a laser beam and additional chemical processing. The release of the plates takes much less time, and the elimination of the human factor from the process minimizes possible inaccuracies.
The First Exemplary Printing House has all the power to create CTP plates. Our equipment allows you to significantly speed up the printing process and provide the finished result to the client as soon as possible without deterioration in quality. We offer the manufacture of printing plates of various formats and ranges at an affordable price.
What is CtP technology?
The CtP direct printing method is considered quite new, but in fact, the first laser devices appeared in the 60s. last century. Of course, they were only distant prototypes of modern devices, and the direct analogue of Computer-to-Plate was created in the 80s. In it, the radiation source was a YAG laser with a wavelength of 1.064 μm. The first apparatus produced CtP plates with dimensions of 530 * 650 mm.
Over time, the device has become very popular. In conditions of high production load with a flow of orders, the advantages of this technology became obvious:
- Reducing the time of makeready work and shaping processes by eliminating one rather large-scale stage.
- Improve the clarity, accuracy and quality of image reproduction on forms.
- Minimization of paper waste and ink costs, and therefore a reduction in the cost of finished products.
- Reducing the risk of errors due to the maximum automation of processes.
Types of plates
Three types of plates are widely used in modern printing houses, each with its own pros / cons. Thus, the production of CtP offset forms is directly related to their type. Therefore, let’s take a closer look at each of them:
- Silver. During the process, hydrophobic areas with a silver base are formed. The print elements are formed on a hydrophilic substrate. They feature high resolution for maximum print quality. At the same time, in terms of circulation, they are inferior to other varieties. Also, silver-containing forms cannot be used with varnishes, metallized, UV paints.
- Thermal. These CTP plates also have the highest resolution as well as good toughness, allowing them to work with all types of ink. It is important to correctly configure the equipment for a specific brand of plates in order to obtain the highest quality result. Among the disadvantages, one can single out low speed, requiring the use of a large number of lasers at once. This contributes to the rise in the cost of both the equipment itself and the final product.
- Photopolymer. In this case, plates are used that are sensitive to radiation with different wavelengths. In terms of the speed of work, photopolymer forms are inferior to silver-containing ones, but several times higher than thermal ones. Initially, they were used exclusively for the production of newspapers, as they were not of high quality. But modern elements have a high resolution, suitable for magazines and other types of printing.
Why it is worth ordering CtP offset forms from First Exemplary Printing House
Not all printing houses in Kharkov prefer CtP technology for offset printing. But the “First Exemplary Printing House” is among those enterprises that use modern equipment for the production of printing plates, making orders for offset printing more affordable, efficient and of high quality.
By contacting us, you can be sure of providing the service at the highest level. More than 19 years of experience, qualified specialists and adherence to modern trends in the field of printing. To place an order, call the indicated phones or come to our office.
CTP (from the English Computer to Plate) is a technology for the production of printed forms. Printed elements on plates are formed by illuminating the plates with a laser beam and subsequent chemical processing.
In the modern world of printing, the most popular are two methods of printing – digital, offset. Despite the active introduction and distribution of the first, the second is still quite popular, especially in the world of advertising printing. Its essence lies in the transfer of the image onto paper through an intermediary, which is the offset shafts. Off set in English means “without contact with the form”, and this best reflects the whole process: the image is applied to a layer of a photosensitive form for printing, then the design is transferred to an offset roller and only then to the final paper carrier.
Offset printing: features and capabilities
The world became familiar with offset printing services at the end of the 18th century. In 1796, the German actor Senefelder invented an indirect print using stone plates. In the process of evolution, the plates became metal, and then rubber. The latter provided very clear, bright, beautiful and rich colors. For the early 20th century, the images looked very decent.
The first offset printing press was very bulky. Several people were required to service it. And today, when placing an order for offset printing, customers can count on fast and decent execution. Materials coming out of modern equipment are of high quality and color rendering.
There are several classifications of offset printing. By the type of application of coloring materials there are:
- Wet offset is a traditional technology that uses dampening solutions to repel paint in desired areas. Thus, spaces between words, signs, symbols are reproduced.
- Dry offset is a simplified technology that uses silicone instead of a dampening solution. To work with such raw data, a paint with a special composition is required.
Offset printing – the price of creating materials of any format. Exists:
- Narrow-format equipment – for the production of flyers, booklets, labels and other small printing with a sheet width of no more than 60 cm.
- Full-size – used for printing packaging, periodicals, books, catalogs, brochures. The maximum web width is 102 cm. Folding devices allow you to print on two rolls of paper at the same time.
- Large format – billboards, maps, posters, wall calendars and other large format printing products come out of this equipment. Fast offset printing of large formats with a sheet width of up to 190 cm is relevant for large runs of large formats.
Another division is by the type of printing equipment. It can be sheet or role-based. In the first case, the device uses separate sheets of paper, and in the second, whole rolls, on which the image is applied. Subsequently, such rolls are cut into sheets and folded as needed. This kind of offset printing is much more convenient and faster, the price of which, however, is much higher.
What products are offset printing?
The main advantage of offset is that you can use paper of absolutely any type and format, without limiting yourself in post-printing. In advertising printing, offset printing is most often used, the cost of which is more than profitable in the manufacture of large circulations. The larger the number of units in a set, the lower the price for one unit will be.
Almost all printing that surrounds us on a daily basis is made using offset. Calendars, leaflets, magazines, posters, tickets, tags, banknotes are offset printed. It is especially advantageous to order the printing of handouts. It is designed for one-time use, so there is no point in spending large amounts on printing. At the same time, in order to fulfill its task and interest the audience, printing must be beautiful, bright and high-quality. Color offset printing fully copes with these tasks.
Given the wide capabilities of the equipment, it is easier to list what is beyond his ability. These are printing on colored paper with white ink, transferring pictures to methylated paper and film, as well as printing with ultraviolet and folium inks. There are also some restrictions on density – up to 200 g / m2 for roll-up models and up to 420 g / m2 for sheet models.
How to order offset printing in Kharkov
“The First Exemplary Printing House” has been operating in the printing production market for over 19 years. We will print whatever you need on the most favorable terms. Choose offset printing if you need:
- Make a large or very large print run.
- Get high-quality images with minimal chance of scrap.
- Meet a small budget.
Keep in mind that printing on this equipment takes time, so it is better to order the print run in advance. Before sending it to the printing house, it is important to carefully check the execution, because it is impossible to make changes during the printing process. A complete replacement of the offset form will be required.
The cost of offset printing depends on many factors and is discussed separately. To discuss the details and place an order, call us at the indicated numbers or come directly to the office. The print run can be made and sent to another region by the selected delivery service.
In order for printed products to have a beautiful prestigious look and last longer, post-printing processing of printed products is used, one of the most popular areas of which is lamination. With its help, products are protected from negative influences and receive additional decorative properties. In the “First Exemplary Printing House” you can order lamination as a separate service or in conjunction with the production of printing. You can laminate business cards, certificates, postcards, badges, banners, posters, folders, books and other paper products.
What is lamination for? How is the process carried out? What are the nuances at each stage? We offer you to understand in more detail the features of lamination and choose the post-printing processing of products that will correspond to the goals and objectives of the printing industry.
Lamination for beauty and practicality
The lamination procedure is the covering of a paper product with a special film. It is produced on special equipment – a laminator, which are of two types – roll and batch. The main working tool for most orders is a roll laminator, it is relevant for a variety of formats, sizes, circulations, performs both one- and two-sided lamination of printed products, as well as some other post-printing methods. As for the batch devices, they are compact and allow you to work with formats up to A3 inclusive and in small editions.
Lamination is a useful procedure that affects both the aesthetic and practical functions of the printing industry. Using a thin transparent film, you can protect the product from external factors, including:
- Humidity, exposure to water and, as a result, the appearance of fungus, mold.
- Ultraviolet, under the influence of which images fade, lose contrast, clarity.
- Air pollution, in particular dust and dirt, which is almost impossible to wash off the paper cover.
- Intensive use, resulting in a shabby appearance, worn and greasy edges.
- Paper tears, wrinkles, wrinkles, wrinkles.
Also lamination of printed products:
- Improves the color of the image, which positively reflects on the visual appearance of printing.
- Adds rigidity, strength and resistance to various factors.
- Does not distort printing as the film is completely transparent.
- Saves money on reprints, as it helps to preserve the acceptable appearance of products.
Varieties of lamination
If you are already convinced that covering the paper with a film protects it from damage, we suggest that you figure out what types of lamination can be offered by “First Exemplary Printing House”, and which option to choose in each case.
Our printing house offers cold and hot lamination, depending on the further operating conditions of the printing industry. In the first case, the film is applied using a press under high pressure or glued with a special glue. It looks like tape is being glued to the paper surface, although the quality and strength of the lamination is several times higher than the strength of the tape.
In hot lamination, the film is applied at high temperatures. It is believed that this method is of better quality and more durable, but it is not relevant if the printing industry is constantly exposed to heat. So, hot lamination of printed products is not suitable for placing sheets in direct sunlight.
The film used for application is of several types:
- Glossy.
- Matte.
- Textured.
Glossy products are more common, as this service costs less. At the same time, the color rendition and saturation of shades under the glossy film are much better. It gives the product a prestigious professional shine that sets it apart from other papers. The only drawback of gloss is the impossibility, if necessary, to make notes with a pen or pencil. But if this is an image printing, this type of film is best suited.
Matte lamination film gives the product the appearance of thin plastic. It has a discreet charm, allows you to write on the product with a pen. This may be relevant for promotional products, where you need to indicate the duration of the promotion or a phone number for communication. The color palette of matte products is not so rich, but clearer. The information does not reflect on the sun and is perfectly visible in any light.
The texture allows you to tactilely distinguish your products from others. Textured films that are pleasant to the touch are great for decorative items. Such a film is not cheap, so you should not “scatter” textured printing. It is relevant for small editions. Volumetric lines and strokes do not interfere with the acquaintance with the information, therefore, textural advertising can indicate all the same information as on the smooth.
The materials from which the film is made are also important. This could be:
- Polyester is the most transparent.
- Polyvinyl chloride – elastic and excellent shape holding, used for texturing.
- Polypropylene – suitable for one-sided lamination.
The thickness of the material can be from 24 to 250 microns. The thicker it is, the stronger it is. However, small characters can lose their readability through a large thickness.
Order lamination of printing in Kharkov
“First Exemplary Printing House” offers favorable prices for lamination of documents, advertising printing, periodicals and other products. The cost of the service depends on many factors and is discussed on an individual basis.
To laminate the cover in Kharkov, call the phones indicated on the website or come to our office. Our printing house employs experienced and qualified employees who will help you understand all the nuances of lamination and complete the task quickly, accurately and reliably.
One of the most economical options for joining sheets in multi-page publications is glued seamless bonding. The method consists in gluing the elements with the cover using a special glue. It is suitable for the production of paperback products – magazines, catalogs, books, photo albums and other printing. The First Exemplary Printing House has state-of-the-art equipment for this type of bonding, which makes it possible to create a complete, strong, durable product.
Why Choose Free Binding?
Among the advantages of this option for connecting multi-page products are the following:
- Paperback printed products are lighter in weight, more compact, and can be folded without damaging the cover and sheets.
- Adhesive bonding looks better and more attractive than many others, in particular metal staples.
- The flat spine is open to experimentation: it can be printed with the title of the publication or other important and useful information.
- The possibilities of the cover design are expanding, it can be with drop-down flap margins. In this way, you can place a nice image on the cover or get more space for useful information.
- You can include sheets from a wide variety of paper options in a block in absolutely any order.
You can order a seamless binding, which will be reliable, durable, flexible, and will provide full opening of the pages of the publication without unnecessary risks of sheets falling out. First Exemplary Printing House uses professional glue that delivers decent results at an affordable cost.
How is glued bondless bonding created?
To collect printed sheets into one product without using stapling materials, you need to collect them, put them in one pile and place them in a special device, where an adhesive base is applied to the spines. The final step is to place the collected sheets in the cover. All this is automated and requires minimal human intervention.
The process has three main execution options:
- Hot glue. The most popular of all methods. It is used for joining products with a thickness of 6 to 57 mm. When opening a book that uses hot glue binding, the pages do not remain horizontal without the use of force. And here you should be careful not to overdo it: if you press hard, there is a risk of damaging the binding.
- Cold glue. Differs in a higher cost, but in quality it is much superior to its hot “competitor”. Printed products take longer to produce as cold glue hardens slowly. But on the other hand, the finished product is highly durable and durable. You can open the book to any page and it will remain in the desired position. The properties of the cold glue improve the joint use of the scoring, wrapping of the cover.
- Thermal binding. Here, as in the case of hot glue, the high temperature method is applied. But the adhesive base itself is different, hot-melt bonding uses adhesive tape: sheets are laid in a device where there is already adhesive tape attached to the cover. It is applied to the root fold, then, due to the increase in temperature, all the elements are glued.
Special requirements for adhesive bonding
A seamless binding option is a profitable event in terms of finance, quality and durability. You will receive the finished product as quickly as possible, and you will not have to doubt its reliability.
When ordering printing with seamless binding of the binding, the following requirements for the future product must be met:
- The spine thickness should not be less than 2 mm and more than 50 mm.
- Block format – from 120 * 120 mm to 320 * 440 mm.
- Coated paper is used – for beautiful and prestigious advertising catalogs, magazines, or offset – for cheaper editions, books, publications.
- Features of the cover – coated paper with lamination, designer paper, cardboard with post-printing processing – embossing, curly cutting and other decorative elements.
The cost of the product will depend on the specified data, as well as on whether bonding with cold glue or hot glue is used. You can discuss this moment with our manager and clarify all the nuances.
Binding without sewing in Kharkov
First Exemplary Printing House provides the highest quality adhesive bonding service for multi-page products. Our equipment allows you to create a quality product at a minimal cost.
To order, call the indicated phones or come to our office. The advantages of cooperation with our printing house:
- More than 19 years of experience in the printing market.
- Affordable prices.
- Own production in Kharkov.
- Fast lead times.
- Guaranteed compliance with all quality standards.
We accept orders not only in Kharkov, but also in other regions of Ukraine. Delivery is carried out by leading transport companies.
All multi-page printed products require sheet bonding. First Model Typography offers a wide variety of options and techniques. One of the more popular options is spring binding. It is used to combine documents, theses, manuals, presentations, monographs, calendars, notebooks and many other types of printing.
The advantages of spring binding of documents are:
- Comfortable use of the product, the sheets do not fall out of it, do not get lost, do not get confused.
- Spring-bound documents look more solid and presentable, which is important for the image and reputation of the company and brand.
- Individually tailored stitching adds a touch of exclusivity to the printing industry and sets it apart from all other products.
- Thanks to the variety of binding options, you can choose a method for each product – with the ability to add new sheets, replace outdated information with current information, create special separating tabs.
The final cost of stitching depends on many factors. We propose to understand this issue in more detail and choose the most optimal option for yourself.
Binding springs: which ones to choose?
One of the most important factors responsible for both the appearance of the product and its reliability are springs. They are made from different materials, have different shapes, colors, diameters, coatings and other parameters.
The easiest way here is to decide on a color scheme. The main thing is that the shade is in harmony with the cover and looks presentable, corresponding to the event and the product. For the binding of documents, the price depends on all other parameters. First of all, it is worth considering the material for making the springs. They are metal and plastic, have their own advantages and disadvantages, which significantly affect the possibilities of interwoven printing.
Metal Springs
Metal springs are used to give documents a solid look. This is an image attribute, which, in addition to presentability, also has high reliability and durability.
The fastened product can be opened 360 degrees, which is very convenient for presentation materials, diplomas, catalogs, notebooks. This is another important advantage of metal spring binding.
As for restrictions, you cannot remove or add sheets to such a binding. There is only an option for a neat separation when it comes to a notebook, a calendar. Despite the existence of springs of different diameters, the maximum number of bonded sheets cannot exceed 100-130 units. In the color palette of the bonding material, as a rule, restrained fashion tones prevail – white, black, gold and silver.
Plastic Springs
Binding to the plastic spring is preferred by most of First Model Printing House customers. This method has gained popularity due to its democratic cost and many other advantages:
- Combining very voluminous documents up to 500 sheets. The elastic plastic allows you to staple both thin brochures and multi-page monographs. Due to the presence of locks, the fastening is reliable and will not open accidentally at the most inopportune moment.
- Reusable. Documents on such springs can be stitched and embroidered an infinite number of times. They will retain their appearance even after repeated use.
- Adding and removing sheets. If you need to supplement a document or extract irrelevant information from it, plastic spring binding allows you to do this quickly and easily, without resorting to full rebinding, as is the case with metal elements.
- High rates of flexibility, elasticity. A document bound with plastic can be bent, twisted, crumpled – the spring quickly restores its original shape. It is difficult to tear and damage it, but it is still worth handling the product carefully, in which case it will last much longer and retain its aesthetic appeal.
- Wide color palette. Plate springs are not limited in colors, which allows you to create truly exclusive products. You can choose the color of the springs to match the corporate tones, play with the contrasting design or choose the full match of the colors.
- Affordable cost. For binding on a plastic spring, the price is lower than for metal. This is due to both the more affordable consumables and the bookbinder.
The springs are round, oval, triangular, square, smooth or corrugated in shape. The most convenient elements are those that do not have corners. They allow printed matter to unfold 360 degrees without the risk of tearing. The more complex the shape of the springs, the smaller the swing angle. Springs with smooth long edges are best used if there is a need to stack documents on top of each other – with round springs they will roll and create unnecessary mess. Therefore, in offices, the binding of a sheet with a metal spring is less and less often used – it often has a round shape.
How to order spring binding from First Model Press?
By contacting First Exemplary Printing House, you will receive high-quality binding in the shortest possible time. The choice of the type of binding is always yours, we can only advise and advise on all emerging issues.
The brochure service is available as a stand-alone option or in combination with the creation of printed or advertising materials. You can order turnkey printing – it will be cheaper and faster, since all the work will be performed by the same company. Separately, stitching on a plastic spring is the price of a high-quality and durable binding, with which the printed product will acquire a solid and pleasant appearance.
We work with customers in Kharkov, and there is also the possibility of cooperation with customers throughout Ukraine.
The usual and one of the most affordable ways to connect prints is to staple brochures. The First Exemplary Printing House, which has been manufacturing printing for more than 19 years, recommends this option as the most versatile and functional for all types of products. Such binding guarantees the most durable connection to a copy of up to 80 pages, provided that it is printed on offset paper with a density of 80 g / cm2.
Among the advantages of this option are the following:
- The most convenient turn. When opening the brochure, the sheets do not fall out, do not move. Thanks to the attachment with a wire bail, the turn maintains excellent position at a 180 degree angle. You can also make manual edits to the document without problems.
- Efficiency. This type of fastening does not require the preparation of complex technical equipment, so even a large circulation of products can be connected quickly and effortlessly. This leads to a high speed of order execution.
- Availability. Metal staples are inexpensive material in and of themselves. You don’t need sophisticated equipment to use them. Therefore, the cost of work is very low. Accordingly, for the customer, stitching on the staple will cost the minimum amount. Stapling looks very attractive compared to other binding options.
- Reliability. The staples hold the sheets very well. Even in the course of intensive use, the printing industry does not fall apart. This type of binding is used for important documents such as a passport, catalogs. Staples are also found in notebooks, notebooks, monographs and other large printed materials.
- Variation. The bracket does not fall apart on its own, but it can be easily removed to remove or add sheets to the product. To do this, you need to carefully bend the ends of the staple, carry out all the necessary manipulations and just as carefully return them to their place.
Features of the production of printing with fastening on a bracket
Technically, the service of stitching on a staple is quite simple. It consists of the following stages:
- Spread ordering.
- Fold a whole stack in half.
- Installing staples along the fold line in multiple locations.
The procedure is performed using a special booklet stapler. If the cover of the product is made of rather thick paper, cardboard, it is necessary to first do a creasing – an operation to apply a special rectilinear groove along the line of the future fold. So the stitching on the staple in Kharkov will be stronger, and it will be possible to avoid the possible “creeping” of the top layer of paint.
This binding is used for notebooks, albums, theses, price lists, instructions, brochures, magazines, and other advertising products. As a rule, thick paper is not used in such products. But different options are possible.
For connection, two types of brackets are used – classic and euro. The former are ubiquitous on a wide variety of printed products. The latter do not fit tightly to the spread, but form a kind of loop across the spread, so that such documents can be filed in a binder.
Products in formats from A4 to A6 are fastened, as a rule, with two staples at the same distance from the edges. The decision to order staple binding for larger sizes will require three or four elements.
Why order stapling from First Model Press
Manufacturing of printed products is a painstaking and responsible process that requires a lot of experience and skills, as well as high-quality equipment. When ordering any print in the “First Exemplary Printing House”, you can be sure of the quality of the work performed, since we have everything to make you satisfied with the result.
Large advertising agencies, business projects, printing houses order the fastening of brochures with a staple from us, because:
- We adhere to all the stated deadlines and deliver the finished editions exactly at the appointed time.
- We offer a full cycle of work, from creating a layout to post-printing, which greatly simplifies the process for the customer.
- We use only high quality consumables, basic and additional materials in our work.
- We have 19 years of experience in creating any printing industry, which allows us to work quickly and efficiently.
- We adhere to the pricing policy available to the customer, we never change the cost after the approval of the project and we do not collect hidden fees. In particular, the price for fastening with a bracket is the lowest in the city of Kharkov.
We accept orders throughout Ukraine with prompt delivery of finished products to any locality. With First Exemplary Typography, you can always be sure of the result!
Folding is a service of folding printed sheets to form an even fold – a fold. There are two main ways of folding, manual and automatic. In the first case, the folds are done manually by the workers of the printing house, in the second, all the work falls on the “shoulders” of the folding machine. This option is more effective for large circulations. A more efficient and reliable way is automatic folding, a printing house in Kharkov can provide high-quality and accurate execution of folds both for further stitching and as a final stage in the creation of printing.
This service is in great demand in the production of advertising printing. It transforms inconvenient and bulky leaflets into compact booklets, which are much more convenient for viewing, transporting, shipping, and storing. Unlike manual folding of printed sheets, automatic folding has high productivity and optimal cost, so it is used in most cases.
Features of using the folding machine
The equipment featured at First Exemplary Printing is capable of folding at very high speeds, up to two sheets per second. Thus, a fast process of processing a large amount of printing is carried out.
Like every stage of printing production, folding requires preparation and execution control. The following factors influence the result:
- Sheet thickness. Automatic folding is directly applicable for paper thickness up to 170g / cm2. Then the folds are smooth, beautiful, neat. The product does not open on its own, and at the same time it holds the reversal well. On sheets exceeding these parameters, the first step is scoring – pressing the fold grooves, which helps to avoid creases and paint shedding.
- Humidity. Paper with a moisture level not exceeding 10% is easy to bend and is protected from damage during the procedure.
- Fiber direction. There is a longitudinal and transverse. Longitudinal automatic folding in printing provides the most even and high-quality folding without damaging the sheets. With a transverse fold, various small deviations and creases are possible.
- Number of folds. The more folds are planned on the sheet, the more likely it is that damage will occur and the folding will look sloppy. However, First Exemplary Printing House does everything to ensure that you always get the most accurate product without any irregularities.
What are the types of folding
Before ordering automatic folding, Kharkiv can get acquainted with the possible varieties and choose the most optimal view for themselves. Depending on the placement of the folds in relation to each other, all folding options are divided into parallel, symmetrical, perpendicular, offset and mixed. The choice is due to the personal preferences of the client, as well as the necessary rules and regulations in relation to a certain type of printing.
There are several options for how automatic folding can be done in a print shop. The classification is based on the number of folds and the resulting shape.
- Book. One fold. The easiest option in execution and design. It is suitable for simple instructions, reference materials, booklets. If you want to create something more interesting in terms of design, you can use an asymmetric fold. Sometimes a whole multi-page booklet is stitched from sheets of books, which, even with a straight fold, in itself no longer seems so inconspicuous.
- Winding. Parallel double fold to one side. It is often used in mail correspondence or as a handout on display stands. On such a product, you can place as much information as possible without overloading it, since different spreads create the feeling of different products.
- Wicket. Or gate – folding in two folds one to the other. An interesting option for invitations, postcards, handouts at presentations, conferences and other events. It can be performed in two versions: automatic folding when printing with two sides touching or overlapping one on the other.
- Accordion. Versatile fold of the sheet, can contain two, three, four or more folds. In this form, guidebooks, city maps, information brochures are drawn up. This makes their use as convenient and practical as possible.
- Lightning. Complex double parallel folding of printed products can only be performed using folding equipment. It takes a long time to make such constructions manually, it is inconvenient and completely impractical. Zipper folds are used when you need to make a compact and easy transfer from a large sheet.
First Model Printers auto-fold service
Today, manual folding of sheets is practically not used anywhere. Automatic folding successfully replaced manual labor. The equipment allows increasing the speed of production several times and, accordingly, the timing of obtaining the finished result.
“The first exemplary printing house” in Kharkov provides a folding service on the most favorable terms. From us you can order folding as a separate stage, or as a part of the general process for the production of advertising printing. A complex solution is always much more profitable and reliable. When one performer is responsible for the entire process, the result looks more holistic and enjoyable.
We have the most affordable price for automatic folding in the city, while the quality of service is always at the highest level. To place an order, call us at the indicated numbers or come to the office. Managers of the printing house will help you to get all the information of interest about the service, terms, cost and process of work.
If you make a number of identical holes in any sheet material, it will be much easier to bend or break it exactly along the conditional line that passes through the center of the holes obtained. In the printing industry, this “trick” is called perforation and is used in the practice of post-printing in a variety of printed products.
Perforation holes can be oval, round, square, dotted, rectangular, or other non-standard shapes. They project horizontally, vertically, along the perimeter at an equidistant distance. With the help of perforation in the printing industry, you can perform most of the tasks of printed products that require quick and convenient separation of a sheet or part of it.
At the First Exemplary Printing House, this technique is carried out using special equipment that ensures the high quality and beautiful appearance of the perforated sheets. Perforation of advertising products is inexpensive, especially in the framework of complex work.
What is the purpose of punching sheets
This post-printing service provides:
- Aesthetics. High-quality perforation will never spoil the appearance of even the most elegant product. She always looks impressive and stylish.
- Convenient tear line. In the printing industry, which requires the tearing off of two or more parts, even after their separation, a straight line remains. The paper will not tear in the wrong place, damage the paper, or delete important information.
- Protection for sheet media. Documents of strict reporting, among other things, are protected by such type of perforation as microperforation. This distinguishes them from fakes.
As an option for post-printing, perforation can be done through or to the substrate. It acts as an excellent alternative to creasing for thick cardboard, coated paper. In the case of perforated holes, the product will bend easily and beautifully, and not rudely break.
The range of using the service is very wide. It is relevant wherever there is a need to fold or tear sheets of paper. Namely:
- invitations;
- notebooks;
- tear-off coupons;
- tickets;
- calendars;
- brands;
- questionnaires;
- brochures;
- notebooks;
- flyers.
This is not a whole list of perforated printing, but even it is enough to understand how wide the range of use of perforation on paper is. The holes can also serve as the basis for further stitching with springs or other fastening materials. And the pieces of paper remaining after punching the printed sheets can be used as confetti. So, we can say that punching is a waste-free production.
Some people think that it is not necessary to pay for the service, and you can solve the issue yourself at home. However, household punchers are not able to cope with all punching tasks. To guarantee a high-quality result, we recommend ordering perforated printing from First Exemplary Printing House.
Perforation types
Our printing house uses state-of-the-art equipment with wide functionality. The machines are equipped with several interchangeable elements allowing for a wide variety of perforations. Among them:
- Microperforation. It is used as one of the security elements for important documents. It is applied with a special laser or linear knives in a specific sequence. The result is a line image, letters, numbers, inscriptions and other drawings visible to the light.
- Shock-branded. Such perforation of paper is the cost of making high-quality stamp sheets, as well as coupons, tickets, tear-off calendars, notepads, etc. The process allows a single blow to pierce the entire sheet. Holes are formed in free fields and docked using small bridges. When a break occurs, an aesthetic serration is formed at the edge of the sheet.
- Ritsovka. Allows you to make small cuts on the surface of thick paper, cardboard using a tool such as a disc-shaped knife. Along these cuts, the sheet can be easily folded without damaging the paint and the paper itself. The method is used not only in printing, but also for binding.
- Dashed. Punch holes are made in the form of small elongated rectangles, similar to hatching, a dotted line. Along these lines, in the future, an even and beautiful rupture of printing products occurs. This automatic punching is suitable for flyers, business cards, tear-off ads and other consumable promotional items.
- Segment-rotary. Relevant for screen printing templates. This work can only be done with high quality in a printing house.
- Corner. It is carried out by punching notches in the corners of the sheet. Such perforation is needed to quickly find the desired dates, pages in diaries, notebooks, notebooks, calendars.
When choosing a method for applying perforation, it is important to consider material thickness. Some of them are relevant only for thin sheets, while others can be used with thick cardboard, coated and other types of paper. Punching and creasing are two related techniques when working with thick paper: the former can be an excellent alternative to the latter, as it can provide a neat and even fold line without damage or creases.
Paper perforation in Kharkov is inexpensive!
If you need to punch a few neat holes in a piece of paper, contact the First Exemplary Press. Our tools and equipment allow you to create any type of perforation quickly, accurately and aesthetically.
Ukraine will immediately estimate the cost of paper perforation work! The pricing policy of the printing house provides the most favorable prices both in Kharkov and throughout the country. You can order perforation from any locality. We will be able to deliver the finished version as soon as possible.
Extensive experience, qualified specialists, technological equipment are the key to an excellent result in the “First Exemplary Printing House”!
The first printing house Kharkov offers the service of delivery of finished printed products to the customer at any address in Kharkov. It is also possible to self-export products from the warehouse Kharkov printing house.
Using the services of transport companies, including international ones, products are delivered across the territory of Ukraine and abroad.